Jeans just ripped.....time to diet!

Ok so my jeans just ripped up the thigh their hardly old at all so i know i obviously am overweight! I joined here to get motivation and lose weight so that i never have to go through this again!!! If you know how I feel it would be great to have some support also im curious, what was that "red flag" that told you it was time to make a change?


  • hannahb0614
    hannahb0614 Posts: 10 Member
    The red flag went up for me when I could hardly fit into ANY of my clothes-even the larger ones. Also when my husband would 'jokingly' poke fun of my stomach (ya, he's learned by now that you do NOT say things like that to a woman, especially your wife!)

    It is still very hard for me to stick to a lot of healthier foods, but I agree that the more support you have, the easier it will be :) Feel free to add me and good luck!
  • That very same thing happened to me BUT it happened AT SCHOOL and I am the teacher!!! That and the fact that I was out growing all my clothes and did not have the money to buy new ones! That was my light bulb moment.

    This site rocks! Feel free to add me as a friend for motivation.
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    I noticed your subject "...time to diet"

    This is not a place to diet, this is a place to change your life forever!

    Enjoy! :smile:
  • cheekyleonie
    cheekyleonie Posts: 140 Member
    Trust me, when you can fit into smaller jeans again, or even smaller than you've ever been, you'll LOVE IT! Except for the fact you have to buy more clothes, but it's well worth it!

    I don't like using the word "diet" I like to say time to start "eating healthy" :flowerforyou: good luck!!!
  • My red flag was watching my boyfriend gawk over the Victoria's secret models during the fashion show the other night. Pretty brutal reason, I know. Don't take me wrong, he's not a bad guy or a "pig". But it made me realize how self conscious i was about my weight bc I got jealous of the attention that he gave the TV. Those are gorgeous women, I know I will never look like that, especially because I'm only 5'4" :smile: , but it gave me motivation to lose these extra 15-20lbs that I've been wanting to get off. This website was recommended to me by a friend, and I have already noticed a difference just being conscious of how many calories I'm actually taking in from day to day. I hope to stay motivated and kick this weight. Good Luck!
  • Good luck to you too! I know how that feels! I want to feel sexy again!!!
  • GodWithUs777
    GodWithUs777 Posts: 12 Member
    Ha, I know EXACTLY how you feel!! Before I started to watch my eating (and try to get some excercising in my life), I was noticing my wardrobe wasn't so comfy anymore. I used to wear skirts that were a lose 12 to 14, but noticed a had a 'higher definition" on the rear and thigh areas - to 'huggish' - bad sign for material not labeled 'stretch'. I hung them up and put them away, chucking it off to a possible shrinking issue; a casualty of my washer and dryer. Then came the 16's... about a month later, when I would sit in my car or at work, I was busting the zippers open in the back of my skirts. (This is a sad statement, because these are long skirts I've already hiked up above the belly for comfort.)

    Then... my new Queen sized nylons were busting at the seams when I sat down.... it was then that I realized I needed to make a change...

    I've lost 15 pounds since then and I'm still a comfortable 16, working toward a 14, but I feel great. I am just a little upset at myself for not starting this lifestyle sooner!!

    Hopefully you got a laugh... and feel comforted that you are not alone!
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    My wake up call was when I had on my largest jeans, and they were so tight I could barely sit. Started this site the next week, lost the weight and then some, and have kept it off for a year now!

    Good luck.
  • I don't know what caused me to see the red flag but one day i just said to myself "you know what - next Monday isn't good enough - you've been telling yourself that for 10 years or so - JFDI and do it now". I haven't looked back since and am feeling more in control than ever before.

    Lots of great motivating people on here to help you on your way - good luck and feel free to add me.
  • michiganderrdh
    michiganderrdh Posts: 151 Member
    FUnny thing - the same thing happened to me. The most upsetting part was that they were my favorite.

    What's your plan of action???
  • JustJessie
    JustJessie Posts: 162 Member
    The turning point for me was when my doctor said he wanted me on blood pressure medicine. He said my BP was a little high. I went on the medication and then started on MFP. I lost enough weight that in less then a year I was able to stop taking the medication. My BP was under control! He said that it was important to not gain the weight back. Well I got off track and gained about 15pds back so I am back.

    Plus I am going to be a bridesmaid in April and I am the oldest and heaviest that will be standing up there! I have to lose some weight before I am basically in a line-up of young girls all sizes 2-6 in front of a ceremony full of people.
  • Hello, and welcome! I seem to have been brought here by a similar dilemma. My favorite pair of jeans ripped last week from the crotch down to the knee. They had been getting tight for a while, but I never thought they would actually rip. That was a massive wake up call for me.

    I wish you good luck on your weight loss journey! Feel free to add me if you need any support!
  • Oh, there have been s o many! I popped a button on my latest set of fat pants... and didn't want to buy a whole new wardrobe.
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    dress shopping for my besties wedding! I knew I was bigger than ever but trying on made of honor dresses was horrible.... That was it for me!

    Good luck on your new journey! You will learn so much fromt his site. Add me if you would like
  • glassgallm
    glassgallm Posts: 276 Member
    High blood pressure, high BMI and I was considered technically "overweight".
  • I feel your pain. My red flag was similar. It was when I was riding in the car and had to unbutton my jeans because they were cutting into my stomach. I refused to buy yet another bigger size. Welcome to MFP! You're gonna love it here - so much good stuff!
  • chrissifreeman
    chrissifreeman Posts: 48 Member
    My turning point was seeing pics from Thanksgiving and realizing they look just like my old Before Pictures. Yep, I'd gained every last ounce I'd once lost. SO, here we go again.