This Plan is BETTER than Weight Watchers!!

I've been on WW and lost weight and all that's fine. But having to get the points. BLAH... pain in the butt. I end up giving up and here comes the weight back! But this plan is awesome bc counting calories is easier! I hate the fact that veggies count for something but hey, it's working so far.

I'm 3 days in and 1/2 pound lighter. I exercise and drink water and I even save room for alcohol!! :)

Happy Happy!! How about you former WW ppl? Like this better?

Mary in Louisiana:smile:


  • cowgirlupkelly
    Right now I am jointly tracking my food. I lost with W/W. When I quit doing W/W the weight came back. But that is true of any program you do be it MFP or Atkins or W/W or Jenny Craig.

    Points to me are easy and the program steers toward healthy eating. With just calories I used to tend (not so much now because of the way W/W is) to just watch calories in and out.

    I'm not saying W/W is better nor that MFP is better. I think they are both very good plans.
  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    I did WW on and off. Most I lost was 50 pounds. But after that I just could not seem to stick with it for a long time. Now when my Dr. had suggested MFP I was ready to count calories. For some reason in the past, I thought this was going to be so hard. Granted having a smartphone does make it easier for me to count.

    I think MFP has a better online support than WW does. Meetings at WW were if you didn't know someone one said a word to you.

    Even when I stopped counting for the most part for 2 months. I only gained a little weight back 5 pounds or less. Cause I was still aware of what I was doing.
  • missimplicity
    missimplicity Posts: 31 Member
    I wouldn't say this is better or worse. I think WW is more educational and was a great place for me to start my weight loss journey. I lost 34 pounds this year alone on WW. But sometimes tracking in general bothers me, so I didn't want to keep paying for something I wasn't using. And yeah, I do miss not having to type in my fruits and vegetables though.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    I would say that free is always better than not free.
  • tommyswoman
    I also loved WW, but only the old program....the one before they gave us more points and when we still counted our fruits but not vegetables. It was so easy to me. But once they changed the program, it just got too clunky for me. I knew my old points backwards and forwards, inside out, but when the new points were introduced it just made me feel it wasn't worth the effort any longer - that and the fact that their etools tracking thing wasn't very helpful at all. What I've done is set my calories to 1250 and then don't count my veg. I eat the same salad each day (2 cups spinach leaves, 1/4 capsicum, 1 tomato, 1/4 cup onions, 1/2 cup cucumber) and I don't count it. I do of course track the balsamic vinegar and anything else I may add to it. On some days I may have a cup of pumpkin too, which I don't count. This method is working for me because I end up eating closer to 1350 calories which is what I'm comfortable with (no hunger).
  • Rocklinite
    Rocklinite Posts: 30 Member
    For now I like MFP better. Free is always good. I use the site to log food and exercise. That's all I used WW for and the database wasn't even that good. I use my phone app and I'm staying on track. I'm impressed with the bar code scan and what MFP offers. WW will probably lose a lot of customers.
  • shortchick19
    shortchick19 Posts: 6 Member
    I just left Weight Watchers because their online tracker and technical support were atrocious. It wasn't so bad for awhile after I got my new phone and the barcode scanner app, but then I found a vegetarian meatball replacement that was in the scanner, but not the online tracker. It completely broke my tracker, and since clearing my cache and deleting cookies didn't fix it, they shrugged and said I had to make a whole new account. Nevermind that I'd had that account for a good two years and had tons of recipes and stuff logged.

    They lost me when they said that they'd waive the sign-up fee for the new account, but I'd have to pay almost 3 dollars more per month. It might not seem like much, but that's still $36 more a year than I had been paying. It took about 3 weeks of back and forth for them to admit that they just plain weren't going to try to fix the problem.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I would say that free is always better than not free.

    Plus we get to have great supportive friends from all over the world don't we Hadabetter? :)

    I'll never go back to WW and I don't even have to pay since I'm a life time member.
  • Rocklinite
    Rocklinite Posts: 30 Member
    It's been 5 months since anyone replied to this post. I was a WW follower for a long time. I still like MFP better. The cost being the number one reason, but also because the database of food is excellent on MFP. Another huge plus is being able to use the mobile app. and the scan to get the calories and nutrition. I'm so happy to have found this site!!!