Amymhis Member


  • aww you're an inspiration dear!
  • desperate because I am stuck and have already pushed back my engagement pictures because of my weight, next thing will be pushing back my wedding!!! LOL
  • I use splenda w/my coffee when I drink it, and I did have coffee today... I keep switching my fish oil and vitamin brands but it seems like i should be over that by now still. i got a weak belly!
  • over a year! and if i eat cruddy and basically over eat i'm fine, but if i eat normal then I am just blah...
  • might have to stop them.... dang it!
  • I'm taking GNC- "be whole" multi vitamin, they said it was not one to be so strong but more of a natural one. I'll have to double check, I thought when I bought it they actually said it DID NOT contain a lot of iron which is why they thought it would be good for me... Ugh... I feel sick off and on all day long! It's…
  • yup I take all my pills after I eat breakfast because if I don't I WILL GET SICK! I'm a whimp!
  • Since i've started I've lost 10 lbs, this was back in I don't know... April??? It's taken FOREVER!!!!!!!! But it does! The one thing I STRESS STRESS STRESS to you is DON'T GET DISCOURAGED!!!!!!!!! Keep up with the diet and keep up your work outs, 3 lbs is progress, and that is only what the scale says, your body takes time…
  • OMG yes I heard about Alabama, you guys got it bad out there! So sorry to hear about that, the lives lost, the homes, such a tragedy :(
  • YES! I've also "shower cried" quite often!!! It's ok dear, hang in there, you are definitely in control of your body! You have friends here who want to help motivate you! Amy
  • The heat produced by your muscles during the exercise needs to be removed from your body. This happens by the dilation of blood vessels near your skin surface to allow increased heat transfer from your body to your surroundings. This is your body's way to cool down. Your face gets red and hot because the tiny blood vessels…
  • Find a low fat yogurt, my favorite is Dannon light!, I stick it in the freezer then pretend it's ice cream!!!!
  • Keep up the hard work dear! It's sure to pay off!!! Remember, the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn each day. The more cardio you do, the more fat you burn, if you just lift weights you'll never really lose the lbs but you'll definitely feel stronger!!! A combo of both is ideal and the best way to get…
  • I need whipped into shape too!
  • I've heard bad things about splenda but continue to use it. Splenda AKA-Sucralose is approximately 600 times as sweet as sucrose (table sugar), twice as sweet as saccharin, and 3.3 times as sweet as aspartame.Splenda isn't really digested, therefore our bodies don't digest calories, and in small doses it is probably OK for…
  • My thought is that you would burn less during a workout because you are straining less with the lower heart rate. However if you have more muscle in your body then your body is burning more calories throughout the entire day. So although you may burn less during your workouts, your body is burning more in combination with…
  • DON'T DO IT!!! that temptation lasts seconds but regret lasts forever! BE STRONG! I know it's hard... I've bought candy at a gas station before, got home, opened then, then threw it out so I wouldn't eat it, sounds strange, I know, it sounds strange to me too... Correcting my laps of judgment from my buyers remorse :P
  • Embarrassing must tell moment, My first spin class I ever took, I fell off the bike (and took the bike down with me).... EMBARRASSING!!!!!!!!!! :/
  • I'd love to be your friend! We can motivate each other! :D
  • My motivation is to motivate others. It's very hard to stay strong. GOD I MISS CHEESE AND BREAD!!!! lol but it's worth it. I miss my old clothes so bad, can't wait to fit in them again!!! If you need any tips or advice please write me!!! Check out my health site,…
  • I accept everyone! The more support the better I guess, haven't had any problems