p90x - Round 1 beginners



  • chelsiburnett
    chelsiburnett Posts: 317
    Just finished kenpo X!!!!! Rest day tommorrow!!! I will probably go for a long walk or something!!! Have a great weekend everyone!!!
  • smurfguru
    smurfguru Posts: 15 Member
    Shoulder is hurting a little but I'm not one to baby. Did legs and back and ARX last night. Did Kenpo X this morning before work. ;-)
    Congrats to the new comers!
    And absolutely freaking awesome for those who have posted pics and stats! I'm hoping my pic at the end of next week will be something to post!! You're inspiring!
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    Rest day for me today, though I will probably do Just Dance 2 with my girlies. Cannot believe that I'm starting week 6 tomorrow! The weeks are just flying by! It seems that each workout is getting easier and easier though the "real pull-up" still escapes me. :grumble:
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    Did Interval X from P90x+ tonight instead of Yoga and I really enjoyed it. I found it about the same impact and calore burn as Pylo but in a 45min package. Fun watching my heart rate drop from over 160 to under 120 during the cooldown. Looking forward to the Kenpo from P90x+ on Tuesday now!

    I fancy purchasing some of the one to one cardios that Tony has done, particularly the ones labels MC2 for the final 30 days of my first cycle. I want to keep my intensitiy up and get a head start on P90x 2. Anybody tried any of the MC2 one to ones yet?
  • BananaBee3
    BananaBee3 Posts: 224
    Hi-yah! Kenpo X is done for the day! I can't believe I'm already at the end of week 2! It feels great and I'm actually looking forward to chest/back tomorrow to see if I can pump out a few more extra pushups.

    Might sneak in some StretchX tonight since I didn't do it on my rest day Friday.
  • BananaBee3
    BananaBee3 Posts: 224
    I would just like to annouce that I can do 2-3 pull-ups and chin-ups now! :bigsmile: When I did the fit test I couldn't even do a full pull up! I'm excited to show my boyfriend haha
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    I would just like to annouce that I can do 2-3 pull-ups and chin-ups now! :bigsmile: When I did the fit test I couldn't even do a full pull up! I'm excited to show my boyfriend haha

    WOW! That's awesome! Great work!
  • chelsiburnett
    chelsiburnett Posts: 317
    I would just like to annouce that I can do 2-3 pull-ups and chin-ups now! :bigsmile: When I did the fit test I couldn't even do a full pull up! I'm excited to show my boyfriend haha

    That is awesome!!! I wish I could!!!! I can almost get there but not quite!! I start my 3rd week tommorrow also!!! Ready for this!!! Bring it!!!
  • chelsiburnett
    chelsiburnett Posts: 317
    Today was my rest day!!!! I really enjoyed in and got alot done today!!! On to week 3!!!!
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    I sooo enjoyed using my new weights that I got for mother's day for Chest shoulders triceps!!! I had VAST improvement with ab ripper x, made it through the whole thing, no breaks, not ONE missed rep!! YAY!! It wasn't pretty... :embarassed:
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    I sooo enjoyed using my new weights that I got for mother's day for Chest shoulders triceps!!! I had VAST improvement with ab ripper x, made it through the whole thing, no breaks, not ONE missed rep!! YAY!! It wasn't pretty... :embarassed:

    That's great! I can do all of ARX except for the bike and reverse bike, my legs just won't cooperate the whole time, mostly my thighs, they just burn.

    I ate out Friday (Culvers), Saturday (Chipotle) and Sunday (Bubba Gump's) but tried to pick a heathier food option and I ended up staying close to my daily nutritional goals anyways. But I still feel like I cheated. Made up for it today with the 5k walk this morning for the Walk for the Cure and a good P90X workout this afternoon. I've noticed I'm not hitting the pause button really anymore, so my endurance has really picked up. I'm not nearly as wiped out afterwards either. I love the strength workouts, pumping iron is a good time for me.

    Good start to week six!
  • BananaBee3
    BananaBee3 Posts: 224
    mbeach1977: Great job! I still can't keep up with the dvd, let alone do 25 reps of each exercise...but I'll be back at it tonight when I do ARX.

    chelios: We all slip up sometimes and at least you aimed for picking healthier choices. Sometimes that's hard enough as it is. Congrats on the improved endurance :)

    Completed DAY 1 of WEEK 3 this morning! Week 3 already! Wow! It feels great though :) Going to do ARX tonight.
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    I can do all of ARX except for the bike and reverse bike, my legs just won't cooperate the whole time, mostly my thighs, they just burn.

    I agree, my legs burn the entire time
  • chelsiburnett
    chelsiburnett Posts: 317
    W3 D1 shoulders, back, ab ripper x complete!!!! Wow I can't believe it's week 3!!!!
  • alonnadodd
    alonnadodd Posts: 66 Member
    First day of recovery today and did Yoga this morning. I got it over with and then went back to bed for an hour before my son was up. That was a nice reward for finishing it. I'm not excited about 2 days of Yoga on recovery week. Guess I'll be doing measurements at the end of this week but will NOT be posting picture lol. I'm not sure my measurements will even be down. That's ok though I feel good anyway.
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    . I'm not sure my measurements will even be down. That's ok though I feel good anyway.

    I'm sure they will be! Mine were, and I thought the same.
  • chelsiburnett
    chelsiburnett Posts: 317
    I am posting this because I forgot to when I started!!!! I am planning on measuring at the end of next week!!

    Beginning of Phase 1
    Starting Weight:143.2
    right arm:11
    left arm:11
    right thigh:21.75
    left thigh:21.5
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    I can do all of ARX except for the bike and reverse bike, my legs just won't cooperate the whole time, mostly my thighs, they just burn.

    I agree, my legs burn the entire time

    Oh it BURNS!!! But I was able to keep going and not stop. Still feeling it this morning! Plyo today, hope I can find the energy to BRING IT!!

    Great work everybody!!!!
  • markymark39
    markymark39 Posts: 60
    Week 4, Day 1 complete. Didn't make it up this morning for my usual 6am workout, but had my morning open up with a cancelled meeting so I took an early lunch and punched out Chest Shoulders Tris. Supplemented my weekend workout with a bunch of yard work and a nice bike ride. Cheated a bit for Mother's Day dinner but I figure you have to treat yourself occasionally.

    How goes it out there?
  • smurfguru
    smurfguru Posts: 15 Member
    Week 4 day 1 for me. Shoulder is still wonky. Made through half of the yoga DVD before it really started to tweak the shoulder. :-/
    I'll just baby it a little more.