what can you use besides laxatives



  • hot_yoga_lover
    Caffeine gets thing moving, that's one of it's natural stimulating effects on the body. A cup of coffee does it for me every morning, and usually within an hour of drinking it.
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    i am thiniking a hot green tea might do the trick? i took 3 laxatives last night and nothing. honestly its been like 5 days so thats not normal. i have plenty of fruits and veggies in my diet so i am actually shocked however i been taking medicine and thats probably the reason . .

    Rx meds can definitely do that, especially heavy duty pain killers. When I had my gallbladder out they prescribed me painkillers + Milk of Magnesia to help keep things moving despite the meds
  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    Fiber one bars work for me...and only 90caloreis:)

    haha,,,yeah, they dont smell like "oats and chocolate" coming out .....quote from my son :embarassed:
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    I usually use coffee to help, but there are times that even that won't work for me. I have put benefiber in it and had that help. I have also taken over the counter stool softener when need be. Those 2 things aren't brutal to my stomach like the laxatives are. Hope you get relief soon, I know it can be awful!!
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    mirilax the powder its a bit pricy however you can put it in anything and there is no flavor. i have it on drs orders cause i have to have high fiber in my diet cause i have a lazy bowl...
  • Imthatg1rl
    Imthatg1rl Posts: 109
    I eat oatmeal everyday, it helps....
    But coffee and senna tea work. It takes over night for the senna tea to kick in. And about an hour for coffee
  • candygrl1980
    Fiber diets can be dangerous through laxitives!!! Be careful!!! You can get fiber plus and add it to everything you eat/drink but in addition to it you want to be sure to drink lots of water and eats fruits and vegies!! You can dehydrate very fast and you pour out any nutrients you eat before you body can absorb them!!!!! Also take multi-vitamins if you choose to diet this way!!
  • tonedover
    tonedover Posts: 30 Member
    Powdered fiber (not pills) and a lot of water.

    I prefer the "au natural" method.

    Also - wheat thins have a great "fiber" line. I eat the garden veggie ones for my 2nd carb helping of the day, and its 20% of your daily fiber.
  • superdre
    superdre Posts: 27 Member
    There is something called Dieters Tea, the herb combination... em, gets things moving. It's a natural way to get your body clean and going again. It's much healthier than anything artificial. :-D
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    Going for a run helps :)
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    Really strong coffee tends to work for me too...sometimes too quickly.
    Oy, Coffee gets me every time! That's part of the reason why I drink it every morning! :bigsmile:
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    Coffee is good for a quick fix in the morning.
    Also, hydrating by drinking lots of water.

    I tend to incorporate plenty of fiber into my day, everyday.

    I eat oranges, apples, avocados, black beans, sweet potatoes. These always help me. :happy:
    Any kind of fruit or veggie that you really like - look up and find it's fiber content. Then stock up! :flowerforyou:

    There is a great recipe on Eating Well.com for Sweet Potato and Black Bean Chili. That will really get you on a great path!

    Good Luck!
  • PoleBoy
    PoleBoy Posts: 255 Member
    cocoa butter handcream. used... err... *in* the problem area.

    my guess is the cocoa is a mild stimulant, as well as lubricating, and softening things.
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    I echo what the coffee people said! Also, my Mom swears by Dr Miller's Holy Tea. She drinks an 8 oz glass daily, and she is 60 and her regular doctor told her that she had the cleanest colon he'd ever seen....
    It doesn't taste too bad, and you can mix it with regular tea, or fruit juice....
  • jipper44
    jipper44 Posts: 111
    I take a probiotic (I like the Nature's Bounty brand best) with my multi-vitamin and breakfast every morning. That and a good cup of coffee usually do the trick for me. Just make sure it won't conflict with any of your current medications.

    Also, if I haven't had a significant amount of carbs in a long time (several days), I have a very carb-filled meal and that gets things moving by morning. Hope you find something that works for you!
  • lestahling
    Try eating grapes!
    Coffee works too - try drinking it black! Get an iced coffee if you want it to work faster (it's double brewed)
    Also, ginger tea.

    Oh, also- Don't eat bananas or apples for a few days - they have pectin in them and if you eat a lot they can block you up.
    Good luck!
  • sophiajackson99
    Hot water with tea/lemons/honey. Mint tea is a good digestive aid and soothes the digestive tract.

    Water by itself can help, but in my experience, does not solve the problem.

    Fiber comes in two varieties: soluble and insoluble. The insoluble kind can cause ADDITIONAL problems if you are already having problems, so beware the psyllium husk... (not everyone knows or tells you this when you hear the directive to consume more fiber). Fiber in fruits - like pears and apples carry their water in their fiber (thus soluble fiber) and help to form the walls of the colon with a soft bulky mass, which aids the movement. Thick hearty whole grain bread, as you can imagine, will make the problem worse.

    Stretching helps. Walking helps. Yoga helps. Twists and turns to the abdomen help.

    I've had some experience... :) Best of luck!
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    If you are speaking laxatives - Magnesium Citrate (saline laxative) works very quickly and flushes you out (you'll feel like a loads been taken off) (literally). For ongoing cleansing cascara segrada and/or psyllium husk (I prefer orange flavored). Now the psyllium husk will cleanse out old fecal matter as well. This will help allow nutrients to be absorbed through the intestinal walls, thus you will want to eat less because your body is getting more nutrition from your intake. These are just suggestions. If you want to get more information on any one of these I've mentioned, we're on the internet - check it out. Hope this info has been helpful.
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    Try eating grapes!
    Coffee works too - try drinking it black! Get an iced coffee if you want it to work faster (it's double brewed)
    Also, ginger tea.

    Oh, also- Don't eat bananas or apples for a few days - they have pectin in them and if you eat a lot they can block you up.
    Good luck!

    Thank you. Great info. I used to have problem with movements too. Once I went 2 weeks without things moving it was very painful. I had a colonoscopy about 7 years ago the was prescribed Mirilax. I did not like the sliminess of it because I had to take it first thing in the morning with Water according to my doctor.

    What has been working for me over the last 3 years is Dr Natura's Fiber. I take it every morning but make sure you get a lot of water with it.
  • Kellee_76
    Kellee_76 Posts: 91
    I can relate to this problem. I help it with a magnesium supplement everyday. The magnesium really helps. I've tried everything. But nothing works if you're not drinking enough water.