ldon37 Member


  • Oh yum yum! I am trying this!
  • This sounds good. I make a similar recipe that I got off of Spark Recipes where you add a can of black beans and some frozen corn. I also add fresh cilantro and green onion at the end with a little light sour cream or laughing cow cheese. Yum!
  • Great job for not throwing in the towel!! We have all had those frustrating days, and it is tempting to just give up sometimes. Just hang in there! If you keep eating well and following mfp's guidelines, you WILL lose weight. Try to remember that time is going to continue to pass by and it is up to us how we will look…
  • oh yum-that artichoke feta quiche sounds wonderful! Thanks for sharing!
  • There is absolutely a change! Great job! I am also doing Insanity, and I know there is NO WAY to not get a better midsection when doing this crazy workout. Keep up your hard work-it is paying off!:drinker:
  • You could do a seafood place and order grilled fish with steamed veggies. Or, not fancy at all, but Panera lists the calories on the menu for all of their food.
  • Almonds or other nuts.
  • Have you tried taking a spinning class? They are really upbeat/motivating and a lot of fun.
  • I saw a special on TV that said guys are instinctively attracted to women with an hour glass figure with a smaller waist size. They can be various sizes as long as the hour glass and small waist to hips ratio was the same. This small waist with wider hips represents good child birthing apparently, so it is an instinctual…
  • I have the Polar FT4 and really like it. It is about $30 less than the FT7, and the only difference is that you can download your data to your computer with the FT7. Since the FT7 doesn't track distance or pace (for running), I thought the extra expense unnecessary and went with the FT4. You just input your weight, age,…
  • I am close to my last ten pounds too. Not sure myself, but I would think you'd have to up your cardio and/or increase your intensity. Maybe just keep switching up your workouts so your body doesn't get used to the same thing everyday. Also, have you considered calorie zigzagging? This is supposed to keep your metabolism…
  • Thank you for sharing!
  • plan to read later. Thanks!
  • Congratulations! You are looking great! All of your hard work is paying off! You are very inspirational! I wish you the best of luck on the rest of your journey.
  • :ohwell: :ohwell: Glad it isn't just me! Just when I was thinking I was starting to do pretty well and Insanity wasn't totally kicking my butt, Month 2 strikes! I feel like I am starting all over again. Let's hope it will get easier with each workout:ohwell: Great job and keep up the good work!
  • lol Good for you for completing it and NOT giving in to the McD's and choc cake!!! I did this same workout today, and I feel your pain! This was crazy! My legs are so sore! Month 2 is making me miss Month 1!!!! Great job and keep it up!
  • Definitely worth the money. This workout is intense like no other!
  • Okay, I just did it! Burned about 800 calories doing the fit test plus Max Cardio Circuit, so I am thrilled about that. I cannot lie - it was hard!!! I was super tired but made it through. There were a few moves that were crazy, but I just did the best I could. My quads were burning at times! BUT I feel great now that it…
  • Ok, I did this about a week ago. If fact, I had a 3-day binge fest. It was my first time really cheating since starting mfp in mid April. You cannot get down on yourself. Just start fresh today. If you think about it in the proper perspective, 1200 calories is only .3 of a pound. Not much damage done at all. You can still…
  • I started the Couch to 5k program with a friend a year and a half ago. We signed up for a 5k for incentive when we started the program even though we were a long way from being able to do it yet. We stuck with it, following the program as closely as possible. We ran the 5k before we actually completed the program (we were…
  • I haven't followed the eating plan so far, but I am thinking of giving it a try in Month 2. Are you following it? Best of luck today!!!!!
  • Great job! You are almost to Recovery Week, and then...on to more pain! I'll let you know how my first day of month 2 goes later today (if it is really bad, I'll lie:laugh: )
  • Throw them away! Just get them out of the house. Then make up your mind that you deserve to be healthy, happy, and thin!!! You can do it!!!!!:smile:
  • Please know that I was NOT judging you - I am very sorry if you felt that way! Everyone has different goals here, and I was only asking. I did not mean to imply anything negative. I wish you the best of luck on your journey!!!
  • You may want to research compartment syndrome. I think that is what it is called. Good luck and I hope you do not have this.
  • Ooow! Take it back immediately! haha Seriously tho! I am still using my old analog scale and am afraid to buy a new digital scale for this very reason. As others have said, just keep in mind that your weight loss is still the same and you are doing great!!!!
  • Your net calories seem high for losing. Are you trying to gain weight/muscle? What is your ultimate goal?
  • Ice immediately after your run. Stretch your calves and hamstrings several times throughout the day. Take anti-inflammatory (ibuprofen).