mghane Member


  • This is absolutely fantastic! Congrats :)
  • I'm using 3 lbs for now. I might move up to 5 lbs once I feel these are getting easy.
  • Day 2 of Level 1 down and sore as all heck. 28 more days! I'm thinking of doing 10 days at each level. Can I just say, I get uber excited when it gets to the last set of strength, cause it means the end is near (and the exercise is easier...)
  • Just did day one today! Here for support and definitely need the motivation :) Feel free to add me !
  • Way to go! You look fabulous :) Thanks for the inspiration!
  • Also, working out should generally make you hungrier, not make you lose your appetite!
  • Is 1000 your net daily cals or is that what you eat total (not taking into account what you burn working out). That's low either way. Even if you're not hungry... try to eat foods that are high is good cals... like salmon, nut butters, whole grain breads/grains...That way you may not be eating a ton, but you'll at least be…
  • 119 at 5' 5'' 1/2 is a healthy (on the lower side) weight. I don't think you should be obsessing over the loss of 1 or 2 lbs. I know it's tough being in a sport that requires you to weigh a certain weight, like wrestling or weight lifting--but then maybe you should re-assess your priorities. Is it worth it to put your body…
  • frozen banana, apple, cinnamon, TINY bit of ground ginger, almond butter, some sort of milk (more or less depending on how creamy you want the smoothie, ground flax (or protein powder), 1-2 teaspoons cocoa powder (unsweetened), I also put in granola but that takes up the cals a little
  • Again, so sorry about Mayer, but I'm glad you're commemorating him in such a beautiful way and that you're continuing so strongly in your journey. I'm so proud. You look absolutely wonderful! We're here for you always!
  • Challenge is to RUN as fast as we can (for a mile!!!). I will make my attempt on Thursday most likely and then another on Friday. (One outdoors and one at the gym) In the meantime, lets keep up the awesome work so that we end up with a fabulous loss this week. I apologize ahead of time if my losses are super low... the…
  • omg omg omg!!! That's AWESOME. I was a 12 too when I started, and am now an 8 in jeans, (but they're starting to loosen a bit) I'm too scared to try on a 6 though!
  • gah... i'm so nervous about the challenge...what's it gonna be, what's it gonna be!!
  • yay green!!! :) So nervous to see what the challenge is!
  • I would say Ahi Tuna, but I'm wondering, if you're not getting any of the sides, why would it be 590 cals for 8 oz? I would think it would be a lot less than that!
  • exactly! skinny does not equal healthy. Also, as age goes up, metabolism goes down and so if such people continue eating "whatever they want" and it happens to be unhealthy... it will catch up to them. I'm thankful that my body has let me know when I'm being unhealthy otherwise I may have never done anything about it!
  • Do you guys have any farmer's markets in your area at all? Sometimes you can find cheaper fruits and veggies towards the end of the farmer's market day. I would definitely cut down on the bread and processed foods--if you need bread, go for whole grain or multi-grain--white bread offers you nothing nutritionally except for…
  • There are carbs in near everything, veggies, fruit, whole grains, some dairy (yogurt, etc)... to limit yourself to one or two food groups because you fear carbs is wrong. Your body NEEDS the nutrients that these foods offer. Now this doesn't mean go have a huge bowl of pasta with a ton of butter and a baked potato on the…
  • Hi and welcome! From what it looks like your calories are usually either over your daily limit (I've only looked at about the past week), or significantly under. What I would try and do is plan your meals ahead of time to avoid going over (because the calorie limit sets you at a specific deficit necessary to lose…
  • i'm in!! I'll try and do as many as I can!
  • ooooo totally forgot about chocolate.... here's my favorite chocolate one 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk (20 cals) 1 frozen medium banana (100 cals) 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder (20 cals) 1-2 tablespoons peanut butter (I use unsalted creamy organic pb from trader joe's and it has no added sugar) ( 190 cals for 2…
  • I don't even use yogurt in my smoothies... I use 1/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Here's my current favorite (2 servings) 1 yellow peach (peeled) 1 frozen banana 4 medium strawberries 1/2 cup raspberries 1 cup papaya 1/2 mango 1/4 cup vanilla almond milk 2 tblsp ground flax powder 1 cup ice (feel free to add…
  • My favorite go to low cal dinner: 3 egg whites, 1/2 slice american cheese, red onions, mushrooms, broccoli (sauteed in PAM olive oil and placed inside the omelet, extra veggies on top of folded over omelet.) Loveeee veggies... nom nom nom... any veggies can be substituted.
  • Agreed that my fingers, wrists, face and feet have all shrunk. Is it weird that I feel like my nose is a little better defined/smaller? My upper arms used to REALLY bug me, and even they're shrinking now... I should try on some earrings to see if my ears have shrunk as congrats on your slimmer ears :P
  • I'm not a pescetarian, but I do have restrictions on where I can eat meat at (kind of like kosher restrictions)... so the only thing I can eat everywhere I go are veggies and seafood. There is a lot to watch out for...there are many soups that look vegetarian that are made using meat broths, most things with gelatin in…
  • Here are my suggestions: I have oatmeal for breakfast many times too, and it helps in keeping me full for a long while---I personally make my oatmeal with .75 cup water, 1/3 cup oatmeal, 1 medium mashed banana, and mix in some fresh berries. That right there cuts out about 100 calories...because of the creaminess of the…
  • Imma try it starting today :) So I'll let ya'll know if 5 weeks!
  • Do people you haven't seen in a long time even recognize you?!!! Your face (and body obviously) have changed so much!!! What are reactions like in person?!
  • This is sooooooo amazing. Inspiration at it's best. You look fabulous and no doubt you worked your butt off (literally) to get to where you are now. Great job!!!