loose skin

I had 2 kids. With both pregnancies I gained 50-60 lbs. The thing is it's not like I was laying on the couch just eating all day long. I was working full time and going to school full time with both and coaching volleyball with my first. But, I've lost about 50 lbs total and the skin on my stomach is loose. Is there a way to tighten it? I do lots of cardio. I run about 5 miles 3 times a week and just recently started lifting weights. It just seems like no matter how much weight I lose my stomach will never be flat!


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    you seem to know that it is just loose skin----so cardio will not make skin disappear - LOL. Keep rubbing vitamin E lotion on it, and give it time. Otherwise this is minor compared to having 50 extra pounds.

    I have this problem too, it aint pretty, but trust me, I'd rather deal with loose skin than be 94 pounds overweight. I know that is not what you want to hear, but maybe sometimes we shouldn't strive for such perfection :)
  • diana109
    diana109 Posts: 113 Member
    I have the same problem, I gained 80lbs in my pregnancies.. Abs for some is a hard thing to to tone up, it usually included a very strict or I should say lean diet and working out especially on ab workouts. A lot of times it just what you said loose skin (not fat that can tighten and tone up) and the only way to get rid of it is by surgery or laser treatment. A great thing to help loss the baby bulg after pregnancy is to wrap up your tummy. I have been doing it for a while and I find that it really helps. I use a wrap/belt (not sure what they are called) one when I work out too get me swearting more on my belly and also another during the day to keep everything in.
  • sunnny218
    sunnny218 Posts: 16
    I have had one baby (so far) and gained 40 lbs and I still have the loose belly skin a little. Its getting worse as I get thinner. Im a little below my pre pregnancy weight now but I dont think I will ever look like I did before between the belly skin and stretch marks on my hips. So far I am accepting my new body, but Im not sure how I will feel at the beach! Unfortunately I dont think there is anything other than surgery that can be done to get rid of it. Im sure it will tighten up some, but it may still be there depending on how bad it is.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I got very skinny after my 3rd baby. Once the baby was 10! I still had the little baby pouch of lose skin. This is the souvenir from having babies. As you get older the "girls" will also sag. Ain't it great being a woman? So sure you can get it fixed, but it won't fix it's self. It's extra skin from stretching.
  • The loose skin occurs when we lose weight faster than our skin can adjust for. It will take some time for it to draw up. Sorry to say, but the older a person is, the longer it takes. Drink lots of water, take your vitamins, and take care of your skin. Time will take care of the rest.