Help! I'm gaining!

Since starting MFP, I have gained 5 pounds! My goal was to lose 15.
It's not that it's not working... its that I'm not doing it!

I'm only hitting my calorie goal about once a week. Every other day of the week I pretty much cave at every temptation.
Then when I get home I'm exhausted and skip my workout most days.

I know WHY I'm not losing... just can't seem to gather the motivation to do it.

Those treats are beating me!!!!


  • 2004Jessica
    2004Jessica Posts: 113
    Bad treats!! Bad, bad treats!! Leave joilet alone!!
  • bgeer34
    bgeer34 Posts: 135 Member
    You need to get those treats out of your house, office, etc. If it's a vending machine at work then you need to not take money with you, etc... whatever you need to do.. replace them with healthier choices. I totally cleaned out our cabinets of everything bad that my hubby or I liked (left the kid snacks we didn't care for) and we easily avoided temptation because there was nothing to avoid :)

    Good luck and stay strong :)
    MOMvsFOOD Posts: 654 Member
    If it was easy, there wouldnt be a need for MFP in the first place ...
  • ldon37
    ldon37 Posts: 145 Member
    Throw them away! Just get them out of the house. Then make up your mind that you deserve to be healthy, happy, and thin!!! You can do it!!!!!:smile:
  • mlatrice
    mlatrice Posts: 47 Member
    Don't beat yourself up! Just jump back on the horse and ride. I have the same feelings at times. Just take it a day at a time. If you mess up, just start the next day with healthier habits. I didn't complete my goal of working out 5 times a week last week. In fact, I only worked out twice. But I tried my best to stay within my calorie range. With life, so many things can distract us from our goal but try to stay focused and you will see results. This week focus on completing one task, whether it be exercise or eating well. By focusing on one goal at a time, it makes me feel accomplished whether I exceed all my goals. You can do it!!!!
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    Get rid of those treats if they are in your house. If they are at work, school, etc. take your own snacks. Stay away from them. They are packed with calories, sodium, and chemicals. If you want to lose weight this is not an option. You can do it. Start getting away from that stuff and it will be easier. Start going to the gym and getting your workout in (even if you don't feel like it). When you start seeing results your motivation will kick up a notch...but you have to start eating better and working out. You can do this (if I can, anybody can)!!!! Today is a new day so here we go!

    GOOD LUCK!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Doing_me
    Doing_me Posts: 91 Member
    I sometimes log the food before I eat it only to then change my mind because I'd feel too guilty or it would destroy my efforts for the day. It is shocking how much calories I must have consumed before counting them! :ohwell:

    I am also checking treat calories in the supermarket before I buy them because i know that once I buy them I cannot resist. If you don't buy it- you won't eat it!

    Hope that helps... :happy:
  • sarah211086
    sarah211086 Posts: 32 Member
    Throw all those naughty treats away! Like others have said if you remove the temptation you cant/shouldnt cave. Its tough but you will get there eventually with the right mindset and some PMA xxx
  • ehilgeman
    ehilgeman Posts: 45
    Agree with the other posters on getting rid of the treats. If it's something you can't throw out for some reason, another trick that works for me is to move it to a high shelf - aka, where I can't immediately see it and crave it. Out of sight, out of mind. And, always carry an apple or some grapes in your purse, or gum. Keep your mouth busy when someone asks if you want a cupcake.

    Anyway, you're here, so clearly you want to change - don't beat yourself up if that change is not immediate - the worst thing you can do is let small defeats get so big in your mind that you give up. You're on the right track, just keep at it.
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    You are a adult right??? You need to have a little will-power and self control. No one can hold your hand and make it easier for you. You need to do it for yourself. We can support you and motivate you, but only YOU control your own destiny....
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Find some treats you like and that are also healthy, high fiber, low calorie and/or low fat. Look for things like baby carrots, sugar snap peas, celery with a little low fat cream cheese or peanut butter, low fat granola bars, unsweetened breakfast cereal (one of my personal favorites), or whatever else you like. Then portion them out in advance into single servings. I use those little snack sized baggies. Carry these things with you wherever you go and have them sitting somewhere in the kitchen where they are easily accessible. Then, when you get the temptation to snack you have right at hand something which won't destroy your goals for the day.

    Before actually deciding you NEED those treats (do you really??) have a glass of water, try to find something to occupy the hands that would be using them to put food into your mouth and then, if you really are hungry, go grab ONE of your healthy treats.

    I've also found that it is much easier to resist temptation to actually log it before you eat it. Seeing how much fat, calories or sugar something has in it usually makes me think twice about eating it. I also have decided that:

    1. I have more power than that donut/cookie/cake and I'm not going to allow it to control my life and damage my health.
    2. While it's going to taste good for the couple of seconds I'm chewing it, it's going to sabotage me and I'll regret it the instant I swallow it.

    This is not an easy journey you've started on. If it were, no one would be overweight. Deciding we're too tired to work out eating things we shouldn't are choices we make and it's a downward spiral. Renew your dedication and start doing what you know you should do for yourself and your family. You'll find that once you start eating healthy and working out that you'll actually feel better and it'll get easier.
    MOMvsFOOD Posts: 654 Member
    You are a adult right??? You need to have a little will-power and self control. No one can hold your hand and make it easier for you. You need to do it for yourself. We can support you and motivate you, but only YOU control your own destiny....

  • ILuvLifehouse
    ILuvLifehouse Posts: 55 Member
    I know exactly how you feel because I had those same cravings last week being it was my TOM any other time I can easily walk away or not be tempted at all. We all have things happening in our lives or going through rough patches that can cause us to lose our will power even though we are adults. People can be addicted to food just like anything else...if you are a smoker ( I know b/c I was) most people can't quit the first time or go cold turkey. So, everyone at some point or another will lose and give in to the food and when you do start anew like someone else said. None of us are perfect so stop giving yourself a hard time. I'm not saying you are addicted to food just trying to show an example. Good luck and hang in there YOU CAN DO IT!!