tesstcool Member


  • I was in that boat last night too! Yay dead!!!
  • I save a good amount of calories for after work which for me is midnight til about 3am. I usually have popcorn (100 cals), hot chocolate (55 cals) and chew on now and laters (100 cals). Low calorie foods that let my brain think im snacking a lot. Usually ill save extra calories in cAse i want ice cream or a candy bar.
  • I binge too and have been maintaining and even losing a little. Depending on how bad the binge is if you stay under most days then going over should even it out. Watch your weekly intake over daily. Also, when im in binge mode i just have to stop and do something else that will keep me from eating. Painting your nails…
  • I am 5 ft medium frame at 113. Have been maintaining on 1350-1500 calories a day. Light exercise. I cheat a lot but fit it in. If i go over one day ill go under the next. Really its all about focus and remembering the lower you go the slower it comes off. And by slower i mean VERY VERY slow.
  • I am 5 ft medium frame at 113. Have been maintaining on 1350-1500 calories a day. Light exercise. I cheat a lot but fit it in. If i go over one day ill go under the next. Really its all about focus and remembering the lower you go the slower it comes off. And by slower i mean VERY VERY slow.
  • I started lexapro 10mg in august for generalized anxiety disorder paired with agoraphobia. For the first week i was on it i felt WEIRD. I also had no appetite and felt like i was pretty much forcing myself to eat so that i could get proper nutrition. I ate a lot of trailmix type stuff and protein bars. After a couple weeks…
  • Im down to the last 2-3 lbs. my goal was 110 and ive been bouncing between 115-112 (maintaining) since july. I finally just got frustrated with aiming for that number and have accepted maintenance. Ideally i would like to get down to 100 (im 5ft tall so thats realistic), but honestly i just dont have it in me right now to…
  • I think weight also depends on frame size. I have a medium frame at 5 ft tall. Other girls my height look great at 100lbs but i would look sickly if i weighed that much. They have a smaller frame than me. A lot of curvy girls seem to have larger frames which makes the weight look better on them. If you google frame size…
  • I save up for ice cream sometimes or candy bars, the good stuff haha. I do it by planning my diary ahead of time making sure i have enough calories at the end of the night for something higher calorie.
  • Hey! Also on a budget here. Just some quick advice. First, when you shop go for the outer part of the store and stay away from the center isles. Just a rule of thumb. Try pinterest for simple recipes and searching. Plus the added bonus of pictures! For cheap quick workouts try youtube. Just type in what youd like to try…
  • You are not the only one. I always eat at home (im poor anyway so it works out) but my boyfriend eats out all the time. I think he would rather just have someone make food for him than take the time to make it himself. Hes a good cook, but i think for him its all about convenience. He and i have completely different eating…
  • Frozen veggies, canned veggies, tuna, frozen fish, rice, hummus, protein bars, healthy cereals...ask for these items.
  • Im a food hoard. For example i make popcorn on the regular and i can have 5cups for 100cals (theyre 100 cal bags) and if my boyfriend asks for a handful i always have to be a jerk and say "nope, cant, its counted." I also hate when i have something good at work for dinner and my friends at work ask to try it and i have to…
  • When i first started working out it was sort of like a chore and i would have the same mental battle about it. Now if i dont do it i have a mental battle about why i didnt and how i can get a workout in. On my rest days i still go for a short walk or something just because if i dont i feel really....crappy. Just keep at…
  • Breakfast: 10-11am Snack: 2pm Lunch: 530pm Dinner: 800pm Snack:12am I work 315pm-1145pm so all my food is a tad late.
  • Sometimes i cheat by accident (last second bar or restaurant plans, spur of the moment days out etc) but i just try to eat lighter ans work out harder the following few days!
  • Almost 5'1 goal is 110. At 112.6 this morning (so close)! Not digging it though, still "feel fat." Working on toning still maybe trying to get down to 100? Whatever happens happens. Its coming off so slowly at this point im focusing more on the way i look and feel than that number.
  • Youre probably eating more than you think. I would def start at least trying to measure if the scale is absolutely not an option. If for whatever reason measuring is absolutely not an option take half as much potatoes as usual and double up on veggies. Plate your own food. Try to eye it as best possible and good luck!
  • Been there. Im on the last 5 now. Took a couple months to lose the 5 before this. When i got here i noticed the weight loss crawling. And it will. The good news is that if you keep doing what youre doing it WILL come off. Slowly. Just gotta be patient!
  • Basically you need to be counting strictly. Weighing solids, measuring liquids. Read the sexy pants guide. Good luck :) http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • Eat whatever you want, stay in your calorie allowance. I eat ice cream and candy bars and donuts....i have an incredible sweet tooth. But ive lost almost 30 lbs so far!
  • I think it takes a while for your mind to catch up. I am down to my last 3lbs and i still think i look fat! I weigh 113lbs. My logical brain tells me im good. My fat brain still tells me im fat. It is really weird. Ill grab at my "gut" expecting it to still be there. And its not. The only thing that tells the truth are…
  • Haha, craving mustard! Me too! Also checking out my gut in the car window after i run. I do a quick frontal and side...as if one workout changed anything. And in the bathroom before a shower reaching my arms up over my head and wishing my tummy was that tight :p...one day!
  • I am 5'1 as well. Began at 140 now at about 116/117. Stayed mostly around 1200-1300. Down to the last 10lbs ish and eating at about the same. The more i workout the more i eat. If its a rest day i dont eat nearly as much. Im pretty sure 1500-1600 is maintenance for us.
  • Im in the same boat. About 5 lbs away and ice cream every night. Justifying it. I like how i look and feel as well but feel like i need to meet my goal so i can be satisfied with knowing i did it! And every single day i eat at maintenance! Im happy with that amout of calories...1200 is just not enough most days!
  • Hey! I dont have a particular label for my "diet" but im pretty sure its pescatarian? I also dont do milk or cheese or yogurt but occasionally ill have ice cream :p. egg yolks freak me out but ill eat the white part. I dont think you need to have a label for whatever you eat....you have every right to just pick and choose!…
  • They have these jeans at walmart that have an elastic waist! I wear those...theyre pretty much skinny jeans that i dont have to suck in my gut to wear! For a while before i made that discovery i would leave my jeans unbuttoned and wear a belt and then cover with a long shirt. #fatgirlsolutions!
  • I eat generally the same items but get bored and switch things up. I just find things i like and eat them. For snacks after dinner i like to have a 90 calorie fiber one bar or a fruit salad as dessert or some low calorie popcorn. Pretzels are low as well. If you have 300 remaining you could have some nuts.
  • I do this as well but it call them mini binges (usually not totaling more than 200-300 calories. I've found that when I start the binge I am consciously starting it and have a hard time stopping it. So now when I start on a binge I ask myself first am I really hungry and if the answer is no, I grab water. If the answer is…
  • Dried cranberries, granola, pecans, cashews, and a little vanilla! Soooo goooood.