Binging after work

Anybody have any tips on how to control your appetite after work?

I do so well all day. I eat a good breakfast, and good lunch. My job is very active so I get plenty of exercise.
Then I get home, and I'm tired. I've been fighting off junk food all day. I have nothing to distract me or keep me busy so I grab a plate full of snack foods and eat like I'm starving. It's so hard to not. My roommate buys junk food, and it's always in the house. Its no use telling her not to. She won't do it.


  • angsamp
    angsamp Posts: 7 Member
    I do the same thing. I've tried having healthy alternatives to fill up on, even just fruit for the sweet, but the junk just tastes so good and is so much less effort so I struggle making good choices. Hopefully someone has helpful advice!!
  • dark_sparkles37019
    dark_sparkles37019 Posts: 114 Member
    I struggle with the same thing. If you can get yourself to microwave a pack of California blend veggies and eat that first it might help.
  • laurasjourney88
    laurasjourney88 Posts: 16 Member
    Wow when I saw this thread I thought it had been written by me!!! This is me all over. Lately I have found that I still have xmas chocolate/biscuits/cake left in the house so when I get home usually when I am cooking dinner, I snack on all the bad food.

    What I found helped for me to lose the weight on here before which is what I am going back to doing, is logging all my foods I am going to eat the day before. I will even include treats if I want within my calories. That way when I come home I know what I can eat and what I cant.

    I know this isn't for everyone but it works for me!!!
  • delmontfp1
    delmontfp1 Posts: 3 Member
    I can also relate to this.
    Try keeping a high fiber or high protein snack in your car for the commute home. That has worked for me in the past. Greek yogurt w/crunchy granola or a bag of air-popped popcorn.
  • laurasjourney88
    laurasjourney88 Posts: 16 Member

    great idea!!! thanks!!! btw, love your pic. pusheeen mew mew

    I'm 28 years old and love Pusheen! I used to have a picture of me as my profile but my self confidence went out the window! So while I'm working on that Pusheen is taking over :smiley:

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    so i totally took an all or nothing approach to the leftover xmas crap.

    i ate it all. in one weekend. figured i was going to eat it anyways, and the sooner i got it out of the house, the sooner it would no longer be a temptation.

    that pan of fudge was divine, by the way.

    and now its gone. and im sad. but not really. cause now ... its no longer there for me to obsess about.

    FWIW .... the weight gain was about a pound and a half. no biggie. ;)
  • Pierre_is_a_cat
    Pierre_is_a_cat Posts: 89 Member
    so i totally took an all or nothing approach to the leftover xmas crap.

    i ate it all. in one weekend. figured i was going to eat it anyways, and the sooner i got it out of the house, the sooner it would no longer be a temptation.

    Oh my goodness. I love you. That's hilarious! (are you on YouTube? I'm sure I saw a video with your username today!)

    Anyway, hey @scorpius93, what works for me is drinking a big glass of water as soon as I get home, *immediately* preparing my dinner and then eating it (back when I ate dinner..I intermittent fast now and stop eating around midday), then crowding out any "bad" foods with fruits and veggies. :) Just what works for me.

    Since starting intermittent fasting, I've trained myself not to eat at night. I've had great success.

    Hope this helps. :)

  • tk2222
    tk2222 Posts: 199 Member
    I have a bad evening eating habit as approach that helps sometimes is just to decide that i'll have it for breakfast instead. I try to shake up my day by staying out a bit later (going swimming, usually ;-)) and then when I get home just resisting eating long enough to get into bed and fall asleep early...and then its morning, and i'm up early and hungry enough to have a decent breakfast (rather than skipping it, as I usually do) but the junk food binge crave is usually gone. It's not a perfect method, but it works for me pretty often.
  • mgmalek
    mgmalek Posts: 31 Member
    I absolutely hear you and feel your pain! This is EXACTLY what happens to me!
    One thing that really works for me is Protein. I absolutely hate the stuff but if I have even a few bites of a high Protein bar, I won't feel hungry at all for about 4 hours. So, what I do is I keep one in my car for when I finish work. I'll have a few bites and by the time i get home Im not even a little bit hungry anymore and can wait for dinner
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Can you eat dinner right when you get home to fill up, then have a snack later in the evening if needed?

    I cannot, because I wait for my spouse, so I have a 100 calorie bag of popcorn and a piece of fruit to hold me over.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Go exercise after work instead of going home and plopping down on the couch with junk food.
  • fellowtraveler87
    fellowtraveler87 Posts: 41 Member
    Tell your roommate to hide the junk?

    I have the same problem though...even "healthy" foods can be detrimental in excess. I am a big fan of the frozen veggies that you can microwave - some of the green giant ones in light sauce you can eat the whole bag for ~100 cals and its enough volume to keep you full for a bit.

    Another possible strategy - delay the decision. Don't tell yourself "NO" just shelve it, go for a walk, tell yourself that "if I still really want it in an hour I'll have some" - sometimes delaying the decision makes it easier to say no later.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    1. Plan your food. Either make dinner immediately when you get home, or have a snack right when you get home to hold you over until dinner.

    2. Keep yourself busy. It sounds like you're eating more from boredom/habit than because you are hungry. Fill your evenings up with fun things to do and distract yourself from wanting to eat. Build new habits.
  • dv3177
    dv3177 Posts: 30 Member
    I eat a late afternoon protein snack at work such as Greek yogurt, beef stick or piece of cheese. Completely fixes my eat everything problem when I get home from work and can prep and eat dinner without being starving when I walk on the door.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    It helps me to eat another meal mid day (around 3-4pm) like chicken veggies and sweet potato. If I'm going to the gym before supper I'll have another snack after this as well (toasted english muffin with peanut butter is my favorite). Then I eat a large meal for supper, and if I still have calories left, I will have some sweets then. Sometimes I'll plan sweets ahead, but I always wait until after my other meals are done first.
    Rather than just trying not to think about food, I eat lots of volume food through out the day to prevent that "starving need snack right now" feeling that I also get.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,345 Member
    Sounds like you need a more filling/sustaining lunch. I find if I have a protein/fat heavy lunch that keeps me going right up til dinner. Or have a mid afternoon snack to tide you over.
  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    If you want to eat right when you get home, you need to plan for it to make sure you have the correct foods. Perhaps having a container in the fridge that will hold your portioned snacks will help. I find a sliced cucumber, sliced apple, maybe some celery sticks will provide the munch and crunch that I need but with few calories. Again, weigh and log your snacks. Just remember, if you didn't buy it, it is not yours to eat so the roommate can have her junk food and it will not be a temptation to you. That said, you can have a serving (check the package to see what a serving size is and weigh it out and log it) once in a while. There are no forbidden foods as long as what you eat fits into your daily caloric goal. You may need to take a walk around a few blocks to get some exercise points so you can fit treats in.