Staying under daily calories??

Hey Everyone! I have a quick right now myfitnesspal has me intaking 1200 cal a day. However we all know when we exercise and enter it our daily intake goes up...should we try to stay under it and stick to the original 1200 or should we eat the new daily allowence. For instance today I started of with

Breakfast 200 cal

So I had 1000 left

I went to the gym burned 885 cal and now I have 1885 left?

Just a little confused! Thanks!


  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Lots of opinions of eating your earned exercise calories. Some people will tell you that you should and some will tell you that you shouldn't because by doing so you're just maintaining your weight. To find out your goal before your exercise calories are added just go to your front page and look at "goal" that's without the exercise cals added.

    Under the "my home" tab is goals ...that gives you a break down.
  • h653uv
    h653uv Posts: 5
    That is a great question. I would also like to know the answer to that. I have a real problem staying under my calories many days, but I work out to burn an extra 400-500 a day.
  • tonedover
    tonedover Posts: 30 Member
    rule of thumb -- if you are eating healthy food and drinking plenty of water and you are hungry, eat. If you arent, dont.

    Ive never seen a convincing argument one way or the other to your question in the 4 weeks ive been here.
  • hawkeyegirl
    As I understand it, losing weight is about calories in vs. calories out. So if you eat 1200 calories but workout and burn 200 calories then you've really only taken in 1000 calories, so you should be able to have 200 more calories to bring you up to your goal for the day. That's how I understand it anyway.
  • jinglett
    jinglett Posts: 69
    Being new to mfp, I didn't realize exercise adjusted my total calorie intake. I wish there was a feature to leave the exercise calories gained out until the end of the day. From now on I will log my exercise at the end of the day after my food journal is complete. I was just so excited that I got myself moving that I wanted to post it in my journal for that small gold star moment reaffirming that I am well worth this healthy lifestyle that I have adopted.
  • RadGirl2013
    Thanks for the 411 guys! I really think I'm just going to listen to my body here. If Im hungry I'll continue eating healthy like I have been and if I'm not I won't! =) Really appreciate all the post and good advice!
  • tonedover
    tonedover Posts: 30 Member
    Being new to mfp, I didn't realize exercise adjusted my total calorie intake. I wish there was a feature to leave the exercise calories gained out until the end of the day. From now on I will log my exercise at the end of the day after my food journal is complete. I was just so excited that I got myself moving that I wanted to post it in my journal for that small gold star moment reaffirming that I am well worth this healthy lifestyle that I have adopted.

    i would advise to rather just learn to read the net calorie calculation that they provide, as oppose to wait til the end of the day. I know i wouldnt remember everything i put in my mouth all day.

    There are free apps for iphone and android for this site that i use all day while i work to input what i eat -- it really helps!!
  • missduffbug
    missduffbug Posts: 217
    Just listen to your body , if you are hungry then eat - but dont eat crappy stuff.
    I used to eat my exercise calories but now I try not to as I was told by a fitness trainer that as long as I am fuelling my body and not starving it - I will lose weight and there is no need to eat them just because it says you have them left.
    Lots of different opinions but I would just say that your body is the best tool you have and listen to that above and beyond everything else xx