merebear Member


  • There is a line of Calorie- FREE dressings made by Walden Farms. I have found it at WalMart, Target, Sprouts......Lots of flavors - my favorites are raspberry vinagrette and honey dijon. They also have a calorie-free chocolate syrup which is great in cofee :)
  • everyone has their own opinions and you must do what works for you. But I'll tell you what the doctor told me at the Center for Medical Weight Loss I use.....she said that you should stick to those calories whether you workout or not. There isn't really any such thing as "starvation mode" unless you were actually starving…
  • I would just try "aerobics, 35 minutes"
  • MOVE YOUR SCALE!!! Seriously....I had the same problem when I switched to my digital scale but then I realized that even moving it to another spot in the bathroom or up or to the side by 1 inch can change my weight by a few pounds! I guess the uneven floor or something? It's worth a shot to check it out :) I put it where…
  • frozen bag of shrimp - thaw then cook in the skillet then add that to some steamed veggies with spray butter....about 150 calories for that entire meal!
  • There is a "drumstick" mini that is only around 100 calories, or the WW dark chocolate covered raspberry ice cream stick
  • My mouth is full of "sweet teeth" :) I like the 100 calorie snack bags - brownie bite are good, especially with milk! Also, Reeses has snack sticks that are just like Nutty Bars - 2 wafers covered in chocolate and penaut butter !!
  • Not sure where you are going, but maybe go shopping if even just to look. Do jumping jacks or pushups while watching tv. Or dance while showering and getting ready. Standing pushups against the wall in the shower.......
  • I use one in hoping it makes a difference :)
  • I am the SAME way......unfortuantely the best advice I have is willpower and planning early. Plan out each day - everything. Make yourself get up and workout each morning to get it over with (exercise tv, workout video, walk, jog). Decide in advance what you will eat and stick to that!
  • slit it open down the side and stuff it with mozerella cheese and olives....yummmm, or coat it with something like french fried onions or a little shake n bake
  • interesting....BUMP!
  • the only thing I can think of would be things like push ups, crunches, weights.....
  • goodness, yes! Go to MY HOME - CHECK-IN, then where it says ENTER TODAY'S WEIGHT - that keeps track of how much you have lost compared to your starting weight. DOn't ever change what you started at because that keeps up with your progress.
  • taco salad - with corn, black beans, and salsa
  • Thanks! I live in Flower Mound so I know there is one nearby - or a Sprouts, Central Market, or Whole Foods I can check out:)
  • Okay, I just HAVE to say this....All I asked was if anyone knew where to buy PB2. I am an adult, so I can read ingredients and make my own food choices. I didn't ask for critiques, opinions, ridicule, or judgmental comments that try to sway someone's personal choices. Thanks and have a nice day :bigsmile:
  • I decided to look at the nutritional info because I do realize that the "real stuff" has good nutritional value, but I looked at the PB2 and it only has 1 gram of sugar.... Calories: 45 Calories from fat: 13 Total fat: 1.5 g 2% Saturated fat: 0 g 0% Trans fat: <0.01 g Cholesterol: <0.01 mg 0% Sodium: 94 mg 4% Total…
  • Every Sunday I cook 5 strips of turkey bacon, then a half cup or so of mushrooms sauteed in the turkey bacon grease, and then I add 1 1/4 Cups of eggbeaters to the mushrooms (about 60 calories). Then I have breakfast ready to microwave for 5 days.......and I also cook a few extra strips for my dogs, shhh!:) My other "go-to…
  • I think of Heavy Cleaning as the stuff that makes your body do the mopping, vacuuming, sweeping. Light Cleaning seems more like laundry, putting stuff away, light dusting.
  • There are tofu noodles - sounded gross to me - that are like fettuccini or spaghetti noodles but only 40 calories for the whole bag! I buy mine at Sprouts or Central Market in the refrigerated section - they come in a bag filled with water and the noodles. With that I can add cheeses to make fetuccini alfredo and some…
  • LOL! I am also a teacher and tossed a few things today. Unfortunately, my principal made some delicious cupcakes for us (I just had one) and a couple of other teachers had baked goods. All totally worth it - although it was a LOT! Which is why I worked out extra hard tonight! I did stash away some M&Ms for those rough days…
  • lump....I mean, bump:laugh:
  • I have a couple - I love the Loreal Sublime Bronze but I like the Gelee better because it isn't slimy lotion. I also like the spray from Banana Boat and Jergens has a small lotion called Express. Those aqre what I use to get color, then in between I use the Jergens gradual tanning lotion (healthy glow?). About "bump"....I…
  • I have NEVER worried about "starvation mode" - it's not like it goes on for days and days at a time. I actually try to have calories left at the end of the day if at all possible. Do what feels right for you-there are a lot of very opinionated people on here when it comes to that but your body will tell you what it needs:)
  • From my experience with a couple of brands, they vary but aren't always accurate. I have always heard that the most accurate ones have a chest strap but I wasn't interested in spending that much money. Sometimes mine will be about even with what MFP calculates, otherwise it reads high...never low. Keep it and give it a…
  • I have a New Balance one - found it at Kohls online and on clearance for under 30. Mio and Sportsline make some decent and inexpensive ones
  • Don't blow your success on him! Don't let him win over you....staying strong will just help you prove to yourself that you are stronger than that and that HE will not affect you or set you back! Stay strong....maybe have just ONE mixed drink using diet something or resist completely. Go will feel better,…