Skinny people....

Does anyone else kinda hate those naturally thin people who never worry about calories or weight?

I know it's partly jealousy because I would love to be one of them! but seriously how is it fair that I have to count and monitor everything I eat, and others blithely go through life without a care and just eat what they feel like?

Logically, I assume they've just net less calories during their life on average, but why wasn't i one of those people? I've always been heavy and it sucks a little bit.


  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    I know. Not fair.

    Remember this though... skinny does not always equal healthy!!!


    God bless!
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    Exactly what Michelle says.

    Skinny doesn't always mean healthy.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    hey so my bestie is one of those ppl...

    she is 46 kilos but i'm telling you she nets a crap load! she eats 3 meals of maccas, kfc, or kingsleys a day

    i wish i had her body ><

    it's funny though cos i'm so much fitter than her though lol
  • mghane
    mghane Posts: 109 Member
    exactly! skinny does not equal healthy. Also, as age goes up, metabolism goes down and so if such people continue eating "whatever they want" and it happens to be unhealthy... it will catch up to them. I'm thankful that my body has let me know when I'm being unhealthy otherwise I may have never done anything about it!
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    YES. Ugh...but I've realized that skinny does not always equal fit!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I am naturally like that,but unfortunately got into the habit of eating around 6,000+ calories per day, which brought my weight up (and losing is much harder for me than maintaining, which I can do on twice the recommended amount of calories ^^).

    Skinny alone isn't beautiful though, is all I will say. I would much rather have a really pretty face, and have to count calories...I dont have the best immune system, am very prone to ear infections, and have had some hard knocks in life.

    I could ask the same thing, "Why did that have to happen to me?!" for many things. Being skinny easily doesn't mean you have more money, are healthier, happier, etc.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    I know. Not fair.

    Remember this though... skinny does not always equal healthy!!!


    God bless!

    I agree^^^ I use to be one of those skinny people that ate anything and everything and never gained a pound... Then my 20's slapped me in the face. However, back then I wasn't very healthy, would most likely cough up a hairball climbing stairs.
  • Ashleysh22
    Exactly what Michelle says.

    Skinny doesn't always mean healthy.

    seriously - as I used to be one of them. super skinny and extremely unhealthy. I started getting kidney stones at age 12 and had seizures as a toddler.

    and just for karma's sake - I got to college and started drink beer and shot my metabolism to health, gaining 40 pounds in 3 months. Now I am just like "everybody else" in that I have to fight the calories too alongside the health issues.
  • CindiBryce
    I have never heard of a healthy person who "blithely goes through life without a care and just eats what he/she feels like eating". If they don't monitor what they eat, they are not healthy. Thin doesn't necessarily mean healthy. Part of the reason they remain thin may be a fast metabolism, but their metabolisms will not be as fast once they get older.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    its not as simple as that.

    more than likey they are watching what they eat..or eating healthy. anyone, will gain weight if they over eat.
    those people are probably pretty active.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    My boyfriend is naturally thin. He can eat and eat and eat and maintain his weight.

    It isn't all it is cracked up to be either. Yes, he eats healthy and that is why he has a very low amount of body fat. But, remember that all things come with ups and downs.
  • Just_Bethy
    My mother...5 foot nothing..3 kids... weighs a hefty 76lbs...My sister...41 ..4 kids 5 foot 1...a hefty 89lbs....Me? heh..210lbs a few month back...yeahhhhh impressed..not..BUT..heres the thing that cheers me up..They both smoke..they look like they have 12 year old bodies and 50 year old faces...(except my mum looks 80...well CREEPY..!!! They look SO freaking 12 year old says they have been photo-shopped!!! BWAHAHAHAHA
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I have never heard of a healthy person who "blithely goes through life without a care and just eats what he/she feels like eating". If they don't monitor what they eat, they are not healthy. Thin doesn't necessarily mean healthy. Part of the reason they remain thin may be a fast metabolism, but their metabolisms will not be as fast once they get older.

    I am 35 and my boyfriend is 35, well.. 36 as today is his birthday. We both have pretty high metabolisms. So, don't assume that just because you are older means your metabolism conks out. If you treat your body well, it will respond well. We eat every few hours - which definitely helps. Not everyone's metabolism dies after 30.
  • girlypop
  • girlypop
    I am naturally like that,but unfortunately got into the habit of eating around 6,000+ calories per day, which brought my weight up (and losing is much harder for me than maintaining, which I can do on twice the recommended amount of calories ^^).

    Skinny alone isn't beautiful though, is all I will say. I would much rather have a really pretty face, and have to count calories...I dont have the best immune system, am very prone to ear infections, and have had some hard knocks in life.

    I could ask the same thing, "Why did that have to happen to me?!" for many things. Being skinny easily doesn't mean you have more money, are healthier, happier, etc.

    lol true i was just b*tching and complaining. there are definitely worse things that could happen in life than being fat. plus it's possible to count cals and lose weight, but damn it would be nice not to have to worry
  • inlander
    inlander Posts: 339 Member
    I hate when people seem to be naturally skinny, but I think that it's because the tools they need to maintain their weight/be healthy are naturally ingrained in them. We just have a bit of a learning curve. ;)
  • it's only something that 2% of the population suffer from, and I married one of them! My husband can eat 5,000 cal a day and not gain an ounce, while I sit next to him shoving down salad and I gain the weight like it's an Olympic sport or something! You are right, it is disgusting and is VERY unfair :(
  • my husband's 38 and he's STILL waiting for his metabolism to slow down.....
  • Sunjenk
    Sunjenk Posts: 139 Member
    It's such a stressful feeling to feel compelled to count calories and try try try to look like others who are 'better' looking. Drives me nuts everyday! One day I feel like being overweight will just not matter to me.

    I like to think that in my old age, I will move to the south, take up Paula Dean type cooking (where theres never enough butter), and enjoy what time I will have left by overfeeding those around me with love and butter.

    Did that even make sense ?? :P It's just how I feel!!
  • Zebraone
    When I was younger I could eat whatever and gain a pound but as I got older it all changed and I started to gain. I wish I was still able to do that but unfortunately I'm not. So I know how you feel.:wink: