evesacks Member


  • I think 2-6 all all too skinny, and not realistic to maintain. I think 2 is perfect figure but photo shopped and not realistic to maintain. For me 1 would be too heavy. However I couldn't be 2-6 whatever I did (unless perhaps I starved myself and did no exercise). My BMI is 20.5, and according to callipers in the gym my…
  • I used coconut oil, worked fine. I think next time am going to do as traybake and call them flapjacks! I also soaked the raisins in boiling water for a few minutes (and then drained), I always do that in baking makes them more moist.
  • am going to try with coconut oil!
  • I have a flat stomach after 3 kids, and was 35 at 3rd pregnancy. HOWEVER, I didn't have a flat tummy until I got my body fat down to 18% (BMI 20) and did loads of core work and lots of cardio too. Yes the skin is a little bit crinkly and I have stretch marks but I do have a flat tummy with good muscle definition. Really…
  • I have pcos, got pregnant following super strict healthy low calorie, low carb, low GI diet. Ideally give up - wheat, gluten, sugar (including other high GI sweet things like honey, dried fruit), other white carbs eg white rice, anything processed or with additives. Makes a massive difference, need to keep insulin levels…
  • I knew as my weight loss slowed down so much that I wasn't really motivated any more. Plus I was happy with my body, yes really. My original goal was 130lbs and I got to 119lb. However I am stabilized at 122lbs as maintaining 119lbs too hard with no scope, even in maintenance for a day off. I had lots of other goals too…
  • Dreadful idea, impossible to get nutrition on 800 a day, even more so if you eat empty calories. Much better to eat cheap natural stuff like tuna, natural yoghurt, whatever meat (turkey?) and veg (carrots?) is cheap and aim for 800 net calories a day by doing exercise and not eating the exercise calories. Plus exercise is…
  • Lower carbs. Didn't eat all exercise calories. Lots of running. Weights.
  • Why not have a target in terms of body fat rather than weight? 5% is very low even for a bloke, if you want to get it low 12% is probably a good target!
  • I think it might be down to WHAT you are eating rather than the number of calories. Try only eating clean foods, cut out all processed foods and all white carbs. If you still have trouble losing cut down total carbs.
  • I eat a lot of fruit and veggies but am always under on carbs (over on sugar due to the fruit though) - you must also be eating bread / rice / pasta / cereal? Can you cut down on these at all? eg today had 3 pieces fruit, salad lunch, and veggies with dinner, and still only 140g carbs. Are you eating enough protein?
  • I'd say be guided by your appetite. It seems unlikely that you'd go into "starvation mode" just because net calories are less than 1200. However I agree with the comments to eat more protein. As you get closer to your target weight it becomes more important to have 1200 net calories.
  • I have been maintaining since June. I log Mon-Fri, eat what I want at weekends and don't log and still weigh in at least once a week. I eat around half of my exercise cals BUT no doubt eat more than them at weekends. Did gain on holiday but lost it within a couple of weeks.
  • Good luck with your weight loss journey. I hope you can stick with it. If this diet is being done under proper medical supervision then I think its great. I do think though that once you approach your healthy weight need to up the calories - and your diet would be very dangerous for someone who was already a healthy weight…
  • wall squats & tricep dips both good when going to toilet! planks and press-ups if you wouldn't look too silly on floor!
  • I think: a) You aren't losing the last bit as you seem to go over calories every so often - so in effect you are all ready zig-zagging without the days were you eat less than target! If you eat more at weekend and want to lose then you need to eat less in the week. I manage this by not eating exercise calories in the week…
  • If you aren't underweight (or close to being under weight ie your BMI is over 20) then focus on healthy eating (or you can be lacking in nutrients) and when your weight stabilises it will come back. Also have a couple of days off your training each week. But go to doctor to discuss if you are worried or if go more than 3…
  • Eat them if you are hungry! Don't eat them all if you feel eating them would be greed! I have always eaten some of them, I eat more of them now that I am at my target weight as I am hungrier, I guess because I don't have 50lbs of of fat stores anymore! And eat then on good food, IMO eating them back in chocolate or…
  • My personal view is that you should listen to your body, and only eat your exercise calories if you are hungry for them. You will not go into starvation mode if you eat when you are hungry. MFP has a deficit built in, but yes by not eating exercise calories you would increase your deficit and lose quicker. I also think…
  • But cars are not people. People burn calories by sitting on the sofa, cars do not burn calories sitting in the gargage. So if you burned 400 calories in an hour at the gym bear in mind that: a) MFP sometimes overestimates AND b) you'd have burnt 100 by sitting on the sofa So actually an extra 200 calories might be…
  • Actually there is a HUGE variation by shops, some more generous than others eg M&S a 12 more like 13 (or even 14). I know I am now an 8 (34 hips, 26 waist) yet M&S 8 trousers too loose. Next 8 fits nicely and in designer clothes I need a 10.
  • Another thought is that if you sat on the sofa wearing the HRM then it would still register around 120 calories an hour. So of the 1300 of exercises you did, if it took 3 hours, 360 of these calories are already taken into account as part of the normal calories you eat each day.
  • Try using 100 calories per mile, although you may well have covered 12-13 miles in that time.
  • What did you do today? I burned around that today - ran 15km and cycled 20km and I will have to eat loads more to compensate, already 800 calories for breakfast!
  • I think MFP can overestimate calories burnt. Add some calorie dense healthy food like nuts, avocado, salmon. But if you really aren't hungry then don't eat the calories, warped logic to stop exercising. FWIW I rarely eat ALL my exercise calories, but they are there if I am hungry. I suffer from IBS so if I forced myself to…
  • If you have 34lbs to go and it took a month to lose 1 pound I'd say you need to change what you are doing...
  • Could you not just use a glycerin suppository before you left?
  • It can just pop up. But do you have any other symptoms - ie feeling cold, exhaustion, (heavy periods with short cycles if female!)
  • If it has a mother (ie an egg, a fish or beef etc) or if it grew in the ground or on a tree (ie apple / tomato / brown rice, potato) its clean. if there was minimal processing still clean (chopped tomatoes, olive oil). If it was subject to extensive processing (white flour) or you don't recognise the ingredients then…
  • Maybe only eat exercise calories if actually hungry. I rarely eat them all, eg yesterday earned 700 calories (ran 7 miles, so reasonable estimate) but it would have been greed to eat them all. Make sure you always hit protein target and cut out processed food and processed carbs from diet. Cut the slim fast!