half marathon and dieting



  • inkdgirl
    inkdgirl Posts: 79
    I am running in the same race as you, I think? I live in Trenton too...oh maybe not ... I just realized you are Trenton, TN.. lol

    I have been training by doing short, easy 5k's , 6x a week.. I need to get out and do some long runs.. I am not focused at all on losing any weight right now.. I try to eat right and just focus on running.. I am however running with broken ribs right now and that has put a halt on training hard...

    Good luck to you!
  • Mrs_TrimWaistFatWallet
    Drink pre-workout drinks with caffeine to get through your workouts and still be on a calorie deficit
  • falsecho
    falsecho Posts: 81 Member
    I'm 99% sure I am running the same 1/2 as you are, the St Jude Country Music Marathon. But I have been experimenting with foods and sleep before my runs. I find that if I eat more a couple of days prior to my long runs and the day before fairly light, I am not as tired.
    Also, I make sure that I get enough sleep.
  • renkath
    renkath Posts: 91 Member
    Do you want to lose weight or do you want to have a good race? What is your priority here?

    Training for a half marathon or full is not the time to cut calories if you want to be able to do well during the race.

    What she said.
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    I've never been able to lose weight while training for half's. You have to fuel you body right, and eat more when training. That's just how it is. =(
  • seekingstrengthX2
    I'm training for one also, but I feel great. I eat all my calories plus my exercise calories. Maybe you're not eating enough, or maybe you're not eating the right things.

    I disagree with most people in that the reason I am doing this is to lose weight. So, I'm not sure what they are talking about. People run to lose weight. That's why I started, and I figure once I hit my long runs, the extra little bit I have will come off. If I lost 10, that would be perfect.

    Yes, this is me, exactly. The REASON I signed up for a half marathon was to MOTIVATE myself to lose weight. I need to be lighter by race day so it s less trauma on my old body. LOL. :)
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Would I be correct in thinking that this is your first half-marathon? Are you using the beginner's training plan or one for more experienced runners? (The reason I ask is that the intermediate & advanced plans are more intense - the beginner plan is to get you across the finish line with a smile, finishing time is not really an issue; the more advanced plans are designed for someone hoping to run a PB)

    Are you getting enough sleep every day?

    It almost sounds like you may be overtraining - if the race is only a couple of weeks away there's not much you're going to do now that will improve your fitness before the race. One of my tri coach's favourite expressions is that it's better to be 10% under-trained than 1% over-trained. Fatigue is cumulative.
  • Trentonteacher76
    I am using the beginner's plan. I sleep about 6 -7 hours a night. My only goal is to finish. I think I'm going to cut back during the week, and keep up my long runs. I'm also going to increase my calorie intake and not worry about weight loss until after the half. It's not until the end of April so I have a few weeks to train.