lersie Member


  • me unfortunately :-(
  • Damn.....I always end up buying them. I think I need to go to shopaholics anonymous! I'm going to buy that movie true confessions of a shopaholic.
  • I too have yo yo dieted at least 3 times in my life that I can think of and it's not sustainable. That's why I am doing thing differently this time. I'm losing it very slowly but consistently - 75 lbs in 18 months. When I yo yo I can lose 75 lbs in half that time, which has always failed for me. Don't beat yourself up over…
  • Ah the magic scale jump? Welcome to weight loss my friend. I get all excited because I will drop 3, 4, maybe eve 5 lbs in a week and by the next week I put it all back on again, usually only 1 or 2 lbs at a time but I know what you mean. It's very frustrating and I've tried everything I can think of. I'm about ready just…
  • Ah the magic scale jump? Welcome to weight loss my friend. I get all excited because I will drop 3, 4, maybe eve 5 lbs in a week and by the next week I put it all back on again, usually only 1 or 2 lbs at a time but I know what you mean. It's very frustrating and I've tried everything I can think of. I'm about ready just…
  • Definitely the bike for me! I could be on that thing almost all day.
  • I find I usually gain weight if I go over my sugar limits every day regardless of whether or not it's "good" or "bad sugars (from fruit - good, or bad - from junk food). I try to only allow myself more sugar two days a week and that seems to work pretty well for me. You might be different though because everybody is. Try…
  • Welcome to my world. I too had lost around 75 lbs over the last 18 months and just in this past two weeks I have gained back 7 lbs. I am so freaked out about that right now, you wouldn't even believe it! I feel like I'm losing everything I learned too and have been so stressed out about some things going on right now, I…
    in Ugghhh!!!!! Comment by lersie July 2011
  • Whiskey diet coke always works for me. 75 total calories and you only need to drink a couple to get a good buzz on LOL
  • Chinese is my favorite and when I go in I ask for them to make it "traditional" style which means no corn starch. Skip the soup and the rice. I always have chicken vegetable without all that stuff and no sauces and it's never hurt my weight loss.
  • Damn straight girl and don't forget it. Everyone is beautiful in their own way! Keep on keepin' on and keep the faith!
  • Way to go girl. Lookin' good. Woo Hoo!:bigsmile:
  • Going shopping and being able to buy way smaller clothes. Something I haven't been able to do for years Woo Hoo!
  • I feel your pain my dear. I'm just getting over it and had it for almost 3 weeks. Still coughing, which makes me really tired. I'm just now getting back into the swing of working out again after a whole month off. UGH! Don't worry though, you will get back on the horse again and feel better soon. It just takes time to kick…
  • Add me too. Been there done that on the "over 200 lb club". No more I say!
  • Awesome dude - way to go! You rock mister!
  • I am actually doing a lot of those things that you mentioned and I notice on the days that I eat less carbs and sugars a few days later I lose (must take a few days to catch up is my guess). I do however go over my sugar limits a couple times a week just to shock my system and that seems to be working most of the time. I…
  • Wow that's amazing and I'm very impressed by your progress. What's your secret? I'm having a hard time getting the last 25 lbs off and it's driving me nuts! I want to lose 15 more by the time my friend gets married in July. Any advice you can throw my way, would be greatly appreciated beyond belief! Keep up the excellent…
  • I get cranky when I haven't eaten much and don't get much sleep. That's when I am at my worst.
    in crankiness Comment by lersie May 2011
  • Nice choices Heather! You have good taste in music.
    in Your Top 3 Comment by lersie May 2011
  • 1. Nickelback 2. Queensryche 3; White Snake
    in Your Top 3 Comment by lersie May 2011
  • Welcome to my world. I've gained 3 back just in the last two weeks or less. Arghhhhh! I haven't worked out but one time in the last week because I haven't been sleeping well at all which makes me feel lousy so I don't have the energy. I'm going to try something to help me sleep though just so I can get back on it. Good…
  • 1. To consistently lose 1.5 to 2 lbs every week. 2. Get to the gym 3x a week. 3. Work out at home 2x a week. SW = 238 CW = 175 GW = 145 Getting there, slooooowwwwly but surely.
  • I too have slouched for the last week and have been so extremely busy haven't even had a chance to fit in any time. However I've lost almost 3 lbs this week. I plan on getting back on it this week though because I want to be able to do a 10K walk by the end of summer (bad knees so I can't do a run). But you get the point…
  • I stopped eating fruit for breakfast and eating things like oatmeal with low or no sugar, scrambled eggs or ground turkey patties. I noticed I was feeling sick whenever I eat anything with sugar (natural or otherwise) so I experimented and now I can eat foods that have lots of protein in the morning and feel much better.
  • If you can keep your sugars below what your daily recommended allowance is that helps in losing too. I notice every time I am under my sugars lately is when I lose (and on average it's been 1.5 lbs and that's within one to two days!). Now I'm working on the carbs now that I figured out the sugar riddle. Good luck.
  • Andrew and that is my boyfriend's name and I think he's hot! :-)
  • I used to be 5'10" and now am 5'8" and only a few years older than you. Doc said it was because of when I broke my back falling off a horse in high school or so she thought.
    in Shrinking Comment by lersie April 2011
  • Wow girl I am proud of you. You are going to make a gorgeous bride! Way to go!