p90x - Round 1 beginners



  • pekka930
    pekka930 Posts: 12
    I will start my workout today for p90x lean, but the thing is I cant finish my whole workout because I can only do my workout on my 1 hour break. So I need to stop by 45minutes then cool down. After work need to take care of my 6 months baby and if she sleep early and I still have energy I will do by ABripper X... I hope this will be enough
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    I will start my workout today for p90x lean, but the thing is I cant finish my whole workout because I can only do my workout on my 1 hour break. So I need to stop by 45minutes then cool down. After work need to take care of my 6 months baby and if she sleep early and I still have energy I will do by ABripper X... I hope this will be enough

    This is what happens to me everytime, no time for Ab Ripper X cuz of my 8 month old daughter. Good luck and just do your best! :)
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    Week 4 day 1 for me. Shoulder is still wonky. Made through half of the yoga DVD before it really started to tweak the shoulder. :-/
    I'll just baby it a little more.

    Good idea. You have to rest it up to not injure urself any further.
    Do you ice/heat it?
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    Oh it BURNS!!! But I was able to keep going and not stop. Still feeling it this morning! Plyo today, hope I can find the energy to BRING IT!!

    That's cuz you're a lean, mean, fat burning machine!!!! :-p
    Good job! And thank you. Your attitude keeps me going when I wanna skip a workout. (but not Yoga. lol)
  • smurfguru
    smurfguru Posts: 15 Member
    Yea, I've done ice/heat. Pretty sure I jammed it while I was fighting last week. I was fighting someone new to the sport and didn't really know what they were doing. It'll get better. I'm just impatient and have never been good at babying injuries.... :-/
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    Starting week 2 of the lean cycle. Loving the program. Adjusting three schedule a little bit though. No getting enough out of cardio x so I'm going to alternate between kempo and plyometrics each week. Tomorrow I'll do plyo.

    Also, i added ab ripper x after core synergistic today.
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    Yea, I've done ice/heat. Pretty sure I jammed it while I was fighting last week. I was fighting someone new to the sport and didn't really know what they were doing. It'll get better. I'm just impatient and have never been good at babying injuries.... :-/

    I hate it when that happens. Its always the newbies you have to look out for.
  • pekka930
    pekka930 Posts: 12
    Did my 1st day of Chest and back today but unable to do the abripperX no time hopefully tonight I can do it.... I'LL do the classic program....
  • alonnadodd
    alonnadodd Posts: 66 Member
    Week 4 day 1 Yoga. It was as ok as Yoga can be I guess. So far I'm down 2 lbs since starting. Will be interesting to see my measurements at the end of the week but I'm not expecting any huge changes at this point. Who knows though maybe I'll be surprised!
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    Kenpo X was a good workout today. Still my favorite DVD. Another day done. Couple more weeks to go.
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    Plyo is officially my most hated workout. I dread it every week. It just really kicks my butt, which I guess is good, but I can still hate it. As if Monday's weren't bad enough. Plus there is the Dominick thing, I have to look away when they show him, he gets my blood boiling. I think I love the other 6 days of the week though, yep even Yoga now.
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    Did my 1st day of Chest and back today but unable to do the abripperX no time hopefully tonight I can do it.... I'LL do the classic program....

    Welcome and good luck to you, looking forward to hearing more about your progess.
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    I will start my workout today for p90x lean, but the thing is I cant finish my whole workout because I can only do my workout on my 1 hour break. So I need to stop by 45minutes then cool down. After work need to take care of my 6 months baby and if she sleep early and I still have energy I will do by ABripper X... I hope this will be enough
    if you can afford it get p90x + as the cardio workouts are only 52 minutes our less including warm up and cool down. Just as hard work as plyo but slightly shorter.
  • B3Streeter
    B3Streeter Posts: 292 Member
    Officially Day 45 for me today doing Doubles! And I am loving the workouts, and the progress more everyday!
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    Plyo is officially my most hated workout. I dread it every week. It just really kicks my butt, which I guess is good, but I can still hate it. As if Monday's weren't bad enough. Plus there is the Dominick thing, I have to look away when they show him, he gets my blood boiling. I think I love the other 6 days of the week though, yep even Yoga now.

    My problem with Plyo and any other workout where I'm supposed to jump or get air, I work out in a room where I can touch the ceiling if I stand on my the tip of my toes. I have a two long hanging light fixtures with a pull up bar attached to beams half way in between them. I have an area of about a foot and half between the light fixtures and pull up bar for my head to go between during each jump. Plyo sucks.
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    Officially Day 45 for me today doing Doubles! And I am loving the workouts, and the progress more everyday!

    I must say, doubles isn't that hard afterall. The cardio in the morning feel great! I'm so glad I saw your post before I started it. Thank you!
  • markymark39
    markymark39 Posts: 60
    Just posted this elsewhere, but I thought it is worth sharing with my fellow p90x'ers. I started taking my apple cider yesterday and we'll see what it does

    From the Cleveland Clinic Daily Wellness Tip: A daily dose of vinegar helps get rid of body fat.

    Want to rev up your body’s fat-burning engine? Add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar to your daily diet. Research shows that obese people who took one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar a day dissolved more body fat than those who were on an identical vinegar-free diet. According to the study, the tart condiment packs a one-two punch for people trying to shed their love handles. Not only does it help the body burn fat, it also makes it harder for the body to store it. Though two tablespoons of vinegar a day may help keep fat away, it should not replace a sensible diet or exercise — your golden road to sustained weight loss. When dieters stopped taking vinegar, their levels of body fat returned to their pre-study levels within just four weeks.

    sign up for FREE daily tips at: www.wellnesstips.com
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    Add something else to the grocery list.
  • pekka930
    pekka930 Posts: 12
    Today is my Plyo day hope I can finish it until the end..... 2nd day of 90days
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    Totals....................1,799.... 135......... 38..... 222
    Your Daily Goal ...1,800... 135......... 40..... 225
    Remaining ...........1 ........... 0 ............ 2..........3
    .........................Calories.....Carbs.... Fat ....Protein

    This cracked me up, my journal from today. Near perfection!