Considering a gazelle...advice please

Hi. Im fairly new to mfp and looking to purchase some form of exercise equipment for my home. A tight budget means im limited to buying used.

I cant decide whether to go for an elliptical machine, treadmill or gazelle.

I would prefer something light weight and space saving which is why the gazelle appeals to me.. My concern is if it will give me a goid enough calorie burn?? I mainly want something as an option for when i cant be outside due to weather or when my husband isnt home, since i usually exercise when the kids are in bed. I have a habit of using those things as an excuse to get me 'off the hook' from working out.

I have used a treadmill and elliptical in the past and never stuck with it. I do like the idea of being able to jog if i want to but my fitness level is not there yet anyways. So basically i lean towards the gazelle becuz of my situation. Bug u also dint want to waste time or money on something that doesnt really work.

Any thoughts on the gazelle vs. other equipment? I would really appreciate it!!

Thanks :)


  • Football_N_Guns
    Football_N_Guns Posts: 297 Member
    A gazelle is pretty nice for an African animal, but I prefer the Bison.
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    I have a Gazelle Glider that I got from Walmart. It's awesome, but has a weight limit. 250 pounds. I have another 16 pounds to be able to use is again. It's gentle on your body, but helps you lose weight. I would say that when you buy it, grease the joints, because if the grease is getting thin, then it will squeak. There are Gazelles out there that can handle higher weights. My Mom has one that does.
  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    We had the Gazelle... it was a good dust collector.

    No matter what you get, they will only work if you use them. I currently use my treadmill 3-5 times a week (I watch movies and do my walk/runs) I have also completed the couch to 5k program on it. I have an elliptical, but its awkward so I don't use that one much. BUT I would like to get a better elliptical because I think I would use it for my straight cadio burns.

    My treadmill did spend almost a year un-touched in the beggining... because I just didn't put in the effort.
  • Keeping in mind that every person is different, the gazelle seemed like a HUGE waste of time to me. I never felt like I was getting any kind of a workout with it. I got it, I used it 3 or 4 times, and I put it in the yard sale last month. I now have a space saver treadmill, and I love using it.
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    I have a gazelle (dont know which model) the one I have has optional resistance - that to me is important so I dont out grow the machine

    the reason I got a gazelle was due to my arthritis in my joints particularly my knees- its virtually no impact

    see if you cant get one from ebay or craigs list rather than paying full price
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I would consider looking into a used treadmill or elliptical. My mom had a gazelle and I felt like it was unsafe like if you got going really good it would fall apart or something, and I probably tried it when I was barely 100 pounds!
  • stcar
    stcar Posts: 207 Member
    mine has been a dust collector, I'm about to get it out of my house, my suggestion would be DVD's, cheaper and more effective (my opinion) :)
  • CharmCityBella
    CharmCityBella Posts: 37 Member
    I had a Gazelle and thought it was noisy and I really wasn't getting a good workout from it. I actually just sold it on Craig's List. For me, joining the gym and having to pay the monthly fee (which isn't too bad at $39/ mo) was actually motivating to me. I didn't want to waste the money, I'm at the gym with people who have the same goals as I do, and there is a lot of equipment to choose from. I go every day after work (before I go home) and sometimes on the weekends. Good luck with whatever you choose!
  • chrissi_k
    chrissi_k Posts: 175 Member
    I always wanted a treadmill and due to me living on the fifth floor I couldn't get one without wanting all my neighbors getting mad at me for hearing a "thud thud" all the time. So I got an elliptical /crosstrainer and I so shouldn't have gotten it. Reselling is not an option yet since I still hope I will sooner or later use it or at least my husband will.

    I thought I would use my elliptical because I could watch tv, but with going up and down all the time it is not really working for me and if I am on it I get bored so easily staring at the wall.

    I say think about what kind of work out you like the most, do you like to walk or run? then go for a treadmill etc...

    What I have been told - don't know if it is true - is that the ellipticals with the wheel in front are better when you have knee problems than the one in the back, since the movement is smoother. Correct me if I am wrong :)
  • vger11
    vger11 Posts: 248
    because I use my gazelle watching a full hour of what-ever it works perfectly for my get in an additional, frosting on the cake, workout that most would ever consider....great bonus workout.
  • jc1229
    jc1229 Posts: 220 Member
    I have a gazelle and I used it a lot when I first got it. After using it for some time, at night when I would roll over in bed my hip joint would POP out of place. After I stopped using the gazelle it quit doing it. I got the gazelle out about a month ago and after a week it started doing the same thing again. I ended up going to Walmart and getting a mini trampoline with resistant bands and dvd for $35. I just sit it in front of the tv and jog in place on it, I haven't watched the dvd yet. I started with 10 min and now I'm up to 45 minutes on it.
  • I have never tried a gazelle - but I did put together a room in my house with equipment I got off craigslist. Got a Schwinn upright exercise bike and a treadmill. We sold some excess furniture I had in the house that we were not using - so it was basically a wash in what we sold and what we bought with $0 out of pocket -- a win/win!

    Craigslist has some great deals if you bide your time and check often.

    Good luck on finding exactly what works for you.
  • I have a very old elliptial that is pretty much the same thing as a gazelle. We have a small house and it was the only thing we could fit, and I got it for $20 on craigslist! I use it a lot but I also do pilates because I dont feel like it burns that many calories, I usually only use it for about 20-30 min tho! In my opinion its a great machine for a lighter cardio workout and if space and money is an issue, but if I had the room and money i would probablly go with a treadmill.
  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member
    I literally wore the foot pads off mine. It does work really well. If you choose to buy one make sure you can change the resistance. Probably not so much if you don't have that much to lose, or are just looking to bump up your work out. Easy on the knees and joints. I could not use an elliptical as it killed my knees. Everyone is different. Good luck and good health.
  • I bought a gazelle after I had my son and had gained a lot of weight from the pregnancy:( mine did not have resistance and I used it 30 minutes a day 5 days a week and watched my portions and I lost all the weight plus some:) my son is now 11 and I have gained weight due to perimenopause and I found another gazelle on craigslist with the tension pistons and I only paid $40!! I am looking forward to dropping this weight because I know the gazelle works! I am also doing the JUDDD WOE and that has helped me lose 10 lbs so far without working out.
    Good Luck!!