so frustrating!! does anyone else have this problem?

i had an annual physical in march with a new dr and i weighed in at her office at 208. i gained some after the appointment but then i got it off plus some. i lost 20 lbs and got down to 190 according to my scale (which had said 210 when i started my latest weight loss journey). well i had a follow up today and was looking forward to weighing in and showing my dr that i could do it on my own. i was looking forward to being proud of myself there (and for them to notice). i woke up, got all cute and i was too excited. i arrived at 10:30 am and the first they did was weigh me. she was moving the little blocks on the scale to get the weight and i heard her say "198". are you f
g kidding me?? i feel so mad!! and i felt terrible and fat in the outfit i had on..does this every happen to anyone else? i mean, ive been staying within range of my sodium, sugars and everything. the only thing ive really been going over is my protein and some vitamins..i just done unterstand..what the hell? it just kind of makes me want to stop..i mean, ive heard of fluctuating but seriously? 8 pounds? thats more than just water weight or fluctuating right?


  • Okay, I work at a Dr's office and I can tell you first off that they don't always get calibrated. Ours weighs three pounds heavy. Then you gotta factor in shoes and clothes, anything you ate or drank, etc. Stick with what your scale says and don't worry about any other scale because they're all different. If it makes you feel any better, I avoid the one at our office. It HATES me!! lol
  • I wouldn't think anything of it. Seriously. The scales at the doctors office are not the same as the ones we use at home. When I go there's always a huge difference between there and my home scales.

    Just keep doing what you're doing. It seems to be working for you.

    Don't let this get to you.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I hate getting weighed at the dr's office because they always do it with full clothes and shoes that might account for some of it, also probably just the difference between the two scales? I weigh myself at home and at the gym and they are always a few pounds different (the gym scale makes me weigh less lol)...if you then consider water weight and maybe you're underestimating on calories eaten? that would account for several pounds as well...I usually overestimate the calories in my food even when I measure it pretty closely...I figure that gives me a little wiggle room :)
  • Li_Willi
    Li_Willi Posts: 96 Member
    The scales at the Dr's are NEVER in sync with your scale - N-E-V-E-R !!! If I were you, I wouldn't sweat that. How did your clothes feel when you put them on? If your clothes are feeling more loose (& your like the number on your scale better), don't worry about them & keep moving forward.
  • Kellee_76
    Kellee_76 Posts: 91
    You weigh yourself naked at home dont' you? (I do!) You've gotta weigh at least 8 pounds more with clothes and shoes on and breakfast and coffee in you! :)
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    The Dr's scale is almost always going to be different than yours--time of day, clothing, water food you may have eaten, whether you've "powdered your nose" lately--all of that and more can affect it.
    ((HUGS))You are losing weight, and doing it for YOU. The Bragging Rights will be yours soon enough.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    The Dr's scale is almost always going to be different than yours--time of day, clothing, water food you may have eaten, whether you've "powdered your nose" lately--all of that and more can affect it.
    ((HUGS))You are losing weight, and doing it for YOU. The Bragging Rights will be yours soon enough.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    The one at my gym is the same way. I just don't pay attention to it. Just stick with your same scale. Your doctor will see that you lost weight on your own, though, and that is positive!

    Congratulations on your loss!
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    The scales at the doctor's are filthy liars. Don't sweat it. Stick to your scale and home and keep up the good work!
  • lonypony
    lonypony Posts: 130 Member
    It happens to me too. Not so much the weight but in photos I notice it.

    I feel really proud that although my scales don't tell me I am losing a great deal of weight (tending to lose some then gain some) my body feels really good. I am down a dress size, sometimes at a slight squeeze I can get another size down too. But in recent photos compared to similar ones from last year - doesn't look like much of a change to me. Very disappointing because I was going to put up before and after photos to give myself a boost.

    Anyway I have re-jigged my calorie intake, and I weighed myself this morning and I am starting a new day today
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    well i had a follow up today and was looking forward to weighing in and showing my dr that i could do it on my own. i was looking forward to being proud of myself there (and for them to notice). i woke up, got all cute and i was too excited. i heard her say "198". i felt terrible and fat in the outfit i had on..does this every happen to anyone else?

    HOLD THE TRAIN!! *Before* you got the "official" number, you were feeling cute and proud and excited. It was only after you heard the reading that you felt discouraged.

    So.... it sounds like the issue isn't with the weight loss (which is still great!), but with your perception of the weight loss. You were feeling better. You were doing great. You felt cute and excited.

    The number is just a number. Forget about it. You're heading in the right direction, obviously doing something right, and feeling pretty good about it. Don't get hung up on that dumb scale - it's the quickest way to derail success. Celebrate how you were feeling. Those non-scale victories cannot be overrated.

    So my hope-it-doesn't-sound-witchy advice is F* the scale, and go back to feeling good about what you've accomplished.
  • ajfoer
    ajfoer Posts: 36 Member
    I also worked at a Dr's office. Our scale was 2 lbs over and we never calibrated it. Plus I weigh myself at home naked right after my shower. When do you weigh yourself?? You need to add extra weigh for 1) the scale, 2) any fluids & 3) clothing. There is your 8 pounds easily. My dr knows that I weigh myself weekly and allows me to give them my weight bc their scale will be off. Ask if you can do that next time. Don't let it get you down!!!
  • Laurieannfanelli
    Laurieannfanelli Posts: 36 Member
    The same thing happen to me. I weight myself the day before and was 8 lbs heavier at the Dr office. And felt the same way you do. I sucked!
  • where you dressed, did you eat. your weight will change due to water intake dont let that discourge you i weigh 200 lbs but when i get on the scales at the dr i am always 10 miore then mine
  • I hear you! I weigh myself on scales at home and at my mom's. There is a 5-12 pound difference between the scales. I stopped weighing myself at my mom's. I know that isn't an option for you at the doctor, and truthfully, the scale at the doctor is probably more reliable. But remember you have lost weight, it wasn't as much as you thought but you keep right on doing what you are doing and it will come off. Don't let yourself be labled by a scale! Good luck!
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    It happens to others as well. The scale in my doctors' (more than one) offices don't sync with mine scale or each other's :laugh: No problem for me though, because I only go by what my scale reads. Just keep up the good work!
  • thanks guys!! wow, i really love this site :)
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    The scales at the doctor's are filthy liars. Don't sweat it. Stick to your scale and home and keep up the good work!

    This! I can weigh myself at home and at the gym within half an hour of each other and weigh 3lbs different. It's just calibration, clothing and water weight!
  • I ALWAYS weigh at least 5-7 lbs more at the Dr. office than I do at home. Like everyone has said, they weigh you after you have eaten, had several coffees, and all your clothes are on! At home, I weigh first thing when I get out of bed, once a week, naked. That is my real weight. And even then, it does fluctuate depending on the TOM, what I ate the day before, etc. so I remind myself how good my clothes are fitting, how good I feel about what I am doing, how hard I am working out and how step by step, I'm getting to the new me.

    I can't make it all about the scale/number or it would just depress me. its about everything: My health, my physical fitness, my great nutrition, my taking care of myself. This is where I have failed myself in the past and I don't want to do that again. I am now choosing a healthier me and it looks and feels great and I KNOW that it looks and feels great on you too!!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    well i had a follow up today and was looking forward to weighing in and showing my dr that i could do it on my own. i was looking forward to being proud of myself there (and for them to notice). i woke up, got all cute and i was too excited. i heard her say "198". i felt terrible and fat in the outfit i had on..does this every happen to anyone else?

    HOLD THE TRAIN!! *Before* you got the "official" number, you were feeling cute and proud and excited. It was only after you heard the reading that you felt discouraged.

    So.... it sounds like the issue isn't with the weight loss (which is still great!), but with your perception of the weight loss. You were feeling better. You were doing great. You felt cute and excited.

    The number is just a number. Forget about it. You're heading in the right direction, obviously doing something right, and feeling pretty good about it. Don't get hung up on that dumb scale - it's the quickest way to derail success. Celebrate how you were feeling. Those non-scale victories cannot be overrated.

    So my hope-it-doesn't-sound-witchy advice is F* the scale, and go back to feeling good about what you've accomplished.

    I think MochaMix is right on. Keep holding on to your positive thoughts, how you felt before the weigh in...I need to do this too. It's way too easy to get attached to the damn scale and not pay attention to how we feel (and how our clothes fit!)