Need motivation and support!

HI all!

I'm Kelly, I just turned 32 and am probably on my 32nd (and hopefully last) attempt at permanent weight loss. I have been on Weight Watchers in the past and did well, I lost about 35 lbs. Then after gaining it back, I lost it again, and so on. My problem is, I do well when I'm losing weight, but once I hit a plateau, I get discouraged and give in to my "food demons". I have 2 little boys and a wonderful husband, but I feel like I'm alone in my weight loss journey. I 'd like a partner that I can team up with so we can motivate each other at the hardest times. I've gained back about 10 lbs. in the past few months and I just can't get back on track!


  • crystaldougherty
    crystaldougherty Posts: 59 Member
    You can do it! Keep up the work, you are doing an excellent job by giving it a try again!!!!
  • SaraCakes1
    I know that story all to well! LOL! Keep it up your doing a great job! Feel free to add me to your friend list! I'll try my best for both of us to stay motivated! MFP is great and so are the people on here so good luck to you!
  • kriswigg
    kriswigg Posts: 95
    I hear ya. I've got a few more years on you, but similar experience. The biggest thing that has helped me with this journey is that I am not looking at this as a diet or a weight loss plan per se, but as changing the way I eat and take care of myself. Like all moms (and I'm sure you can relate) I take care of everyone else first. WHen I started using MFP in Feb. I decided I'd start putting myself first. I don't consider myself to be on a diet, I am just choosing to eat healthier foods and better portion sizes, and to make getting excercise a priority. I am simply not having the junk in the house, which in turn is better for my family, too. I still have snacks for the kids for their lunches, I just make sure it's not the stuff that I really like, so the temptation is not as great. Yes, this has all helped me lose weight, but I also feel healthier and know I'm making better choices. I think that has helped to keep me motivated, since I'm not saying, "I'm on a diet to lose X amount of pounds in X amount of time."
  • Blueyedago
    Blueyedago Posts: 3 Member
    I like you're thinking, but how do you get the rest of the family to adopt a healthier lifestyle? My husband has a very active job, he he can pretty much eat whatever he wants. I don't have the same luck!
  • Jesusfollower
    Your story sounds like mine. I'm good at losing weight and I'm good at putting it back on, but I'm not very good at maintaining it.