20 lbs a month??

I started my own kind of diet a few years ago but fell off due to college and laziness.... well, when I did it, I stayed away from white things like rice, bread, potatoes and pasta. I quit all the caffeine, alcohol, sweets and limited my meat to more reasonable portions. I also ate 4 or 5 times a day (small portions) or ate something small when I got hungry. The only exercise I did was clean my house (it was always organized). I lost 20 lbs, maybe 22 a month for 2 months.... I know - WHY DID I STOP?????? well I'm thinking about starting that again but want to know if that is unhealthy? I wasn't starving myself, just didn't overeat or let my stomach growl... I was munching all day. Should I tackle it again?


  • thenewkarisa
    thenewkarisa Posts: 207
    ans If I do that, I could be at my goal by the end of the year... any arguments against this?
  • thenewkarisa
    thenewkarisa Posts: 207
    ans If I do that, I could be at my goal by the end of the year... any arguments against this?
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    5 lbs a week? You really think that is healthy, and you that you could maintian that level of loss?

    You already know the answer... Stick to the program.
  • kriswigg
    kriswigg Posts: 95
    Everything I've read says that 1-2 pounds a week is best.
  • helloclaire
    helloclaire Posts: 191
    You lost that many pounds in a month because you made drastic changes. You are only going to be disappointed if you are aiming to lose twenty pounds a month. I lost seven pounds my first week and after that it has been slower. You should only aim to lose two pounds a week. Good luck! :)
  • dmest
    dmest Posts: 98 Member
    I think any time you quit all of something for good, it's harder to maintain and keep up with it. Personally, I don't want to give up all of the bad for you stuff for the rest of my life. I'd rather enjoy that stuff in moderation and keep myself accountable for it when I do.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Won't get an arguement out of me. Whatever works for you.
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    If it works, it works, but be forwarned, often times you lose a large amount of weight right off the back with diets like that, and then the weight loss slows to more typical levels. :happy:
  • Marlinedorcinvil
    Marlinedorcinvil Posts: 115 Member
    What you did sounds like a low carb diet. Getting rid of refined carbs is an excellent way to lose weight. It's not unhealthy but you may also want to include more working out in your routine. And also look into low carb diets for more details like Atkins, primal, or palelo.
  • bcbman
    bcbman Posts: 96 Member
    I am on 2 lbs a week loss. Slow and steady but much healthier way to lose I believe. I find tracking everything on the the site helps me stay on plan. Good luck with whatever you choose to do.
  • Bretto
    Bretto Posts: 196 Member
    If it works for you do it!! Just know that even if it is not 20 lbs per month, it will be something and losing something is better than losing nothing. Would love to see your diary choices. I would like to try it and see where it leads me....
  • LyssaMarie13
    I don't believe in limiting yourself that much! I've done it before and although it worked it was really hard to keep up especially because I love food and my family drinks at get together and I love going out with my friends! I would say it's best just to keep it in your calorie goal and watch your sugars! Make sure you add anything that isn't water or unsweetened tea into your calories for the day. If you plan on drinking that night keep your calories low, but don't starve yourself or deprive yourself. That never works! You can basically eat what you want as long as you stick to your calories! Remember calories, calories, calories! Here is an article that proves what I'm talking about... O and do more than just clean your house for exercise... It's good for your body, not just for weight loss...
    This article is very interesting... Not advising anybody to do it. It just proves a point!
  • Marlinedorcinvil
    Marlinedorcinvil Posts: 115 Member
    I think any time you quit all of something for good, it's harder to maintain and keep up with it. Personally, I don't want to give up all of the bad for you stuff for the rest of my life. I'd rather enjoy that stuff in moderation and keep myself accountable for it when I do.

    Totally agree. If you are going to do low carb it's a lifestyle change otherwise you will gain the weight back
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Ask yourself if that is how you'd like to eat for the rest of your life. If you can, go for it. If not, why not just cut back on carbs and swap out refined carbs for whole grains and natural sugar. More likely to have lasting results with the latter.
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    You would likely not be able to maintain this level of loss over an extended period. That being said, it really depends on how much weight you have to lose and those first few months it is possible to see it (which is great). Weight loss tends to slow the closer you get to your goal weight however. Keep in mind that the changes you implement are long term. If you decide to cut out carbs and caffeine that's great....but you have to be willing to keep doing it even after you finish losing weight. It's as much about changing our habits as it is about losing the weight. Kudos to you for starting this journey!
  • thenewkarisa
    thenewkarisa Posts: 207
    Thanks everyone for the thoughts given so far!! I don't plan on losing 20 every month, was just curious about starting out like that... but the idea of deprivation making you fall off the horse as far as cravings makes sense. I will slowly let certain things go instead of going cold turnkey on everything :D I obviously fell off the horse the first time Haha! I gained 50 pounds since then... :/
    ROXY_RAY_HEART Posts: 5 Member
    I know it always says 1-2 lbs a week is healthy, but have you seen Extreme Weight Loss Makeover edition? They're losing like 90 lbs in 3months.. Yea! If you feel fine with it and your getting what you need I don't see why it would hurt. Just to be safe I would take all in one vitamin I uses Centrum for Women: Ultra... Good luck!
  • thenewkarisa
    thenewkarisa Posts: 207
    I actually am thinking about a vitamin... I've always been low on Iron and Vit D
  • thenewkarisa
    thenewkarisa Posts: 207
    I know it always says 1-2 lbs a week is healthy, but have you seen Extreme Weight Loss Makeover edition? They're losing like 90 lbs in 3months.. Yea! If you feel fine with it and your getting what you need I don't see why it would hurt. Just to be safe I would take all in one vitamin I uses Centrum for Women: Ultra... Good luck!

    ...and I've always wondered about these shows on TV... they say to do it slow but if I was on that show, I'd feel like I'm gonna die!! haha
  • dHowe4406
    dHowe4406 Posts: 114
    They say 1-2 lbs a week is healthy but that is if you are a little over weight. If you have a lot of weight on you then losing 5 lbs a week is fine. But make sure you are being healthy while you do it. You will slow down after you lose more weight because it will be harder for you to do. So at first 5 lbs a week is fine but you most likely will not be able to keep that pace up and be healthy.