Brand new - fleeing Weightwatchers!

Jaynequ Posts: 39
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
I got nowhere with WW, almost certainly due to the zero point fruit and veg business they do. I was probably eating 400-500 calories a day on top of my allowance in F and V because I think they are important to good nutrition. But of course I never lost anything.
5 years ago I lost 8 stone counting calories by myself with no support, so I know I can do this. I would like to lose about 20lb (1.5 stone th the English crew!)
Have made a good start, 4lb off this week.
Looking forward to meeting you all.


  • rodegghero
    rodegghero Posts: 212 Member
    I lost 80 pounds befre I got pregnant on the old ww system. I just started this (lo is 7 months). So well see how it goes
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    Good luck to you! I contemplated weight wtchers but I think it is too confusing.
  • tokes
    tokes Posts: 22
    HI there welcome to MFP - WW never worked for me either the points system has good intentions but at the end of the day it all comes down to simple arithmetic calories in/calories out- I lost 1.5lbs here on my first week here (aiming towards 20lbs). Its a great site with lot of encouragement - feel free to add me as a friend
  • Welcome! I am a fleeing weight watchers as well, I love this new site I stumbled upon. I started on Sunday and am down 1 already. This works for me and if you work out you get additional calories. Loven it!
  • Fleeing as well. 3 years without ever reaching goal was enough for me. I hope to have success on this site and the fact that it is free is great. Good luck everyone.
  • Juicyyy
    Juicyyy Posts: 38 Member
    I actually do weight watchers and this site and love both. Most days my daily points and my calories from here are equal. That being said I work out a lot and if I go over points, but my calories in and out are ok, I don't fret!! I mainly like WW because of the meetings, and face to face interaction with other people looking to lose weight!
  • Hi everyone!!
    WELCOME! I have never tried WW but I have used fitnesspal for a 2 year or so I've lost 20lbs! This works, it's easy and its free! YOU CAN DO IT TOO! :) This has taught me that there's absolutely no need to deprive yourself of food to lose AND keep it off! I've lost 20lbs have kept it off and I continue to work towards my ultimate goal :) Good luck!
  • Have done WW in the past myself, lost and regained. I am hoping that using MFP I will lose and keep it off for good this time. I couldn't justify paying for a site to tell me what to eat and not eat and to exercise. A friend recommended MFP and I am very happy with this site...likeing "free" as well. Good luck to everyone.
  • welcome to the site we are all here to support each other in this journey, good luck and stay positive and strong :)
  • theseus82
    theseus82 Posts: 255 Member
    I "fled" WW for this system, although I was very successful on WW. I left because they kept changing their system to entice new customers.

    I'm computer-savvy and tried to get them to keep their original points tracker tools. They ignored my feedback and abandoned them.

    I tolerated the changes until this latest round of changes to the WW system. My mother-in-law does meetings (I did online) and says that a lot of people are upset with the new system.

    I got tired of having my feedback get ignored and with having to rally the online community to keep options open to veteran members. I decided to quit a few months back when they stopped counting calories directly (instead going with protein, carbs, and fat) and quit supporting the original tracker tools.

    It IS possible to use this site exactly like WW. I'm still transitioning to this system, but here is how you can make it exactly like the old WW system.

    Only count HALF of your burned calories. On WW, 100 calories burned is worth 1 point of activity points. This means that you will eat 2x as much calories for exercise on myfitnesspal without this adjustment.

    Secondly, in terms of my program:

    On WW, I was given 32 points each day. With an appropriate amount of fat and fiber, this amounts to about 1700 calories each day. I also give myself an "allowance" of roughly 2,000 calories each week. These calories mirror the allowance points of WW. With a reasonable amount of fat and fiber, this 2,000 represents about 32 allowance points.

    If you use this system with these methods, you will mirror the exact system of WW.
  • thetorontokid2
    thetorontokid2 Posts: 231 Member
    Welcome!! I'm currently on WW (thru work) and I too find it kinda confusing at times. MFP is easy!! (Plus it's FREE!) :) Good luck on your weight loss! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like some more moral support. :D I find it helps me stay on track as well.
  • shazzer01
    shazzer01 Posts: 11 Member
    I've done so many different diets including WW. I started this 3 weeks ago and its already changed my life. I've lostover half stone and the amazing thing, I'm never hungry. Its reeducated me into what I should be eating and more importantly, how much.
  • bekdavis
    bekdavis Posts: 290 Member
    I too have done WW. This is so much better --- and FREE!!! Jump i and make some friends. The support is amazing!
  • Jennyzfit
    Jennyzfit Posts: 175 Member
    :drinker: Hi! Just read your post. Your on the right track by being here. Of course you won't lose weight drastically. But I found by using MFP your measuring your portions more carefully no matter what you eat. I think it's all about training yourself to reportion what you put on your plate. Your off to a great start. Also on this site you can watch your intake of sodium, carbs, fats, fibre and proteins. This has really helped me. You might consider some cardio with a bit of weight training for toning. This has worked for me., Good luck and all the best. You may add me as a freind if you like.,
  • mpdes
    mpdes Posts: 40
    I was on WW for 6 weeks, I heard so many people losing weight through it, why not try?! Well, the problem with it is often when you are eating something that is nowhere to be found on the database (I found there is not much for the restaurants in Canada) and if the restaurant website do not have the nutrition table, well it's hard to find out how many points your meal counts for. Even when you search for item in the meal, most of the time I couldn't find anything. I didn't lose one pound with WW since 6 weeks, even if i do not go over my points.
    I've been doing on and off MFP but it works. I lost over 40 pounds by doing it myself (writting on a piece of paper counting calories and fat and sodium) but now with an online website and the iphone apps it makes it easier to carry than the journal :)

    BTW, I don't like WW because it do not include sodium intake and they try to make you buy some of their products (ex: chocolate-caramel bars : couple first ingredients : high fructose syrop, artificial crap) yeah it's worth 2 points but maybe you are better off with 90% real dark chocolate than this, no? Or go with a Kashi bar that is worth 4 points but the couple first ingredients are better. Oh and the infinite splenda/diet/aspartame debate, personally I prefer trading for more natural ingredients, rather go with regular sugar than this! ;)

    Good luck! :)
  • twogoots
    twogoots Posts: 96 Member
    Welcome! I feel much better using this system of calorie counting than WW's points. Good luck and I hope this really helps out.
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    Welcome. :)
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member
    Good luck with achieving all you set out to.You can save the money that you would have used for WW and treat yourself each time you hit a mini goal.Best wishes.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Make sure you read the posts about newbies - they explained a lot and really helped steer you in the right direction for calories and exercise.
  • tiggys
    tiggys Posts: 32
    I joined MFP in January and love it. Started weightwatchers just before. Wish I hadn't now. Just cancelled it today!! Feel great about it. The support and friends I have here is great. I have always thought that calories in and calories burnt is the important stuff. Virtually every food I look for is on here which makes it really easy to track.

    Fantastic. Love it.... :smile:
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