Calling all runners?!

Hello!!!! I recently, this year, started running. I absolutely love it, well I have a love/hate relationship with it, but usually love...haha. Anywho, I ran 8 miles today for my first time and I'm running my first 15k next weekend! In my opinion, it's probably thee BEST exercise I've ever done. I feel so great after and I feel it's an exercise that you can always push yourself no matter what level you are at. I'm wondering if there is any other MFPers that share the same interest as me!!! Feel free to add me, runners!!! =)


  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    Wow 8 miles.. I want
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Hello!!!! I recently, this year, started running. I absolutely love it, well I have a love/hate relationship with it, but usually love...haha. Anywho, I ran 8 miles today for my first time and I'm running my first 15k next weekend! In my opinion, it's probably thee BEST exercise I've ever done. I feel so great after and I feel it's an exercise that you can always push yourself no matter what level you are at. I'm wondering if there is any other MFPers that share the same interest as me!!! Feel free to add me, runners!!! =)

    Running is bad for you. To quote one of my good running buds... "it'll make your uterus fall out." Best to avoid it altogether. :tongue:
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I am a runner and I love it. I did my first half marathon this past August and though I do not enter alot of races, the money is an issue for me, I run alot. I run at least 4 days a week. I am working on a weight lifting routine so I don't run as much as I would like to, but one day I will get this schedule thing down pat.
  • BackwoodsMom
    BackwoodsMom Posts: 227 Member
    I also really enjoy running, especially when I'm finished!!! :-P I run 3 - 4 times a week and am hoping that winter weather - snow and ice - won't stop me from getting outside. It was great to run yesterday morning after 2" of early snow was glistening in the sun. Our family has done 5Ks over the last 2 years and just did a 10K last weekend. It's important to be sure and get other exercise in as well so I do some kind of strength training and/or cardio on my other days.

    Have fun!!!
  • cmpettey
    cmpettey Posts: 223
    I love it too. Really, I think I get the best workout running. I used to run before I gained weight and am just getting back into it. I hope to do my first half marathon in March.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Wogger. have done 2 5K's. my next in mid Nov. working torwards running the whole thing. tons of fun. (=
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    I hear you. Its quite addictive. Its my best calorie burner. Plus I joined my local running club last month and love running with them and have made some good friends as well. The uterus comment always makes me giggle.
  • inkdgirl
    holy *kitten* 8 miles! You go girl! I run 3-4 x a week and get 3km each time... I'm a beginner runner training for my first 5k in May..
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    I'm becoming an addict too!! Started in August of 2010 shortly after I began my weight loss & kept at it, now I'm running 6+ miles nonstop, no problem. I'm still slow, but who cares?? Working on my pace & that will come as long as I keep it up.

    Yay for running!
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    I started in July and am going for my second 5K tomorrow (am aiming for a sub-25 minute race time) but also did an 8 mile trail run earlier this month. I was beside myself with a knee issue (that appears was IT band syndrome) because it was keeping me from running and I couldn't stand not running! :bigsmile:
  • run4yourlife
    run4yourlife Posts: 379 Member
    Running rocks!! Best endorphin booster around. It totally gets in your blood. So glad you found something you love to.