Yes it did i actually did a Youtube video set regarding the results, In a nutshell, it was great to strengthen my core, took away my back pain by strengthen the core. Great for a starting point to engage the muscles and really provided a good foundation for my future ab progress.
wow check this out. Talked to Steve Patterson from " I wreaked my house" Steve Patterson @patterballs 28m28 minutes ago @KnightWatcher69 wow. If we get a season 2 I'll try to come to your place first. Hell i hope the show really takes off then lol
I also rely on shakes, cheap source of protein. I eat chicken breast, tuna, but mainly rely on my 4 shakes a day. To mix it up i will add greek yogert to my shake, peanut butter. Freeze it, add nuts, i have also used it as my milk over my cereal. I always keep an open diary and protein is my main concern so feel free to…
The good news about being in your 20s.... is the body's ability to recover so quick. Unless your are working your full body everyday, i wouldn't worry so much about muscle groups interfering with each other. If you really are questioning your routine, feel free to msg me with your set up.
Good stuff!!
How often? How long?( how long have you been doing this) How many times a week?
Speak my mind regardless if its online or in person.
If you want to get the most accurate data out of weighing yourself. I suggest continuing with weighing yourself everyday then just do the numbers as an average for the week. for me it might be Monday 203lbs, Tuesday 206lbs, Wednesday 202lbs, Thursday 201lbs, Friday 204lbs, Saturday 204lbs, Sunday 207lbs. Btw that is actual…
I was a personal trainer back in my late 20s. One thing that will really help the trainer with helping you is, knowing what you want. Nothing worse then, when I got a new client and all they said is make me look better. Trainers require information to create a blue print on the body you desire.
Its a steroid? So why is it legal and encouraged to take?
Just be careful, cooked food is more calories, meaning 200 grams of chicken might be 200 calories, raw, 200 grams of cooked chicken might acutally be 250-300 calories, depending on what weight was lost in the cooking process. So 200 grams of cooked chicken didn't start out at 200 grams of raw chicken.
Wow that is too cool, i will be trying that, thanks
Totally does not look like the same body, amazing work and it shows!
Really what i figured a well but hell I have the time to do a very extensive test to show people that have been looking at this product. I do not believe it will simulate ab work in any way. However when i am done, proper diet, proper use of the product, I can Mythbust and save thousands of people a lot of money.
Weight lifting increases testosterone levels. Testosterone is one of the building blocks of muscle. Unless the cardio was hauling a big *kitten* tire or something behind you. You are not going to end up gaining any muscle as a result.
Amazing difference, fixed up pic a bit to show your whole pretty face :)
Are you truly recovering before heading back at it? I hurt my elbow after 9 months of intense training and it took almost 3 months of NOTHING, no light workouts, nadda. I am now 98% back to rights and I am still taking it easy when training. Also put the Glucosamine sulfate to me just to help.
Very well done!
Amazing story, more important was how you presented it. So very happy for you.
Our house has been in a bad state for about 14 years now. We are finally working towards getting it to look like a real home. Oh and Travis, i found when i had gym equipment home i never used it. hehe.
:) btw you look great
Hate to admit it but yes. I am very good with computers, Tech work on the side. Played many FPS games in the past at a competitive level. World of Warcraft for 5 years with almost 25 maxed out characters. Maxed on 3 characters on Diablo 3. Currently play Planetside 2 online. Favourite show of all times is MythBusters.
Had surgery ended up getting a blot clot in my lung, no help in the foot itself. Resulted in all of the injections if you ask me. Was bad in the beginning but after all those injections my feet were wreaked.
Awww, here I thought I had my first stalker. :(
Plantar Fasciitis, had it for about 10years now. Can't apply even the slightest pressure on my heels. Been walking on my toes for 10 years now. I am like a ninja heh.
I would like to add, its proven to keep a good supply of carbs with protein when lifting heavy. Both are important in the total process of building good quality muscle. Unless of course you are in a cutting phase.
Thanks man, very nice back pic you got there in your profile. Nice size/def. Looks like things are going well for you.
Incredible difference i really dont even know where to begin. Hell i am grinning ear to ear looking at those pics.
Sums things up nicely i would say.
Most nuts are very high in calories did she not request low cal?