here comes the weekend.

samantharae121205 Posts: 185
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
:(:(:( weekends are always when i seem to lose progress and become very lazy and un-motivated. (i end up gaining back w.e. i lost during the week) can anyone help me out?. plz.


  • as1789
    as1789 Posts: 46
    Maybe just weigh yourself once every week on Sundays or Monday. Throughout the whole weekend you'll be thinking about your upcoming weigh-in so you know you can't give in to temptations. Just a suggestion. :)
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    Ug I have the same problem. I always want to go out and eat and I end up sabatoging myself. :( I don't have a problem with working out because I love my workout (hoop dancing). It's the food that kills me.
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    :(:(:( weekends are always when i seem to lose progress and become very lazy and un-motivated. (i end up gaining back w.e. i lost during the week) can anyone help me out?. plz.

    Honestly? No. No one can help you out. We can tell you what works for us, but we can't keep you from being lazy or unmotivated. Only YOU can do that. The sooner you realize that and hold yourself accountable, the sooner weekends will stop being a problem. Good luck!
  • emonline
    emonline Posts: 4
    log your food in the morning! i did it today because i know il be out in the city for lunch so i log and idea of what il eat so i can see where i end up (over or under my limit) so then when im thinking about having another glass or another bit of food il think about my calorie intake! and go for a run within the hour you wake up so its over and done with and you have to rest of the day to enjoy!
  • andreae13
    andreae13 Posts: 239 Member
    I switched my weigh in's from Friday's to Monday's and that has helped tremendously! Every time I want to eat bad on the weekends I think of weighing in on Monday.
  • merebear
    merebear Posts: 80 Member
    I am the SAME way......unfortuantely the best advice I have is willpower and planning early. Plan out each day - everything. Make yourself get up and workout each morning to get it over with (exercise tv, workout video, walk, jog). Decide in advance what you will eat and stick to that!
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    On Saturdays and Sundays, I make myself exercise as soon as I get up (or right after church on Sundays), and that way, I feel like I have a good start to the day. Usually, when I exercise in the morning, I don't want to waste all those calories I just burned on naughty food. Have been having some tough Sundays lately, but am determined to do good this weekend. You can do it!
  • Suzy12
    Suzy12 Posts: 284
    :(:(:( weekends are always when i seem to lose progress and become very lazy and un-motivated. (i end up gaining back w.e. i lost during the week) can anyone help me out?. plz.

    Honestly? No. No one can help you out. We can tell you what works for us, but we can't keep you from being lazy or unmotivated. Only YOU can do that. The sooner you realize that and hold yourself accountable, the sooner weekends will stop being a problem. Good luck!

    Geez, don't hold back!

    Yes, what works for me is getting dressed in regular clothes (NO comfy pants or "fat" jeans). Get up both days and shower and put on a little makeup if you usually do. You will then be in "weekDAY" mode and it will feel funny to cheat. And log on here a lot!! Because most of us are positive and supportive ;) Take care.....
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    it's mostly the drinking that kills me, lol, and the bad food choices i make after i've had a few drinks :tongue: anyway, i try to give myself one day (usually the weekend) where i can cheat a little bit without worrying about it. if you know you have one day to cheat a little bit, i find getting through the week a whole lot easier. just don't go overboard on the cheat day. if you've been craving chocolate cake, eat a piece or two.. don't eat the whole thing. if you can limit yourself and just push yourself to at least do a little bit of excercise you should be just fine.
  • andreae13
    andreae13 Posts: 239 Member
    :(:(:( weekends are always when i seem to lose progress and become very lazy and un-motivated. (i end up gaining back w.e. i lost during the week) can anyone help me out?. plz.

    Honestly? No. No one can help you out. We can tell you what works for us, but we can't keep you from being lazy or unmotivated. Only YOU can do that. The sooner you realize that and hold yourself accountable, the sooner weekends will stop being a problem. Good luck!

    I'm with you 100%! I'm the only one who can change me.
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    :(:(:( weekends are always when i seem to lose progress and become very lazy and un-motivated. (i end up gaining back w.e. i lost during the week) can anyone help me out?. plz.

    Honestly? No. No one can help you out. We can tell you what works for us, but we can't keep you from being lazy or unmotivated. Only YOU can do that. The sooner you realize that and hold yourself accountable, the sooner weekends will stop being a problem. Good luck!

    Geez, don't hold back!

    Not sure why I should hold back. She is asking for help. And while there are a lot of good strategies in this thread that people have suggested, the HONEST truth is that nothing is going to change for the OP unless SHE makes those changes. Pretending that isn't the case isn't going to do her any favors. If I come across harsh, so be it. I'm just doing it to try and help her get past the challenge she is facing.
  • Lexie71
    Lexie71 Posts: 144 Member
    I don't have trouble with weekends....because I don't diet. I am always allowed to eat out and to choose whatever I want from the menu and eat as much as I choose to. I think when you are trying to diet or focused on losing weight it increases the challenges automaticlaly because "diet" means "I can't have...." to most people.

    What I eat at any given meal is part of my whole "dietary intake" and a single meal doesn't determine my over-all, long term health. If I do over eat at one meal all that means to me is that it will take longer for me to be hungry again. If I begin over eating at every meal or several meals in a row then I need to re-examine what is causing me to eat when I am not physically hungry.

    So maybe try examining why you want to eat more on weekends than you do through the week, and work on the underlying issue? That is the short answer lol
  • Suzy12
    Suzy12 Posts: 284
    :(:(:( weekends are always when i seem to lose progress and become very lazy and un-motivated. (i end up gaining back w.e. i lost during the week) can anyone help me out?. plz.

    Honestly? No. No one can help you out. We can tell you what works for us, but we can't keep you from being lazy or unmotivated. Only YOU can do that. The sooner you realize that and hold yourself accountable, the sooner weekends will stop being a problem. Good luck!

    Geez, don't hold back!

    Not sure why I should hold back. She is asking for help. And while there are a lot of good strategies in this thread that people have suggested, the HONEST truth is that nothing is going to change for the OP unless SHE makes those changes. Pretending that isn't the case isn't going to do her any favors. If I come across harsh, so be it. I'm just doing it to try and help her get past the challenge she is facing.

    Because these forums should focus on a positive approach/attitude. Unless of course you do gather more flies with vinegar.
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    :(:(:( weekends are always when i seem to lose progress and become very lazy and un-motivated. (i end up gaining back w.e. i lost during the week) can anyone help me out?. plz.

    Honestly? No. No one can help you out. We can tell you what works for us, but we can't keep you from being lazy or unmotivated. Only YOU can do that. The sooner you realize that and hold yourself accountable, the sooner weekends will stop being a problem. Good luck!

    Geez, don't hold back!

    Not sure why I should hold back. She is asking for help. And while there are a lot of good strategies in this thread that people have suggested, the HONEST truth is that nothing is going to change for the OP unless SHE makes those changes. Pretending that isn't the case isn't going to do her any favors. If I come across harsh, so be it. I'm just doing it to try and help her get past the challenge she is facing.

    Because these forums should focus on a positive approach/attitude. Unless of course you do gather more flies with vinegar.

    Holding yourself accountable IS a positive thing. We're all adults and should be able to handle someone telling it to us straight. I haven't said anything mean or derogatory. I'm simply being honest.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    We can tell you what works for us, but we can't keep you from being lazy or unmotivated
    Pretty sure that's what OP wanted - advice on what works for you (us) - and with that knowledge maybe she could change her ways & become more motivated & less lazy....isn't that what the MFP community is for?
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Fair enough. We'll agree to disagree. The OP can certainly choose the advice she wishes to follow and the style which works best for her.
  • I make sure that I do a nice long walk and try and get in some cardio (it helps that my bf is an exercise freak and loves being active!) so an exercise buddy would help. I also try to save exercise calories that i don't use during the week so I know that I can be a bit naughty at weekends. I stick to eating around 1200 calories on weekdays and then on weekends if I push it up to 2000 (which is the normal intake for a female) then it's just leveling out so the weight you lost in the week isn't jepordised!

    Alcohol is my major calorie swallower on weekends so I try to have single measures with 0 calorie mixers and ask for a small wine instead of a large.

    Good luck :)
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    I love the week-ends because I have more time to prepare healthy AND delicious tasting food. working with food is almost as fun as eating it. I do my prep work on Sunday nights :happy:
  • chasing_130
    chasing_130 Posts: 43 Member
    I also have trouble on the weekends. I make sure to weigh myself Friday morning. My goal is to keep that weight (or go lower of course) on Monday. Log onto MFP a lot. It might help you realize that you don't want to undo all of your hard work. If you want to go out to dinner, drinks, etc. Look up menus online. There are usually healthy options. Losing weight is a lifestyle change & adapting to what's in front of you. You can make healthy choices for sure. Good luck!
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