I can't stop binging!

I know that I have a problem, but I can't find a way to get control. The last week I have been binging almost everyday. In the last week I have gained three (3) pounds, and I am feeling so nervous and upset! I cannot get control and I generally eat about 1800 calories a day (as a way to maintain), but with binging... I am eating close to 2500-3000 calories per day.
Any help would appreciated!


  • icha3x
    icha3x Posts: 54 Member
    has something changed in your life? are you an emotional eater? what is happening to make you run for the food? if you can find the underlying cause you will be that much closer to controlling it.
  • has something changed in your life? are you an emotional eater? what is happening to make you run for the food? if you can find the underlying cause you will be that much closer to controlling it.

    I am having a lot of anxiety about family stuff and school stuff too!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Perhaps, for you, WHAT you eat matters. It did for me. Bingeing is not always psychological, in fact, I'm not sure that it ever is.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Change the language. You "won't" stop eating. Own EVERYTHING you put into your mouth as being a choice you made. The moment you think you "can't" stop binging is the moment that binging becomes something out of your control, and thus something that's almost forced on you against your will. That is a lie. It's the kind of lie we tell ourselves to make it easier to be irresponsible about our choices.

    You are eating because, on some level, you want to eat.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Dig deep and figure it out.
  • MamaRoss13
    MamaRoss13 Posts: 4 Member
    DRINK MORE WATER!!!! Have water before and after your meals and snacks. No sodas! Water water and more water! It is the cure! Honestly, I am a living witness! lol! Just try it for one day and see the results for yourself!
  • tesstcool
    tesstcool Posts: 38 Member
    I do this as well but it call them mini binges (usually not totaling more than 200-300 calories. I've found that when I start the binge I am consciously starting it and have a hard time stopping it. So now when I start on a binge I ask myself first am I really hungry and if the answer is no, I grab water. If the answer is yes I make a snack and walk away from the kitchen.
  • Thanks for all the comments and suggestions! I am trying to own this behavior and make it clear to myself that I CAN STOP. I will stop, it is just hard because I deal with the all or nothing mentality so much! It is a real problem.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    DRINK MORE WATER!!!! Have water before and after your meals and snacks. No sodas! Water water and more water! It is the cure! Honestly, I am a living witness! lol! Just try it for one day and see the results for yourself!

    True binge eating will not be cured by glasses of water. I speak from experience having suffered both binge eating and bulimia. Most binge eating issues, if not all, stem from emotional or psychological issues and water is not a cure for those.
  • traerjudy
    traerjudy Posts: 36 Member
    I noticed that when got off the sugar and flour I don't binge. It's very hrd the first few days but it really works.
    Good luck to you.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Change the language. You "won't" stop eating. Own EVERYTHING you put into your mouth as being a choice you made. The moment you think you "can't" stop binging is the moment that binging becomes something out of your control, and thus something that's almost forced on you against your will. That is a lie. It's the kind of lie we tell ourselves to make it easier to be irresponsible about our choices.

    You are eating because, on some level, you want to eat.


    Also, read the book "Brain over Binge"
    It's helpful
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    To the OP,
    Find another way to deal with your stress, whether it be a good extra workout, a hot bath, yoga, talking, writing about it etc.
    Also, be sure you are eating enough for your activity level.
    I highly doubt those 3 Ibs are genuine fat gain. It is more likely most of it is from glycogen and water, especially if the foods you have been binging on are of the more processed variety. I used to binge on up to 5000 calories. It took me 2 months to gain 14Ibs.
    An active person could easily maintain on 2500 to 3000, to put it into perspective.
    Nevertheless, explore the source of your splurges and try and develop some mindfulness while you are doing it.
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    Change the language. You "won't" stop eating. Own EVERYTHING you put into your mouth as being a choice you made. The moment you think you "can't" stop binging is the moment that binging becomes something out of your control, and thus something that's almost forced on you against your will. That is a lie. It's the kind of lie we tell ourselves to make it easier to be irresponsible about our choices.

    You are eating because, on some level, you want to eat.


    Figuring out why you're bingeing, owning it, and figuring out alternative ways that will work for you to deal with the issues are the key. For example, if it's stress, then give yourself non-food alternatives that can help you manage the stress (watch a TV show you like, write it out, read a book, exercise, whatever). If it's because you are cutting so dramatically back you are always hungry, read the good guides here (like the path to sexypants one and in place of a road map) and get a more realistic calorie goal and eating plan. Etc and so on.

    You have control over your life.
  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    We're all just here trying to heal the pain inside. <3
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    DRINK MORE WATER!!!! Have water before and after your meals and snacks. No sodas! Water water and more water! It is the cure! Honestly, I am a living witness! lol! Just try it for one day and see the results for yourself!

    True binge eating will not be cured by glasses of water. I speak from experience having suffered both binge eating and bulimia. Most binge eating issues, if not all, stem from emotional or psychological issues and water is not a cure for those.

    Correct. You may be simply overeating. True binging, however, is a release method like cutting. It's a form of self-harm and self-medication (I used to binge to make myself pass out). I am in recovery for both BED and bulimia, but they ruled my life for 30+years. If you are just eating too much, I would say listen to the other comments, but if you are binging to ease emotional pain, like a drinker drinks, or a person cuts, then you should explore cognitive and behavioral modifications as this poster suggests. Take your mind off of it by doing something you like for 30-60 minutes and learn to become comfortable with the discomfort of not being able to release emotional pain thru physical expression.

    I eat 2500 calories plus every day to maintain. Do you run a lot as your profile pic suggest?
  • tlaker
    tlaker Posts: 82 Member
    my heart goes out to you because i go through the same thing. I've too suffered from all or nothing attitude. my binges have gone so far out of control that i would keep going daily with bad habbits till within 3 months i've gained a solid 50 lbs. then i would lose it...then a year later go through the same thing...gain 50 n lose it. it was a bad two years. i finally talked to a professional. it didnt take many sessions and i learned so much i felt confident to continue life without the help. My problem is that i focus so much on what i've just done to myself with all the eating and how horrible i feel. the worse i feel, the more i eat. a good way to see things now....is dont focus on what you've already done. its in the past. there is nothing you can do about it. change how you handle your future and go from there. baby steps. after binging the worst you can do is start a fresh day only eating 500 calories or less like some people think will help. you will be back where you started...binging. good luck to you! you're not alone. I'm better with the help i've received, but unfortunatly i will ALWAYS have a battle with binge eating.
    and for the lady who said her binging is 200-300 calories...thats not binging. thats a damn cookie. "treating yourself" and "binging" should not be confused.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Change the language. You "won't" stop eating. Own EVERYTHING you put into your mouth as being a choice you made. The moment you think you "can't" stop binging is the moment that binging becomes something out of your control, and thus something that's almost forced on you against your will. That is a lie. It's the kind of lie we tell ourselves to make it easier to be irresponsible about our choices.

    You are eating because, on some level, you want to eat.


    Also, read the book "Brain over Binge"
    It's helpful

    I didn't really like Brain Over Binge in the spectrum of books that I've read but it does make a good point that every time you do it, you are hard wiring your brain into the habit.

    I would also suggest reading "Intuitive Eating" and "Overcoming Binge Eating." Sometimes counting calories can even trigger more binging. Restriction is often a precursor to the development of Binge Eating Disorder.
  • denisegunnels
    denisegunnels Posts: 43 Member
    You can only control yourself, not what or who is around you. Do the best you can. I find that distraction is an excellent tool. When an urge hits I go do something: walk the dog, clean out a closet, or complete some task I'm probably dreading. Bottom line though is you have to find out what works for you.
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    There is a really great book written by two Harvard psychologists Kegan and Leahy called "Immunity to Change". I would recommend checking it out. It outlines a framework for helping you get un-stuck with lots of things, including disordered eating.

    As someone else said, on some level, you want to eat. Probably because in the moment it makes you feel good or you think it helps you manage stress.

    You have two (or more) competing priorities - binging on the one hand and all that you think that gives you....and then on the other hand, normalized eating. You want both things but the binging is winning out because you believe it is serving some purpose (stress relief, calmness, satisfaction, companionship, security, whatever it is) that something else can't give you. But if you challenge your thinking about it, there are probably lots of other things that could give you what binging gives you.

    Working with a psychologist who can help guide you away from your black and white, perfectionist thinking, would be the best thing, if you can swing it.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    and for the lady who said her binging is 200-300 calories...thats not binging. thats a damn cookie. "treating yourself" and "binging" should not be confused.

    :laugh: I peed a little laughing at this