SingRunTing Member


  • Ugh this. I don't understand what people want. No one can give you motivation, you have to find it for yourself. Motivation is overrated anyway. It's good to get you started, but can fade quickly. Commitment and consistency even when you don't feel like it is where success lives.
  • I fit treats into my calorie goal regularly. On holidays (<1 a month), I don't log. But I don't go all hog wild either. It's more of a mental break from logging than permission to eat everything under the sun.
  • A couple of unflattering pics on Facebook woke me up. I try to take progress pics every 5 lbs now.
  • This. It's about wages vs cost of living. You can't compare apples to apples (or lamb to lamb as it were) without adjusting for that.
  • I enjoy my food more for 2 reasons: 1. Because I only have so many calories, I pick what seems worth it. I pay more attention to eating it and it tastes so much better. Quality over quantity. 2. I don't have the guilt that surrounded my eating before. If I'm eating something, I know that I can eat it and still lose the…
  • If the IUDs bother you, but you like the concept, you could try the implant (nexplanon is what I have). I just got it placed as my post partum birth control. It goes under the skin in your arm. Is more effective than BCP and can stop your periods just like an IUD. Doesn't have the same risk of embedding in the uterine wall…
  • From my personal experience with depression, I think it's a little bit of both. I know that when I'm struggling with depression, I eat terribly (way too many calories and little fruits or vegetables). When I'm feeling good, I eat better. However, I find that if I can recognize that I'm in the downward depression spiral…
  • I'm going to go against the grain here and say that I truly did have a lifestyle change. It started with cutting calories, but it so much more than that. I'm not the same person that I was when I started 3 years ago. Before I would come home from work and plop myself on the couch and not move. If anyone suggested we do…
  • @Kenda2427 let me know if you need help. Can't promise same day service, but I can help! Thank you so much for stepping in when I had to step out!
  • Good morning! So this challenge is going to be interesting for me. I'm currently 12 days post-partum, so I'm not officially dieting or exercising. But I love this group and am going to check in for the support. I've decided to try intuitive eating for a while (at least to 6 weeks). I've been tracking my food for 3 years…
  • Hi everyone! Just wanted to let everyone know that I had my baby on April 5th! She's a beautiful baby girl and we are so in love. I'm going to start hanging around here for the daily threads when I can, but will be sitting out the spreadsheet this go around.
  • I love my Fitbit! You just have to recognize that like any other tool, it has limitations. Have realistic expectations and it is a really helpful tool.
  • This. My MIL was a registered dietician and she still believes anything she hears on Dr. Oz or The Chew. It's weird because she does support me weighing and logging my food and says that's what works, but then she spout off about some super food or how she's been gaining weight because she's eating after 7pm. Professionals…
  • Two points (both very cliche, but I find them true): 1. self-control is a muscle, it gets stronger the more you use it. 2. building new habits takes self-control out of the picture. When I first started losing, the only thing I did was track my intake. I didn't try to eat healthier, I just tried to stay within my calories.…
  • I was put on some pretty heavy restrictions due to a placenta previa (which has since moved!). So I was limited to walking and prenatal yoga for a while. I'm now doing some prenatal body weight training since my provider approved me adding that back in after I was cleared.
  • This is my ultimate goal. But every time I've tried to stop counting, I start gaining. I just don't know if I'll ever be able to stop counting calories and maintain or lose weight.
  • Definitely look through this thread. You need to recomp and lift heavy to get the look you want.
  • Depends on the temperature of the water. Water density changes with temperature, which will change the weight of a given volume.
  • Sitting on the couch just makes me want to eat more. Try something different. Go for a walk, go shopping, reorganize a closet, take up a hobby like sewing or painting, something that isn't just mindless like watching a show or a movie is what helps.
  • Like I said, I lost in whooshes. See this article for an explanation of what that means:
  • Play around with your macros to make sure you feel fuller for longer (see the comments above for suggestions). However, you're more likely just reacting from habit rather than true hunger. Keep yourself busy. Distraction is one of the ways that I keep myself from snacking when I know I'm not actually hungry.
  • I always lost weight in whooshes, so it was never immediate for me.
  • Great goal! You'll also feel so much better walking around the park too.
  • C25K is the best answer. Here's my advice: 1. Do the run segments slowly. Even if you are running at the same speed you would walk, it doesn't matter. Getting into running is about building endurance first. Speed will come later. 2. Repeat weeks if you don't feel ready to move on. When I was successful with the program, I…
  • For step based activity (walks, jogs, runs), I just let my fitbit do the work. You can overwrite the step counter data, but I don't see the point in doing that.
  • I weigh it dry then cook it. When I'm making more than one serving, I weigh it dry and cook. Then I weigh the cooked weight and divide by the number of servings to get my one serving cooked weight.
  • Today's a new day. I've been doing this for 3 years and I still need to take it one day at a time. I focus on what I can do today and that's it. Yesterday is gone and I'll think about tomorrow when it comes.
  • 1. Plan your food. Either make dinner immediately when you get home, or have a snack right when you get home to hold you over until dinner. 2. Keep yourself busy. It sounds like you're eating more from boredom/habit than because you are hungry. Fill your evenings up with fun things to do and distract yourself from wanting…
  • Why don't you want to eat them back? That's how MFP is designed to work.