

  • I've actually been thinking of leaving MFP for this very reason. It wasn't like this even a year ago. Now, it's just so snarky, I don't bother adding posts to the forum. There are still plenty of nice people on the site, just don't try to find them on the forums. Best of luck in your goals!
  • I don't know the answer to that, but I do know I LOVE Yoga and I HATE Yoga X. :)- Just my lil opinion. But seriously, I truly believe that Yoga X calories would be significantly higher than plain Yoga since calisthenics are mixed in too.
  • I feel your pain. My red flag was similar. It was when I was riding in the car and had to unbutton my jeans because they were cutting into my stomach. I refused to buy yet another bigger size. Welcome to MFP! You're gonna love it here - so much good stuff!
  • The great thing about tilapia is that it absorbs flavor REALLY well. So if there's something you like the taste of, marinate it in that. If alcohol isn't totally out, you can make a margarita or a whiskey sour in a skillet and cook it in there (my personal favorite)
  • Uh...yeah, I came to your thread looking for the motivation other helpful ppl might be offering you. lol I too have a history of being a quitter, and I'm struggling too. (Darn those cookies I KNOW are in the cookie jar!) I guess we're in the same boat. :)
  • Go to You can watch the videos online for free...maybe stream it to your tv or workout in front of the computer.
  • I had a total T in 2009, and when I started losing weight, my levels changed and so I got to start taking a lower dose medicine. My parathyroid glands are still intact, but I believe they were damaged because I have issues with my calcium levels. It takes 4 600mg tabs a day to keep my calcium in a normal range. Whatever.…
  • Keeping in mind that every person is different, the gazelle seemed like a HUGE waste of time to me. I never felt like I was getting any kind of a workout with it. I got it, I used it 3 or 4 times, and I put it in the yard sale last month. I now have a space saver treadmill, and I love using it.
  • Truly awesome, Troy! Good job, you look wonderful!
  • I like stuffing pita pockets with spinach, greek yogurt, grilled chicken, and bacon (Oscar Mayer fully cooked bacon is only 35 calories for 2 slices!!!!) It's yummy, filling, and only about 215 calories.
  • It's easy to get so busy and so wrapped up in life that you fall off track. I've just gotten back on myself. You have the tools, you have the desire, you CAN do this. You just gotta do it moment by moment. Every food decision is an important one. Welcome back! Everyone here is rooting for you!
  • Way to go, man! I'm psyched for you. You've obviously put thought and effort into this. You're not going to regret it!
  • Oh, now that's awesome! I know you hugged him bunches!!!
  • I just finished plyometrics this morning and WOW! I was gasping for breath, and 2 hours later my face was still red. How long should it be before my muscles stop hurting, or is this 90 days of sore muscles and stiff movements? =) Not that I don't feel great, just really sore in spite of stretching.
  • You look gorgeous and confident! I know you're thrilled! Way to go!!!
  • Yay!!! That's awesome!
  • To tell the truth, pedantic people crack me up. I can be that way too. =) To tell the truth, it may be this winter before I'm a MILF. To tell the truth, I was a bad, bad girl over Memorial Day weekend. To tell the truth, I haven't been a good girl in two weeks. To tell the truth, I am gonna start P90X today and this time I…
  • Definitely not cringing here. You look AWESOME!!! And I love that cute little bikini!
  • Atlantique is right. A little coffee isn't necessarily a bad thing. But if you want to get rid of it altogether, and you don't want the headache/zombiness for a week or two, then do it slowly. Lower your intake by a cup every week. That's how I did it. I only drink 3 or 4 cups a week now.
  • Way to go! You're looking AWESOME!!!
  • That's my friend! I just want everyone to know that we're friends and she's AMAZING! Way to go!!!
  • Congratulations! I know you're so proud of yourself, and rightly so!
  • I know it sounds weird, but a V8 tomato juice ALWAYS cures a sweets craving for me. Another thing (and this one is hard) cut out the sweets. Sugar cravings increase with the amount of sugar you eat. If you cut out the sweets, you'll stop wanting them after about 2 weeks. For a quick fix - eat something salty & drink lots…
  • Shin splints- my old enemy. Take 3-7 days off and ice or heat. Stretch. Stretch again. Stretch yet again. Go get fitted for shoes with support where YOU need it. For me, I overpronate when I run (roll feet in a little) so I need support under my arches to correct it. Everyone does it a little differently, so go to a pro…
  • Trust me, you're not drinking too much water. My daily goal is to drink an ounce of water for every pound I weigh (180). That's about 23 cups. As long as you space it out over your day, it shouldn't interfere with your appetite. Water's always good for you, don't give it up!
  • Okay, I work at a Dr's office and I can tell you first off that they don't always get calibrated. Ours weighs three pounds heavy. Then you gotta factor in shoes and clothes, anything you ate or drank, etc. Stick with what your scale says and don't worry about any other scale because they're all different. If it makes you…
  • The loose skin occurs when we lose weight faster than our skin can adjust for. It will take some time for it to draw up. Sorry to say, but the older a person is, the longer it takes. Drink lots of water, take your vitamins, and take care of your skin. Time will take care of the rest.
  • oh my gosh....that man is incredible!
  • I'm 5'1" and my goal weight is 118. I know that's kind of an odd-ball specific number, but that's the weight I was for years and it's perfect for me. I second guessed it when I saw a lot of people with goal weights in the 140's, but I know how good I look at 118, so that's what I'm shooting for.
  • Okay, as everyone else said, he is a liar a coward, and just a real dirt bag. That being said, not forgiving him is eating away at your emotions. (I remember a quote by someone that said "forgive - not for them, but for yourself" - it's so true) My advice? Forgive him, let him and your hubby be friends. Heck, even let him…