

  • I do W/W also and they program is built in for a certain amount of calories (200 a day I believe) for the fruits and other 0 point items (such as 1 serving of sugar free jello). And DITTO on the calories are in the W/W system because it is based on the FAT/CARBS/FIBER/PROTEN. Having said that I don't like the new 'simple'…
  • welcome back! I am 're-starting' my journey again also. Let myself slip (no one is at fault except me) and and up 18 from goal. Just need to smack myself Jethro Gibbs style to get back to exercise.
  • For me juicing (taking fruits and veggies and making them into juice) isn't as satisfying to me as eating the fruit and veggies. You can also consume many more calories with a glass of juice than you can if you ate all those fruits and veggies you put in there --- normally.
  • "A sedentary lifestyle is a type of lifestyle with no or irregular physical activity. A person who lives a sedentary lifestyle may colloquially be known as a couch potato. It is commonly found in both the developed and developing world. Sedentary activities include sitting, reading, watching television, playing video…
  • OP I think you are trying to read 'RUDE' and 'MEAN' into something that isn't there. It was just another way to look at it. RML is a very nice person (I know her from way way back at another message board would curl your toes with rude and mean).
  • i eat pasta 3-4 times a week, rice at least 2 times a week and potatoes the rest of the week. While I try to eat whole wheat pasta and brown rice most of the times I do not. I still lost and got to goal and maintained my losses.
  • I see nothing negative in what was posted. It was spot on with research. I don' t mean to discount your feelings about the post but I think you might want to read it without reading into it what isn't there.
  • /\this While 6-8 8oz glasses a day is average you have to remember that nearlly all foods and drinks have water in them. The 1/2 your weight in ounces was a guide put out by a bottled water company many years ago.
  • I used an old height/weight chart to get a general idea... But when I got near the high end of the range for my height I started looking at how I felt, if I felt I could go lower and not feel like I was dieting to maintain.
  • HUH? W/W can be combined and utilized most balanced diets out there. I am doing nothing wrong with either MFP or W/W. I am tracking the both (more as an experiment) and my MFP caloric intake combines very well with the Points assigned by W/W.
  • In theory the 3500 cal = 1 pound of fat but there is a lot more that goes into the weight loss you experienced. Many people lose some muscle mass when dieting no matter what even those who exercise, there is water weight losses involved also along with fat losses. A good safe average rate of weight loss usually ends up…
  • Me personally I plan for something sweet or salty or a combo sweet/salty for the evening. This helped get to my goal weight and also to maintain it (of course the tracking foods and exercise helped me too).
  • This is a basic guide: "The average person needs about .8 grams of protein per kilogram or .4 grams of protein per pound" Women usually won't bulk up because we don't have the make up a male does unless we add hormones/steroids. I had issues with my hair and nails when I first started because I was omitting healthy…
  • Well I know that I will always have to track and check my portions (occasionally weighing and measuring) for the rest of my life. I hadn't been doing it for a couple months and put on a few pounds above my goal weight (which I've kept off for about 3 years).
  • Pretty darn good blog. I thought it was pretty good except the 49 Flex points are to make the program liveable more than for splurges and cheats and treats. I've been doing W/W points since 1997 (got to goal got sick and quit and gained back but lost again have been at goal for several years (do to over indulgence in booze…
  • I googled but sounds a lot like the start of SouthBeach.
  • Right now that is what I am doing. But it was more to see how my calories worked out with my points.
  • It's not an aribtraty value for food. It's based on fat, fiber, carbs and protien on a formula W/W has. Basically about 40 calories per point in food and 30 calories per point for alcohol (in very, very general terms). I currently do W/W (slightly over my goal weight at lifetime) but am double tracking in MFP because it…
  • While I agree that anyone can weight as many times a day/week as they want as long as the know that fluctuations can and do occur. If they can not let that bother them more power to them. If you show a gain on your weigh in day you should be able to tell why that happened if you are tracking ---
  • Water is not retained in the bladder usualy (there are reasons for which it could but I won't go into them) it is within the organs of your body. If you are not urinating you could be in retention. See help from at minimum your primary care MD. I exceed my sodium nearly everyday and have no problem with retention but…
  • google (or other search engine) with nutritional information and/or look for recipes is my suggestion. I do that with lots of restaurant and homemade stuff.
  • Can you post or direct me to these 'new' studies. One thing I want to say is many people feel they are hungrier throughout the day if they eat breakfast when they've not been eating it before. That happened to me too but then I adjusted. I know I feel physically better and mentally better and over all throughout the day…
  • I'm late to the party but I plan it into my day. Right now that means getting out of bed at 4:40 am and getting on the treadmill for 30 minutes before I get ready and leave for work. The other admin types at work and myself try to walk 3 days a week for lunch. I plan 3 x a week for my bow flex.
  • Right now I am jointly tracking my food. I lost with W/W. When I quit doing W/W the weight came back. But that is true of any program you do be it MFP or Atkins or W/W or Jenny Craig. Points to me are easy and the program steers toward healthy eating. With just calories I used to tend (not so much now because of the way…
  • /\ this is me. I used to feel (back when I started Weight Watchers in the 80s) that I was hungrier eating breakfast throughout the day but once it became routine this stopped. But you have to do what works for you.
  • Usually as you lose you need less calories to maintain thus to lose you need to reduce more. My experience is the closer I go to my goal weight the more I had to pay attention not only to my calories but what I was eating. I still enjoy a sweet treat daily along with getting in my daily requirements. another is may be to…
  • Speak to your Doctor to help you set a goal. Look at BMI and Body Fat charts. I started with a height/weight chart and set it for the high end then I evaluated every 1 pound loss after that until I felt I was at a weight I was comfortable with and it wouldn't feel like I had to diet to maintian it.