alonnadodd Member


  • Same here. Did p90x five years ago and did great. Then had second kid and am now starting all over again. Started again 3 days ago. Feel free to friend me!
  • Are people still posting in here? I'm starting (yesterday) and would love support. It's the only reason I finished it 5 years ago ( and I'm back where I started then :()
  • MMMMM I'm with all you spicy tuna etc people! Yummmmmmmmm!! I'm super jealous now!!
  • You have been working so hard! Good for you! You look fantastic!
  • I measure what I pour and don't adjust it even if I don't drink it. I probably am slightly off on other things throughout the day so I figure that a little milk won't make a big difference... if anything I'll eat a bit less than what I track which is ok with me.
  • sounds yummy! I had a problem with Mcdonal'ds cheeseburgers when I was pregnant too :S Annnnd that's why I'm here lol!
  • Awesome:) You're seriously rockin the P90X!! YAY PUSHUPS! LOL
    in My NSV's! Comment by alonnadodd May 2011
  • Hmm do you guys think there is another thread of this started? We aren't getting as many posts as we usually do!
  • Thanks for the tips re: increasing weights on leg day - I probably do need to do that anyway! Yoga day today and although I looked forward to it I was glad when it was over as well!
  • Week 5 day 3 - will be the first day of back and biceps today. I did measurements on Monday and lost an inch off my chest and an inch off my waist but nothing off my enormous problem area, hips. I'm already a pear so it always sucks shrinking my chest more but that is always the way - top to bottom right? Ahh well. I know…
  • Good morning everyone! Groaaaaan. Day 3 recovery week 1 done. Kenpo yay! For those of you doing the + workouts are you able to buy them separately or did you buy a whole plus program??? How does that work??? Ug did it at 5 am and was planning on going to bed for a couple of hours after I finished but my little guy has…
  • Day 2 Recovery week. Core Syn. I liked it when I was doing it in place of Plyo the first two weeks but today I just wanted to shut it down. Dreya drives me crazy (in all the workouts she's in). I'm not sure why. I think I get some kind of "Teacher's Pet" vibe from her. Lol maybe I'm nuts. It's possible! Anyway - day 2…
  • Hilarious! You sure know your P90X! haha Gave me a good laugh!
    in P90X Quiz Comment by alonnadodd May 2011
  • Week 4 day 1 Yoga. It was as ok as Yoga can be I guess. So far I'm down 2 lbs since starting. Will be interesting to see my measurements at the end of the week but I'm not expecting any huge changes at this point. Who knows though maybe I'll be surprised!
  • First day of recovery today and did Yoga this morning. I got it over with and then went back to bed for an hour before my son was up. That was a nice reward for finishing it. I'm not excited about 2 days of Yoga on recovery week. Guess I'll be doing measurements at the end of this week but will NOT be posting picture lol.…
  • Yoga X for me tonight - Surprisingly excited about it!! TankPlanker - Those are extremely impressive results!! Nice work!!
  • Couldn't agree more!!! Like Tony says "Do your best, forget the rest!" Do as much as you can and just keep hangin on!
  • Chelios! WOW!!!!! Great progress!!! Keep up the great work!! You must feel like a million bucks!
  • I just finished it too! And now I wish I was dead lol. Nah but I do kind of feel like I might vomit hah. I burned 602 and am thrilled with that too. Plyo = HELL!
  • Holy 8.5 inches lost!! WOW! Great job!! 3.5 off your hips alone!!!!!! WOOHOO!
  • Yay! Congrats on finishing day 30!! Looking forward to hearing about your progress! Day 1 week 3 for me but it's my first week doing classic since I switched from lean. Chest and back for the first time today. Gross. I hate pushups. I'm using resistance bands for pull ups too and I'm not sure I was getting enough…
  • Great! I think most of us agreet that we HATE the yoga bug it does feel good after doesn't it!? Im on my last day of week 2 and am already starting to see some slight improvements! I'm totally hooked!! Kempo today and then next week will be my first full week of classic version. I'm looking forward to it. I did Plyo as an…
  • I know what you mean - for me an hour of exercise is as much as I want to do. I've only done Yoga X twice now and the first time I wanted to pull my hair out and punch Tony in the face and run screaming from my house. I finished it even though I hated every minute of it and there was tons of stuff I couldn't do. Like you…
  • That Dreya roll is killer! they make it look so easy! I can barely get to my fit let alone spin! Week 2 day 4 - Yoga. Ug. Made it through though. I actually found it slightly more difficult today then last week... weird. Legs and back tomorrow!! I've decided to switch from lean to classic. We'll see how it goes!
  • Thanks for the advice! I'm convinced! I'll switch to Classic!
  • MMMMMMMM they sound delightful! Haven't tried the pb ones yet but still plan to!
  • Love this post!!! Thanks for the reminder that we really are improving our lives!
  • For those of you who have done this already - let me pick your brains.... I started lean a week ago and was surprised (a little disappointed) with how few calories I find I'm burning during Cardio X, Core Syn and Kenpo. Not to say it's easy - it isn't realllly easy but isn't as difficult as I thought it would be either.…
  • sounds yummy! Thanks!