Weight Watchers Vs MTP. Any Comments thanks



  • I have never been on WW myself but from the friends who have, i gather it is a good 'eye opener' in terms of the extra calorie and the poor nutrition food people eat on a regular basis with the usual good reasons to do it (i'm too busy, i work, the kids etc.)

    Also, my understanding of the 'points' is that it is a simplified version of counting calories. That knowledge alone is priceless, it's an excellent tool for everyday life : it's easier to remember that a slice of cheese is x points than y cals per 100 g. It gives you perspective on what you choose to eat at every meal.

    If you have already that knowledge and that 'awakening', it may not be as useful.

    However, supporting your mom in this journey is really important too! Get her on her feet this the program, and learn a thing or two for yourself. You will get something out of this, for sure !
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    You count something with both...be it points or calories.

    The difference is the support.

    If you have a bad week or month on WW and attend a meeting you are much more inclined to get some strategies for dealing with what isn't working.

    For some reason, on MFP the advice you get seems to be:

    1) Suck it up
    2) Get some willpower
    3) What is wrong with you?

    Oh, and two or three positive ideas....

    For some people that works, but not for everyone.

    The key with WW is meetings...go to them. If you just sign up and don't stay for the meetings and don't go weekly, you are wasting your time.

    This hasn't happened to me either, but I think I know what you're referring to. But that's the nature of the internet and public forums. People are different and you just have to expect that not everyone is always nice, happy and not offensive. :flowerforyou:

    I glad to hear that!
  • mjga2043
    mjga2043 Posts: 23 Member
    I was on weight watchers for a year. I lost weight, but went right back up after quitting. (From 157 to 136 then back up to 153). I started again on my own, but MFP has been a great help tracking macros and exercise. Also, it may just be me, but I was always starving on weight watchers.

    Me too! I feel like I can eat much more on MFP and I am a small person very close to my goal.
  • sgoldman328
    sgoldman328 Posts: 379 Member
    I am an MFP'er who switched to weight watchers when I couldn't break through a plateau.

    I just wrote a full critique of both calorie counting, and points plus on my blog. I'd love to hear thoughts:

  • I find it easier and more sustainable to count macros and calories than some made up arbitrary value to food.

    It's not an aribtraty value for food. It's based on fat, fiber, carbs and protien on a formula W/W has. Basically about 40 calories per point in food and 30 calories per point for alcohol (in very, very general terms).

    I currently do W/W (slightly over my goal weight at lifetime) but am double tracking in MFP because it syncs with my FitBit.

    I think both are great and I find W/W is working out the same as it does on MFP.
  • SirBonerFart
    SirBonerFart Posts: 1,185 Member
    You will probably have success either way do whichever is easier for you to stick to
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    I didn't like WW's app or website. This one is much more user friendly. I also translated my points to my food log here and was averaging about 800 cals on WW per day which is far too little for me.

  • Pretty darn good blog.

    I thought it was pretty good except the 49 Flex points are to make the program liveable more than for splurges and cheats and treats. I've been doing W/W points since 1997 (got to goal got sick and quit and gained back but lost again have been at goal for several years (do to over indulgence in booze for the summer pool I'm just slightly over goal).
  • rhonderoo
    rhonderoo Posts: 145 Member
    I did WW for years, and did it online at the end. At the end of the day, I found I got what I had on WW online for free from MFP, and WW was close to $20.00 a month. I figure calories, carbs, protein and fat is the universal language of nutrition, so I didn't feel like it would change like Points Plus did (that was a nightmare). I can't say about the meetings, but in my experience the forums and groups on here are better, simply because there is so much more participation. I do get more of a "fitness/workout" vibe from MFP than I did WW, which I got more of a "diet/nutrition" vibe from (in my experience). Meaning, there are folks on MFP who are not trying to "lose weight" per se, just remain fit, or train or lift more, or whatever... not just lose weight.
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    I have tried both WW and MFP. I did lose weight on WW, but about 8 times less than I have using MFP. I think the success of either really depends on personal preference. If you are doing WW online, you don't have the motivational side of getting weighed in front of a group of people (that was not motivational for me, anyway) or the support in person. I personally prefer this method as trying to convert everything into points was, simply put, driving me mad after a few weeks, and was not sustainable for myself long term. I actually find the forums here very informative and supportive, for the most part too. So, MFP for me, all the way. But the decision is completely yours! :flowerforyou:
  • I didn't like WW online (if thats the way you go). There online really is pretty crappy and their apps are not that great IMO. MFP blows WW out of the water for online only esp since WW charges $19 bucks (rounding up) a month to use their sub par apps/site ( In your case cost isn't a consideration just sayin).

    Now having said that when I was on weight watchers and went to the meetings I lost 50lbs so the meetings worked for me. Something about not wanting an old lady see I had gained during the week :).

    Another crappy thing about WW is they separate out the online and the meetings. You can't go to meetings if your online and if you go to meetings you can't use all their web services. Pretty crappy for how much it costs per month.
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    I found that WW only cares about weight and not body fat loss, etc, which in most cases is more desired than just weight. I used to go to such extremes as taking laxatives the day before my weigh-in so as to avoid the dreaded "why didn't you lose this week" look from the reps.