

  • Every victory counts! A smaller size in ANYTHING feels good! Keep up the good work.
  • Hmmmm. I've kinda been wondering that myself. I don't workout as hard as you, but I swim laps of various strokes, too. There is a listing in the data for "swimming, general" but I get the feeling that is not quite the same thing. I imagine a water-proof heart monitor would be the best way to know for sure how many calories…
    in Swimming Comment by kriswigg July 2011
  • Give yourself a break. You've worked hard, you deserve some credit. If you like the shirts, keep them. Maybe by your positive attitude and efforts, your niece will follow your example. I agree, get rid of the too-big stuff and enjoy the new you!
  • Whether it's another man or another woman you are possibly interested in, gotta let him know how you are feeling. Being able to communicate is one of the most important things in a relationship. I agree with what someone else said about monogamy, but that doesn't mean you both should be unhappy. Just work out the issues…
  • Tonight we had chicken satay sliders from the latest issue of Rachel Ray magazine. Unfortunately, the magazine doesn't list the nutritional info. Can't be too bad.....ground chicken breast, lots of veggies to top with.....peanut sauce and bread probably the worst part of the whole thing. Very tasty! Tried to check the…
  • Good for you.....trying something new. Way to go!
  • Everything I've read says that 1-2 pounds a week is best.
  • True, and I like those, too. Sometimes shorts are just better, you know? Like hauling the kids to baseball, swimteam, etc. And for bike rides. I need to replace lots of my wardrobe (HOORAY!!) and some pretty skirts and dresses are definitely on the list!
  • I try to avoid them, but do admit to a diet soda now and then. I've also read that artificial sweeteners (not sure exactly which ones) can contribute to joint pain, so if you have arthritis like me, good to stay away from that stuff.
  • How much is in a package? It's odd, since you said that the whole package is 80 calories, but the ads claim they are "calorie free." I'll have to look and see if I can find them. Anyone seen them in the Columbus, Ohio area?
  • The weird thing is, I haven't really been getting them. I mean, yeah, my husband tells me I look good and he's proud of me, my kids mention it, but I guess I hoped other people (friends, neighbors...) would notice and say something. I know we don't do this so other people will praise us, but, let's admit it, it's nice,…
  • Same as others have said, gotta work the triceps. Kickbacks, triceps press, all that stuff. I like to swim and it feels like the breaststroke works that part of my arms pretty well, too.
  • Does that just mean the dried stuff, instead of the moist kind?
  • Ditto to what everyone else has said. You are doing this for YOU, no them. You have gotten off to a great start, hang in there,ignore the jerks and nay-sayers. When they see how great you are doing, they may join you, but don't get discouraged if they don't (or do and claim it's their idea) It's time to be "selfish" and…
  • Hooray!! I'm finding the same thing, some of last years summer clothes are now way too big. Still not quite in the "Someday" clothes yet, so I'll keep looking to you for inspiration.
  • My birthday is 7/11, too, and I've got the same problem. And I couldn't afford to lose any in that region!! My husband is big into weight training, and he tells me that working your pectorals will have what's left sit up higher and therefore look better. But I've read that since breast tissue is largely fat, only gaining…
  • Hey, always look for the silver lining. I had one of those moments today, too. My husband always tells me he thinks I look great, no matter what I weigh. Nice, but I know I can be better. So today he told me he was proud of me for sticking with this and he can tell that it is really paying off. That made me feel so great!…
  • Fabulous!! And what is with this, "But I still have 43 pounds to lose" stuff? You've lost 92 pounds!! Don't apologize, CELEBRATE. :happy:
  • I love their Peach Iced Tea.
  • No such thing as a small victory. They are all big wins when we decide to take care of ourselves and get healthy. Good for you!!
  • I know exactly what you mean. I have this picture in my head of what I think I look like, then I see myself in the mirror and think, "Who is that old, fat woman?" My husband tells me all the time how sexy he finds me, and how beautiful he thinks I am, then I look at myself and wonder how in the world he can see me that…
  • Like some of the others have posted, I look at this as a lifestyle change, not as a diet. I figure that we all have days when we just don't eat the way we ought too. I try not to look at those as "cheats" or failures, just not a great day and start again fresh the next. If I know I haven't eaten well and have a chance, I…
  • Way to go!! Funny how those sort of things just sneak up on us without realizing it. SOunds like you all had a great day.
  • You've only failed if you decide that you give up and aren't going to try again. Everyone has days where they don't make the best choices. Try again tomorrow. Once you make a habit of picking the right foods and being healthy, it becomes easier. It just becomes your routine.
  • "Running" interference when my kids are fighting. "Kicking" myself for not getting in excercise. Hauling groceries in from the car. Getting up in the middle of the night to herd my son back to bed when he is sleep-walking.
  • I agree with you, that sucks. It's tough to be a SAHM, we need breaks with grown-up conversation, too! Is there another mom that maybe you could trade babysitting with, so you could get out more often? I've been in the same boat, since my hubby works nights and isn't around as much, either. Anyway, have a happy birthday…
  • I hear ya. I've got a few more years on you, but similar experience. The biggest thing that has helped me with this journey is that I am not looking at this as a diet or a weight loss plan per se, but as changing the way I eat and take care of myself. Like all moms (and I'm sure you can relate) I take care of everyone else…
  • I have asthma and some types of excercise do cause problems for me. I can't run, but walking is OK, as long as I don't push it on too many really big hills. I hhave enjoyed water aerobics and swimming and do find those easier to do. Becareful though, if your asthma is really severe. I have read that the chlorine in the…
  • I agree. Not only will packing your lunch save you calories and God-only-knows how many preservatives and sodium, you'll save money, too. Then you will have more for the cute clothes you'll need when you meet your goals. :wink:
  • I was going to say that I thought maybe the above was the case. Especially if you are sick, not moving around much. I bet once you feel better and get back to your regular fitness routine, that comes right of, and then some!