J CREW - C25K - WEEK 1



  • pizzygirltx
    Week 2 day 3 done. 36 minutes 275 calories
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    Well done to everyone for your progress- I start on week 3 tomorrow.

  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Hey Everyone! I'm posting to make myself do Week 3, day 1- Today! should have done it yesterday:grumble: ...but the 3 min runs...got me a little bit anxious....i'll do it tonight and report back this evening! Have a great run everyone!!:drinker:
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    Gosh guys...guess I am still behind y'all. Today I will be doing the last day of week 2~ And it hasn't been too easy for me. The other day I was running on the golf course..and wind in my face. Thought I was going to DIE! And inkdgirl...I have bad knees too. I am trying to go at a slllooowww pace. There is a 5k I have signed up for on Oct 22nd. Know I can't run the whole thing...but I am going to use it as one of my "train days". Will be up to week 4 by then...and it scares me to think about it! LOL....5 minutes of jogging..are you kidding me? LOL....
  • inkdgirl
    Tried to do week 4 day 1 yesterday and it was an epic FAIL!!! Knee was too sore , i finished it, but did not do the full 5 min runs.. i will have to repeat it this week sometime.. but going to rest for a few days
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    Inkdgirl- I am sorry to hear that your knee has given you a hard time in week four and hopeful that rest will do the trick for it and you will be able to get back to it before long. My right knee is occasionally a bit iffy and I have been nursing it along carefully.

    I managed to do d1w3 today and am pleased to say it was probably my most comfortable to date. I was so pleased as I was worried about running 3 straight minutes . Thankfully my fears were unfounded - but often it just depends on the day. My knee is not quite normal tonight and no doubt it will ache a bit tomorrow- but if it follows its normal course it should be ok again in two days time in time for day 2

  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    Finished week 3, day 1 last night! Was a little worried about the 3 minute run, but I breezed through it. Got a TON of new music this weekend for my playlist, so that kept me moving :)

    For those with knee problems: have you tried using knee braces? There are many different styles to help support different parts of your knee, depending on where the pain is. My husband was having knee problems, and I finally convinced him to try using a brace. He tried a few kinds and finally found the right one. When he wears it, the pain is magically gone! haha. Just an idea :)
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Greetings Good People!:smile:

    I did it! Week 3, Day 1 is done~ So the run down...Now that its over, I can honestly say it wasn't that bad...although admittedly it would've been more of an enjoyable run if hadn't worn shorts and my thighs didn't rub together:cry: ...but I'll hopefully won't have that issue too much longer.... Okay, so kept with the same program 3.2 on walks, 4.7 for the first 2 runs and 4.8 on the last two runs. I noticed this run was a little bit shorter at 25 minutes with warm and cool down....managed to get in 1.53 miles total.
    That's it for now....see you all later, until then....Cool Runnings!!!:glasses: :bigsmile: :glasses:
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    Finished week 3, day 2 last night, and MAN was it hard to push through! Did it after 40 minutes of other cardio machines to make a total of 1 hour of cardio. My legs & lungs were exhausted by the time I got to C25K, but I made myself keep up the pace I have been working on (4pmh walking, 6mph jogging at 2% incline on treadmill.) Was hoping to kick the jogging up to 6.2 mph, but my legs were not having it.

    Pretty stinkin' proud of myself for keeping up that pace, though. Looking forward to w2 d3 on Friday. It's my only workout that day :D!

    Great job everyone! Keep up the good work!

    On a side note, has anyone done or known someone who has done a Warrior Dash? I want to do one next summer, which is a huge reason I am doing C25K right now. Starting on my training early!
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    Kiyak!! Good for you girl!! I am doing the W3 D1 tonight...and I am really worried about the 3 minute run! I run on a golf course to take some of the "shock" out of the pounding on knees. Tuesday...my pandora went out...like in the middle of the run...thought I was going to go into shock. Need that music to keep me going! Androids!!! It's when I wish I had the iPhone!

    Will check back with ya guys after tonight's run! Will be doing Jillian Michaels week 3 day 2 tonight too. After reading your post..may do that AFTER the run! ha ha.....

    Good job everyone!
  • pizzygirltx
    So I have been out with really painful shins splints. I am taking this week off but am going to get back at it next week. Great job to everyone so far, ya'll are all doing so great.
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    Managed w3d2 yesterday without a hiccup although messed it up initially by accidentally starting w6d2????? I realised when I just kept running and running on the first running sector that I had run for at least 3 minutes probably more that I had managed to start the wrong week. I then reset it started at the right place and was worried that the false start might have used up too much energy but all was just fine. I am surprising myself as this week seems way easier than last week - can't figure it out.

    I get to do the last run of this week tomorrow before approaching week 4. Once again my hrm tells me that I have used a heap less calories than the c25k program that I have so I have toed it all down to reflect a more accurate calorie usage.

    Keep it up team - (unless you have injuries)) We are still going strong!
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    HeLLo Everyone!

    Well happy to report that week Week 3, Day 2 - Is now behind me~ However, I was UNABLE to keep up the pace that I'd been before, I felt as though I was really pushing myself perhaps a little too much, I guess. I started out my walk at 3.2 as usual then started my 1st two runs at 4.8 mph, and boy was that a struggle for me today! So, much so, that I had to kick down the walk to 3.0 and the last two runs to 4.5 mph and 4.0 mph respectively. Kind of disappointing...I was hoping to be able to keep increasing my speed but just couldn't do it. When I look at my HRM, it was higher than I've ever seen it go before:laugh: today was definitely a workout- honestly I felt like just giving up on the last two runs and just walk it out altogether, but just decided to push through....and I'm glad I did.

    I'm wondering if the difficulty was the longer passing of time between runs?? Well in any event, I think I'll just start back my run on Sunday W3d3 at 4.7, and see where that leads me.

    Until next time....Cool Runnings everyone! It looks like everyone is doing pretty well:glasses: :drinker: : Keep it up!

    P.S. Pizzygirltx- I hope you recover soon!:flowerforyou:
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    Well the old woman in the group has managed to make it to the end of week3- so did day three today and it wasn't really that bad and I still had some energy at the end of it. I have had a sneak peak at week four and it looks challenging as they really up the proportion of running to walking and there are two five minute runs eeeeeeek.

    I am only hoping that the anticipation is worse than the actual event - as have the other weeks been. I get restore my knees over the next few days as I have two full days off running and back into it on Tuesday evening.

    Mocha - I would not be concerned about having to slow down a bit - on the c25k website they focus fully on actually doing the times specified and recommend taking it as slowly as needed. I am running outside and believe me - I don't think I could jog any slower- but the thing is that I am actually jogging!!!

    Good luck everyone else no matter where you are in the program and hopefully those with health issues/injuries will be up and running soon.

  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Week 3, Day 3, done!

    Thanks for the tip Debs6, I actually took it to heart and just focused on running the program not worrying about speed, because its definitely not there anymore! That will have to just come later on! I actually will take a look over to the C25k website and refresh myself on the basics over there too! In any event, glad to have another week done~

    Cool runnings everyone!:glasses:
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    Finished w3d3 yesterday. I actually had to run it outside for the first time, as I didn't feel like driving all the way to the gym on a Saturday (I live 30 minutes away). VERY challanging. I have no idea how fast I ran or how many calories I burned, as I don't own a heart rate monitor or anything.

    The experience made me finally break down and buy the $3 C25K app for my phone. I think it will make things much easier for the remaining 6 weeks. Also, I downloaded a free app that supposedly tracks your run and tells you how far and at what pace you ran. I have not tried it yet, as I usually run on a treadmill. Hopefully it works! Especially after I finish the C25K program, I will need to start focusing on outdoor running, as I am beginning to train for a Warrior Dash in summer of 2012. I know it's months away, but I'm seriously already getting really excited about it! I have never done any races or any activity like this, so I'm excited to use it as a motivator for my workouts and weight loss.

    Keep it up everyone!!!
  • pizzygirltx
    Ok I'm back from resting my shin splints. Week 3 day 1 done and it wasn't as bad as I thought!!

    Great job everyone on your accomplishes. Keep it up!
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    Finished week 3 day 3 today! ran on the golf course! Nice burn..and was able to try out the polar footpod.....me likey! still going sllllooowww...but that is okay! Bring on Week 4 Wednesday!!
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    Just completed W4D1 and am delighted to say that it went pretty well!!! I was really worried about two five minutes runs- but overall they were fine - I was glad when it all finished but continued to walk for a further hour afterwards. I can't believe that I am in week four already and running ,with relative comfort for five minute blocks,

    Keep it up everyone- how many have we still go left including of course those who are dealing with injuries??
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    Where is everyone????? I posted two full days ago and not a soul has done so since. Are people still doing this - or has this thread moved elsewhere???