tonedover Member


  • when starting out you should have the 8-10 cups of water a day as recommended. Its helpful to flush your kidneys and other organs with pure water from time to time. Other drinks cited here, though healthy, dont allow for the kidneys to flush as effectively. Your urine should be nearly clear if your kidneys have been…
  • Just be that co-worker. Why would they care? If they respect you as a co-worker they should accept you have certain dietary needs (ie: not eating the junk they are serving). Good luck on earning that laptop as a reward! ;-)
  • My guess is you arent properly hydrating as well. Make sure to slam 24 to 32 oz of water while working out, more after, and then i recommend a lean protein shake, such as InTek protein or Muscle Milk Light immediately after the workout. I also keep around flinstones vitamins and often chew one right after the workout while…
    in new here Comment by tonedover May 2011
  • yean - im sure you were looking for more creativity from our replies, but the walking is where its at!
  • Wendys Asian Chicken Salad isnt super duper terrible for you, but really i have to agree -- stay away from fast food places. If you are in a hurry and starving, go to a Subway. They are everywhere Lastly -- sodium can be overcome by drinking lots of extra water.
  • Turkey, turkey, turkey Hummus! (Margaritaville Brand is really good ) Fiber Wheat Thins Baby Carrots, Celery Homemade trail mix with almonds, walnuts, raisins, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds, and maybe a very small number of m+ms Laughing Cow Light if you really want cheese substitute Oscar Mayer Fat Free Bologna 1…
  • Completely incorrect. Not trying to be rude, but your statement is completely, utterly, wrong. Your body can go into starvation mode in just a couple days.
  • In my opinion walking is the BEST exercise there is. Walking utilizes core and stabilizing muscles more than running does -- and your heart rate stays in a fat burning mode instead of a true "cardio" mode. Ive lost 25 pounds in 6 weeks via light resistance training, walking about 3 miles a day, and moderating calorie…
    in walking Comment by tonedover April 2011
  • those new Jell-o dessert things are awesome -- its like chocolate mousse, lemon merange (sp?), and some other one They are so good and are not bad for you at all !
  • work travel is a huge obstacle. Ive been re-learning that the expensive piece of fish on the work acct is just as good as the expensive steak on the work acct --- and i feel good about my positive choice! more to the point - im a moderator. i recently had some cheetos!! my fav !!! it was so good but i felt guilty the…
  • i have found it motiviating to record those bad days to stay me on the course on regular days
  • Too much sugar in large amounts of fruit to begin with, let alone adding dip -- UNLESS you are a really active person all day long to burn that excess sugar.
  • i dont count it as water. Anything in the water has to be flushed by the kidneys so ill have a diet tea or a green tea, but still slam down the 8 cups of water as well. On the plus side, all these zero calorie teas make you fell full and provide me with much needed caffiene (since i gave up my beloved coffee for a couple…
  • Powdered fiber (not pills) and a lot of water. I prefer the "au natural" method. Also - wheat thins have a great "fiber" line. I eat the garden veggie ones for my 2nd carb helping of the day, and its 20% of your daily fiber.
  • half sleeve on the right arm, all black ink - includes a luck band, a 'potentcy' charm, a large aztec sun in the middle (for power),etc tattoo of the hawaiian islands crawling from my left shoulder down my left tricep -- got it done in hawaii by the "best" local tattoo guy on maui (Sampson) Love hawaii!!
  • i would advise to rather just learn to read the net calorie calculation that they provide, as oppose to wait til the end of the day. I know i wouldnt remember everything i put in my mouth all day. There are free apps for iphone and android for this site that i use all day while i work to input what i eat -- it really…
  • NOT breads Do: Walnuts almonds and sunflower seeds dried cranberries and raisins get fiber and calcium suppliments LOWcal and LOWfat protein drinks (Intek Protein Endurance, Muscle Milk Light) lettuce / salads w/ light vinegrettes lean ground turkey to replace red meat Chicken breast - grilled, baked, shredded, chopped,…
  • Lookin' HAWT - keep it up!
  • hmm.... "heathy" trail mix is my fav snack id say that im eating a lot of "dry" salad with fat free feta and olives now too
  • rule of thumb -- if you are eating healthy food and drinking plenty of water and you are hungry, eat. If you arent, dont. Ive never seen a convincing argument one way or the other to your question in the 4 weeks ive been here.
  • i would avoid carbonation of any type, even in waters. im still having aggressive results 4 weeks in and i only drink water and diet tea. i cant imagine the carbonation would be good at all for diet.
  • Ya look great! good job
  • rest day and i find that adding a healthy and reasonable amount of sugar to your diet for one day can assist in soreness
  • far as i know -- No! Ive read that the more water you drink the less you retain, and the better your kidneys and intestines flush waste. I am not a doctor or personal trainer though.
    in Water! Comment by tonedover March 2011
  • Oh, well i havent done any research on "hormonal" based diet injections, but im sure its too $$$ for me. Let us know how it works out. I hope it helps you meet your goals!
    in day one Comment by tonedover March 2011
  • Great job to you Since im just starting your results are really motivating to me!
  • Hi Bob- im starting at 260 as well, and obviously im no personal traininer, but i would say that to have a negative 3500 cal burn per day is really aggressive and few people's metabolisms will provide such change. I recommend a more realistic goal, and use your pound a day as a "stretch" goal (as we would say here @ work)…