Workouts with low/not knee bending/impact

So I posted a question about my knee aches last night, and one forum poster diagnosed me with 'water on the knee' (which, yes, I'm only 29, and I know the people on here aren't doctors, but the solution makes sense). So that being said, my knees have been fairly achey lately, and I'm wondering if it's due to how hard my Jillian workouts are on them (tons of squatting/lunging/jumping, etc). So I was wondering if anyone could recommend some workouts that would not require me to jump/bend/otherwise strain them? I really like the intensity of her workouts but want to give my knees some time off without compromising the progress I've made, etc...

Preferably workouts that don't require gym/equipment (a DVD I can find at Target or something would be ideal). I have weights and such. Someone recommended yoga/pilates, but I feel like that a. doesn't get much of a burn, and b. still puts alot of strain on the knee (bending and all). Any advice would be much appreciated!


  • merebear
    merebear Posts: 80 Member
    the only thing I can think of would be things like push ups, crunches, weights.....
  • dspearsb
    dspearsb Posts: 186
    I had the exact same problem with Jillian. I'm also only 29 but her workouts were hard on my knees. A fitness fanatic friend of mine suggested that I was trying to do too much too soon and needed to let my knees heal. So I switched to a Yoga for Weight Loss DVD and The Biggest Loser Cardio Max DVD. The Biggest Loser has some bending and jumping but gives you modifications so you can avoid putting the pressure on your knees. When I got stronger I went back to Jillian but not everyday.
  • hardybelle83
    I'm 27, and have struggled with bad knees forever. Mine is more of an alignment issue but is similar to runner's knee. It's just something I'll have to deal with for my entire life (unless I get a knee replacement sometime in the future...)

    Anyway.. I could NEVER do any of JM's workouts without my knees suffering. In my opinion, she goes WAY too fast with her squats, lunges, etc. This causes bad form many times; when I do any kind of squat or lunge I really take my time and have to make sure I'm doing them correctly. I couldn't keep up with her AND take care of my knee properly. Plus, well, I kind of don't like her anyway :)

    I found two things that helped - first, I started wearing patella braces (just a tubular brace that goes under your kneecap), and I started doing Tae Bo as well as weighted squats & lungest to strengthen the muscles around my knees. I've since moved on to more advanced workouts (to Turbo Jam and now Turbo Fire), but I still wear the braces whenever I work out. Take care of your knees & see a doctor if there is something he or she can recommend.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    crunch gym does a pilates routine that is mainly floor. The girl is brunette and the cover is green. I wanna say fat blasting pilates, but may be wrong. Try water aerobics. I know you said DVD but you may be able to get in cheap at a community center or local high school (sometimes free). I often will modify exercises that aggrivate injuries, but squats is mainly what Jillian does. Good Luck.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    I'm 27, and have struggled with bad knees forever. Mine is more of an alignment issue but is similar to runner's knee. It's just something I'll have to deal with for my entire life (unless I get a knee replacement sometime in the future...)

    Anyway.. I could NEVER do any of JM's workouts without my knees suffering. In my opinion, she goes WAY too fast with her squats, lunges, etc. This causes bad form many times; when I do any kind of squat or lunge I really take my time and have to make sure I'm doing them correctly. I couldn't keep up with her AND take care of my knee properly. Plus, well, I kind of don't like her anyway :)

    I found two things that helped - first, I started wearing patella braces (just a tubular brace that goes under your kneecap), and I started doing Tae Bo as well as weighted squats & lungest to strengthen the muscles around my knees. I've since moved on to more advanced workouts (to Turbo Jam and now Turbo Fire), but I still wear the braces whenever I work out. Take care of your knees & see a doctor if there is something he or she can recommend.

    You may want to see an Osteopath that does manipulation. Im mis-aligned as well and this totally helps. It was found that I actually have a short leg. Got a specific insert to compensate for $20 and issue corrected.
    LBATL Posts: 76 Member
    I am a huge fan of Tae Bo. I know there is kicking and other leg movement but all of the movements are super controlled especially if you start off with the basic workouts. Form is really important and the Tae Bo DVDs move at a pace that allows you to have the correct form the entire duration of the workout ; plus Billy reminds you throughout the workout to check your form so I am always conscious of it. I don't know of any cardio exercises that won't require knee bending or movement of some sort. Sorry!
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I just posted a topic also on this last night-I have also just started jm's 30 day shred workout and I am currently injured-both knee and ankle-I too agree she goes fast-I think that's why my knee is now swelled up and has poor range of motion due to bad technique and trying to keep up and rush through-long story short-the replies I got back was yoga and doing pilates-along with doing an elliptical or walking. Hope this helps ya and good luck!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I have torn meniscus in both knees so I can't do high impact exercises either or I will end up in the OR. My knees are achey too, but I have no swelling. Usually water in the knees produce a lot of inflamation, pain, and swelling.

    I do 30Day Shred few times a week but I do the super modified version when comes to squats, jumping etc. I do the arms movements and move my legs in place when doing the jumping jacks, jumping rope, and boxing, and don't go all the way down while doing the squats or lunging. I know that the aerobic part of the routine is less, although moving the arms does increase the hear rate, but I do other aerobics activites during the week (trademill and dancing), so I am not worry. I do wear a brace in both knees when working out.

    Maybe you can modify the videos exercises to what ever fits your ailment; try to do some walking when your knees feel better and if the problem continues you may need to see a doctor and/or get an MRI. Hopefully it is only some temporary problem, but I do suggest that you stay away from high impact activities. Better safe than sorry, and don't forget to ice your knees at night to reduce aches and inflamation.

    Hope that you feel better soon.
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    planks. Ever see Laurel House's videos on YouTube? Google/search for her. She shows exercises in bed, even. :blushing: