A history of my fitness + Some questions???

I'm going to try and make this as quick as possible lol.

So I went through a chubby phase right before puberty like most kids. I always was a tall kid but during that chubby phase I quit growing and everyone grew past me. In high school I had a couple growth spurts and got really super skinny at the peak of my biggest growth spurt soph. year. I didn't try to lose the weight or anything, just happened. Junior year I started to notice I was gaining some weight and starting to not look like I did before... probably because I was getting past that young teenage stage. Summer and beginning of senior year I went into full on diet and exercise mode. I did tony horton's ten minute trainer and worked up to doing it about 3-6 times a day every day. I was about 5'10 and around 160 lbs or somewhere around there. I cut my calories back and logged everything. I was eating around 1200 a day + the exercise. I know people will tell me that those weren't enough calories and maybe they weren't, especially for my height. Some days I ate more than that though. But my goal was trying to eat around 1200. I got around 140 pounds and looked great and felt so much healthier after a few months. I would treat myself and let myself have dessert and such. So I was really restrictive with calories but it some how worked, I wasn't hungry all the time, I ate really balanced and nutritious meals many times through out the day but they were low calorie. As the year went on my weight went back up because I got less strict but I was still health conscious. Towards the end of senior year I got motivated to start my health kick again and lost the little bit of weight I had gained again. Fast forward to college and I gained the freshmen 15 + some lol. I also grew a little bit too and I guess you could say developed more of a "womanly" figure. I ended up getting to my highest weight around 173 I think. So I was like alrighhhty time for a change. My roommate and I started going to the gym 6 days a week for all of our second semester really consistently. I went from doing more cardio at first to by the end mostly lifting. I looked really good, was around 155 lbs I think, and looking at pictures I can't believe I didn't realize how much actually did change lol.

Okay so this summer I have had some family problems and lots of stress that seriously took a toll on me. I really didn't move much and was eating tons of crap, whatever I wanted. Well I lost all of that muscle I gained and some fat too. I ended up back around my highest weight. Four weeks ago I decided I couldn't keep letting myself go on like this or the depression and anxiety would get worse so I started a gym membership. I have been going to Orange Theory 5 days a week and it's 50 minute sessions of cardio, rowing, and weights. I burn anywhere from 450-650 calories when I go. On top of that I have been watching what I have been eating but not really counting calories as obsessively. I estimate though. I do let myself have things that aren't as "healthy" but I am good about portioning it.

My diet consists mostly of organic food. Before a workout I'll have a piece of organic sprouted bread with either organic almond or peanut butter or an organic egg. Afterwards I'll have like some organic avocado and organic fruit with some organic gluten free crackers and maybe a little bit of raw organic cheese. Dinner lately has been eating out because we are moving but I'll get salad or maybe a sandwich and will eat the right portion of it. I get dressing on the side and put just enough on, etc. Of course it varies but this is an example.

I don't drink soda, maybe some gatorade but rarely.

So ANYWAYS, I'm feeling like I'm not seeing the results I expected to see by now. I weigh about 167 right now. I have been taking pictures every week. I definitely feel like my stomach is tighter, not as flabby. My arms look bigger to me though. I feel like the whole process is just moving way slower for how hard I've been working out. I mean these workouts are killer.

Could I be retaining water or anything since my body isn't used to this much physical activity since I've been such a couch potato? Does it sound like i am doing what I should do? Should I be stricter with my diet? I may post some before and after pics I just need to figure out how lol. My goal is to get leaner with some muscle definition. I miss being skinny and lean and so in shape.

Anyways, I have been writing bits and pieces of this all day when I get little breaks from moving so sorry if there are a lot of spelling and grammar errors or any of it doesn't make sense haha.

