J CREW - C25K - WEEK 1



  • Well I made it!!
    day1 week2

    I was scared of the 90 sec run but I got me a new pair of shoes and they made a world of difference!

    Now I need a HRM :)
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    Okay...so I am way behind you guys....but I wanted to wait for the HRM and shoes to come in! I finished Week 1 yesterday! Been running on the golf course...because I am so afraid of shin splints with the 5 knee surgeries! Feeling good though!! whoo hoo
  • Week 2 day 1 complete yesterday. 31 mins/ 277 cals

    So I think I am getting shin splints b/c my legs were hurting this time :( I stuck it out , but it was very difficult. I also fought side stitches the whole time too....I hope that was a one time deal
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    I managed w2d1 yesterday to my great surprise as i was very worried about 90seconds of continuous running. It was actually better than I expected- and after the time was up, had a short break and continued walking for a further 45 minutes comfortably.Perhaps an old dog can learn new tricks!
  • cfreema
    cfreema Posts: 30 Member
    Week 2 Day 2 completed! I make laps around my work, and do it on lunch break. On week one i was making 2.5 - 3 laps, week two day one was 4 laps and i am happy to say today i did 5 laps! (that's right at 2 miles) My pace is picking up!
  • I finished week 3 day 1 today.. i was afraid of the 2, 3 minute runs but they werent bad at all.. once the program ended i stayed on the treadmill for another 17 minutes, doing intervals. was able to do 3.3 mi in 47 min with a 5 min warm up and 5 min cool down..

    its going well, lets keep at it! We can do this
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Hey Everyone! I got in Week 2, Day 2, today. Glad to have got it in, I'm trying to increase my speed in increments, and managed a 4.6 mph on my last 3 runs, and walking pace of 3.2. Overall with cool up and cool down, I was able to complete 1.63 mile. ...so slowly progressing, the runs aren't bad at all. I think I'm going to add another cardio day on the treadmill for a total of 4 days....just to try and keep things up! Great JOB everyone!! :drinker:
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    Week 2 day 2 just done and dusted and must say it was the best session so far- feel like I am getting into a rhythm. Still tired at the end - but just fine after a few minutes. First use of my new heart rate monitor- and have to say I was a bit disappointed in that it indicated that I had used only 162 calories rather than the 208 calories stated by my c25k app- oh well- let's all keep striving forward with this issue

  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    Hey guys! Is this an open group? Can I join?
    I just finished week 2, day 2 last night. Put the incline on the treadmill up to 1.5/2 % and man, did I SWEAT! Like dripping down my face. It was great.
    Good luck to everyone!
  • Hey guys! Is this an open group? Can I join?
    I just finished week 2, day 2 last night. Put the incline on the treadmill up to 1.5/2 % and man, did I SWEAT! Like dripping down my face. It was great.
    Good luck to everyone!

    yes it's an open group!!! Join in!!
  • I will be getting mine in tonight!! Still on week 2 run 1...
  • everyone is doing awesome! Im moving onto week 3 day 2 tomorrow, decided to take 2 rest days because my knees are screaming at me!

    Good luck to you all, we can do this!
  • taraketch
    taraketch Posts: 3 Member
    Glad to see everyone still at it. I am starting to get addicted already. Just finished W2D3 for a second day, so I guess that's W2D4? I don't know I just really felt like getting out and running this afternoon before the weather starts to turn. I didn't want to overdo it by starting Week 3 too early, so my plan is to rest for the weekend and get back at it on Monday.

    Have a great weekend!

  • cfreema
    cfreema Posts: 30 Member
    Hey everyone! Did my week 2 day 3 today and I had an amazing NSV. I wanted to copy you all this from my blog:

    I had to run an errand on lunch and I almost decided to skip C25K and go to the library instead. My brain was arguing with myself that it's my cheat day anyway (going to the fair tonight), i probably don't have enough time to do the errand, run and eat, and that i haven't been to the library lately. Well I ended up thinking about that delicious red velvet funnel cake I am going to eat tonight sitting on my thighs and decided I could hit the library up... Sunday when i have time again.

    So I run and purchased super fun pink and yellow balloons for my daughter's birthday (yay!) and raced back changed clothes and started out FAST. My blood was already racing with the impending thought of being LATE back to lunch. So I am running along and i pass another runner and we did the 'head nod'. to each other. And i thought, wow, that guys super cool, he is out running, i like his glasses, ooo he has a fun arm band for his phone, i wish i had one. Yes this is what i think about while running. A strangers sunglasses and arm band.

    Then another lap later and i pass a guy on a bicycle. and we did the head nod to each other. I thought the same thing, oo how fun that he has that fancy bicycle and looks so neat in his flourescent skin tight clothes.

    And then it HIT me. I am not an imposter that just so happens to be nodding at these people who are exercising. I am ONE of those people!! I was the one who they saw and probably thought, oo she looks cute in that gray shirt with the bleach stains on the front. Oo she has super cute pink Saucony's. I wish I had a pair of pink Saucony's.

    I am officially an exerciser who cares about her health, the health of her family, and the health of her friends! That is one awesome NSV and thank goodness i skipped the library!!!
  • Week 3 day 2 done.. the cardio and running are not a problem , but my knees are getting really bad.. i think i may go to the running store on sat and get fitted for better shoes, wonder if thats the problem ? anyone else feeling any knee pain?
  • A little behind bc of a stomach bug this week but I did week 2 day 2 this morning. Shins are still bothering me so after I get paid next week I'm going to look into different shoes.

    31 minutes/ 260 calories

    On another note, I am so proud of everyone so far. We are all awesome and will be even more awesome when we finish this! Get it!!!
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    Week 2 day 3 completed - although for some reason what came easily for day2 was a real struggle today- I felt like I had lead weights in my legs an right from early - I could feel the lactic acid build up in both my calf muscles. Good thing is that I did it and then walked at a good pace for another half hour. Two days break for me now and I start week 3 on Tuesday. Good luck to everyone else who is giving it a go
  • Thanksgiving here in Canada but im going for a run before I eat it tomorrow! Will be on Week 3 day 3, everyone is doing awesome.. keep it up!
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Greetings Everyone! Week 2, Day 3 is done! :drinker:

    I again worked on increasing my speed on the last 3 runs, this time to 4.7, but ended up slowing down my walking pace to 3.1 all around. I actually picked up a little more, completing 1.70 mile (small little victory) within the 30 minute cycle (including warm up and cool down)

    Inkdgirl, I was experiencing a little knee pain earlier in the week on my left knee but it since has disappeared (knock on wood) I was thinking I probably needed to add a rest day between workouts and runs and that may have made all the difference for me.

    Good Job everyone- See you next week, and Happy Running!:smile::wink:
  • MochaBlues -- good job on the run! I am definately taking rest days now, but the pain is still there.. went into the running store on Sat but they were busy with someone getting analyzed so ill go back this week to get tested..

    I finished week 3 today, managed to get 2.00 mi done in 35 min, with warm up cool down, walking still at 3.9 but bumped the run speed up to 5.3 with a 1 incline.. i was told to increase my incline and that may help with the old knees!

    Starting week 4 this week, YIKES!!