Starvation Mode....a myth?



  • BroDave
    BroDave Posts: 249 Member
    Here are a few articles that give evidence on both sides of the issue. I am convinces there is a "Starvation Mode" that will slow down your metabolism but I am a long ways from it. I plan to eat healthy and the fewest calories as possible, so I can lose as much as I can in the shortest time. I will continue to read all I can find on both sides of the issue.
  • tonedover
    tonedover Posts: 30 Member
    It may exist, but only after your body has burn up all of the fat and muscle from your body first that it can use. And you would have to eat absolutely nothing for weeks.

    Completely incorrect.
    Not trying to be rude, but your statement is completely, utterly, wrong.
    Your body can go into starvation mode in just a couple days.
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    This will not be popular here, but.....

    I have always had a hard time buying into the starvation mode. Does it exist? I believe it does, but I tend to think it is probably after the body has ran out of large amounts of stored fat, and a prolonged calorie restrictions. I have been trying to find some hard fact, but as with everything, have found information backing both sides. Here is one article I found that makes several good points, the writers reference links back up her points very well. Take a few minutes to read the articles before giving me to much grief. :)

    Has anyone here actually proven the starvation mode? Have you every only lost weight after upping your calories? Who has experienced starvation mode and recovered and lost weight after increasing your calories? Restricted for how long? How much of a deficit? How much of an increase to lose again?

    I have done a lot of different things in the last 5 months of my weight loss journey. Articles like this were like candy to me...I hoped for great weight loss very fast...Every time my calories came back up I gained within 24 hours. When I would restrict my calories to 1200 and under as much as I had "Energy" I felt wrong..As soon as I got back on track and with my working out I have found 1500-2000 is my mark for calories.. The weight drops steady.....

    There is no proof here, just fancy for those who have been loosing weight in low calorie.. This is not judgement you can loose weight on low calories but that does not mean your body is getting what it needs....I screwed myself up so bad....good luck all..
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    Hi All! Personal trainer and endurance athlete here. Starvation mode is not a myth. "Starvation" conjures up images of extreme emaciation, and it creates a confusing situation for overweight folks who hear that their body is in "starvation" mode. Clearly, it's not!

    However, straight from my text book under the "Calorie Restricted Diets" heading:

    "The body's number-one priority is to obtain sufficient energy to carry on vital functions such as circulation, respiration, and digestion. Therefore, in the absence of adequate dietary carbohydrates, protein, and fat calories, the body will break down not only dietary protein but protein in the blood, liver, pancreas, muscles, and other tissues inorder to maintain vital organs and functions.

    Without sufficient energy, the human body has the innate ability to break down muscle tissue for use as an energy source during heavy exercise. This process is known as gluconeogenesis, which is the production of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources."

    The text goes on (dryly) to explain the (boring) chemical reaction that occurs, whereby the muscle tissue is stripped of amino acids and converted into energy.

    Furthermore, the text does "not condone any plans that contain fewer than 1200 calories", as the medical consequences of such a diet are more severe than a ketogenic (Atkins-type) diet.

    So, to sum up, if MFP allows you 1328 calories, and you burn 652 on the elliptical, but you only eat 865 calories that day, your calorie deficit is 1,115 calories. Your body's going to get the energy somehow to keep you alive, and your muscle is where it starts. These are the consequences of your hard work. Your muscle mass will decrease, your metabolism will continue to get slower, and you'll stay the same weight.

    Starvation mode happens in a day. It doesn't mean you look like you're starving, but it does mean that your body is starved for the proper balance of carbohydrates, fat, and protein, and so it steals that energy from it's own sources.

    If anybody has any questions about the science, please friend me or message me!

  • mommy2josh
    I never did believe in Starvation Mode... until 2 weeks ago :) I started my weightloss journey in Jan. of this year. I have lost 19 lbs so far. I have been getting weighed and measured, body fat %, hydration, etc etc. I had stopped losing for a few weeks, I was eating about 1200 cals a day, plus exercising anywhere between 500-1000 cals a day, and not eating them back. From my March to April weigh in, i lost 4 lbs. but i felt fatter, not bloated, i thought my back and my sides looked fatter. I went in and got weighed & measured, and my lady got very upset with me, she knew exactly what was going on with my body after looking at the numbers. She told me my body LOST muscle, turned it into fat, for survival, even though i was working out everyday, and not just doing cardio, i was doing free weights, JM 30DS, and going to a bootcamp. I was not feeding my body enough. She asked me right out if i knew about 'starvation mode' i told her, i did, but didn't believe it.
    Well, i started right away, upped my cals to eat what i was working out, plus my 1420/day and lost 3lbs the first week afterwards. I'm not saying this would happen to everyone, but it did for me. I expect not to lose lbs necessarily for the next week or two, cause i'm really hoping my body is starting to build back some muscle first... another reason i love getting measured :)
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    I was on about 1400 calories per day and burning about 800 per day. My weight loss was averaging .6 lbs per week.
    I started eating the extra 800 and voila, my average is now 1.6 per week.