

  • I am running in the same race as you, I think? I live in Trenton too...oh maybe not ... I just realized you are Trenton, TN.. lol I have been training by doing short, easy 5k's , 6x a week.. I need to get out and do some long runs.. I am not focused at all on losing any weight right now.. I try to eat right and just focus…
  • I too am a vegetarian, runner and lactose free.. have you tried the supplement Biotin.. I used it in the beginning when I started losing weight rapidly.. I have since stopped using.. I have lost 130lbs, my hair never fell out... I do not eat eggs or any milky type shakes... I find that if I eat alot of greens and beans my…
  • 5-6x a week for me, I try for 3 miles each run... somedays I get it, somedays I don't! I'm still lapping everyone on the couch! :tongue:
  • here's mine and I love them!!! 2 c quick oats 1/2 c water 6 tbsp peanut or almond butter 1 tbsp cocoa powder 1/2 c chopped nuts (optional) 1/4 c ground flaxseeds 2 tsp sugar free vanilla torani or davinci syrup ( or vanilla extract) 4 scoops protein powder vanilla or chocolate Mix everything together and pour into wax…
  • Great documentary, loved it! Great post as well, definitely read Michael Pollen or even Skinny ***** books, they teach you to eat real food... if it wasn't picked from a tree or pulled from the ground.. don't eat it... but then I also don't eat it if it ever had a face or a mother! (vegetarian) Good luck to you!
  • Vegetarian here, add me up! would love to get to the vegan stage but I simply cannot break up my love affair with cheese!
  • I'm a veggie girl! I watched 3 documentaries and that was it for me, I was done with meat, Earthlings was the one that pushed me over the edge.. I didn't even finish the doc! I supplement with 1 protein recovery drink after a work out daily, that gives me 21 g of protein in 1 shot.. its not a milky shake either, I cant do…
  • Thank you! I'll be checking these out!
  • I loved it too! And Foodinc was another interesting doc, a little more disturbing though!
  • holy *kitten* 8 miles! You go girl! I run 3-4 x a week and get 3km each time... I'm a beginner runner training for my first 5k in May..
  • I did w4d2 tonight and running outside is very different than running on a treadmill.. Im having a hard time with the 5 minute runs.. I will be repeating this week again. My route I take has 2 hills and Im working on my pace. I was able to run 1.9 mi in 24 min tonight so I think thats pretty good!
  • I do both as well..I run 3-4x week and lift 5-6x a week.. I believe the lifting helps strengthen my legs for running...
  • Wow, thanks for all the replies! I was seriously thinking of ducking behind a bush and rippin em off and going commando!! lol.. Im heading states side next month and hope to stock up on new running gear.. undies will have to be bought sooner! I cant believe i may even have to put granny panties back on! lol
  • Im back too! I stopped at Week 4 day 1 because my knee was really bothering me, started up a weight training plan to build up my legs and now Im going to start back at w4d1 but im going to try running outside instead.. I was running at 5.5 speed and im thinking maybe i'll be slower outside and maybe wont over do it! Good…
  • Check out Jamie Eason 's Live fit program on, ive been following it and love it.. i was doing only cardio and no weights and the fat was coming off, but now i wanna make sure im toned up.. have a look and see the exercises.. they have great videos to teach you how to do each exercise too..
  • Tried to do week 4 day 1 yesterday and it was an epic FAIL!!! Knee was too sore , i finished it, but did not do the full 5 min runs.. i will have to repeat it this week sometime.. but going to rest for a few days
  • MochaBlues -- good job on the run! I am definately taking rest days now, but the pain is still there.. went into the running store on Sat but they were busy with someone getting analyzed so ill go back this week to get tested.. I finished week 3 today, managed to get 2.00 mi done in 35 min, with warm up cool down, walking…
  • Thanksgiving here in Canada but im going for a run before I eat it tomorrow! Will be on Week 3 day 3, everyone is doing awesome.. keep it up!
  • Week 3 day 2 done.. the cardio and running are not a problem , but my knees are getting really bad.. i think i may go to the running store on sat and get fitted for better shoes, wonder if thats the problem ? anyone else feeling any knee pain?
  • everyone is doing awesome! Im moving onto week 3 day 2 tomorrow, decided to take 2 rest days because my knees are screaming at me! Good luck to you all, we can do this!
  • I finished week 3 day 1 today.. i was afraid of the 2, 3 minute runs but they werent bad at all.. once the program ended i stayed on the treadmill for another 17 minutes, doing intervals. was able to do 3.3 mi in 47 min with a 5 min warm up and 5 min cool down.. its going well, lets keep at it! We can do this
  • Well i did it! No problem what so ever! I actually stayed on the treadmill for another 17 min doing intervals because i felt i wasnt finished yet.. So in total i did 3.3 mi in 47 min with 10 of those min being warm up cool down...
  • Thanks for the advice.. I think I will have a rest day tomorrow and start week 3 on Wed.. I find that if i focus on something stupid in the gym and not the clock it goes by faster... I know I can do this ,I know i can!!!
  • old cheddar cheese and pickles are my fav snack!
  • Not a Dude, but i need friends too! lol
  • Lil Wayne- 6 foot 7 foot DJ Khaled - We takin over Chris Brown - Look at me know Lupe Fiasco- The show goes on T Mills- Shes got A Hedley- Invincible Nickelback- Animals Metallica- Enter Sandman Any 80's metal works too!
  • Ok ,, I took a rest day yesterday because my hamstrings were feeling pretty tight and i fiqured my body was saying to rest, back at it tonight with Day 3 week 2... it is getting easier.. well not easier, but i am definately trying to make it seem easier... we can all do this !!!
  • since i started, i havent taken a rest day, my calves were very tight and I didnt want to stop going and then be in more pain.So i just kept going daily.. I have just finished week 2 day 2 in 35 min and 2.3 mi.. My walk speed on the treadmill is 3.9 and my run speed is 5 mph.. Curious to know what rate others are doing and…
  • Day 1 completed Monday 30 min Day 2 completed Tuesday 31 min