So upset with myself, need some help and support please!

So I've been at this weight loss journey since March 2010. I was doing VERY well and was down 50 pounds, and was feeling and looking awesome. Well I was going through a lot and also got on Birth Control which caused me to gain weight(I'm off the Birth control now). Well my 50 pound weight loss went from 50 to 30 pounds :cry: . I mean I know I've still lost 30 pounds but its not as good as losing 50. My overall goal was to lose 68 pounds. I was only 18 pounds away from my goal, but now I'm 38 away. I don't wanna be one of those yo-yo dieters, I want to lose my weight and keep it off. But you see I LOVE food and sometimes reward myself too much and then I lose track of my "diet". I just need some opinions and support on what to do, and how to get back on track and stay on track. Has this happened to any of you before? I feel better for venting about it and not just letting all my weight pack back on. I don't wanna give up! Thanks for reading!


  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    you can get back on track, it's ok! :)
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Get off all Processed and chemical filled foods! Get off all artifical sweetners and processed sugars! No fast foods! Do Pop diet or regular and no boose. Do this and you goal will be met
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Hang in there. Weight loss if very rarely a perfect downhill journey. 30 lbs is great. take it one choice at a time and you will get right back on the right path. Don't think of this as a journey with a destination but a new healthy lifestyle. I have fallen off the wagon lots of times, but this time feels different. I think that is because I have set really modest goals (5 lbs a month) and have tried to focus only on calories and exercise.

    Good luck!! and I know you can do it, I can read it in your post. :smile:
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Don't give up. If you've lost the weight before, you can do it again. Feel free to add me. What are your motivations for losing? Your kids? Your health? Maybe it's time to refocus on "the why" you want to do this :) I love food too, but I have made it my mission to create healthy yummy meals! And I also eat normal food all of the time...I just have lowered my portions. When you are eating, don't try to eat until you are full or even satisfied. I've been trying to stop myself after having a few bites and think, "am I still hungry?" If I don't have any more hunger, I stop eating :) Love the leftovers the next day!
  • leftymac
    leftymac Posts: 169 Member
    I lost 50, then gained 80, and now I've lost 70 again. We ALL love food. I've just changed the foods I eat, which has made me come to love new foods.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Get off all Processed and chemical filled foods! Get off all artifical sweetners and processed sugars! No fast foods! Do Pop diet or regular and no boose. Do this and you goal will be met

    I know you are probably right, but that seems really extreme. If you have the will power for this, good for you, but for me, I don't have any "off limits" foods. Everything in moderation and I keep close track of my calories and exercise. First diet in years that I have been able to keep up with for more than 6 months.
  • lersie
    lersie Posts: 46 Member
    I too have yo yo dieted at least 3 times in my life that I can think of and it's not sustainable. That's why I am doing thing differently this time. I'm losing it very slowly but consistently - 75 lbs in 18 months. When I yo yo I can lose 75 lbs in half that time, which has always failed for me. Don't beat yourself up over it like I did. I just make sure I eat right, hydrate and make sure you get enough sleep (these things are crucial to successful weight loss). I'm losing the urge for sweets all the time except around TOM, then I treat myself but go lightly on the goodies. Just gotta have mind over matter and you will succeed! I'm doing it and you can too!
  • orcocan
    orcocan Posts: 2
    pick yourself up and get back on track now, tonight (not monday or next week or whenever), you've lost 30 you know you can lose the remainder.
    Pick some milestones (e.g. every 5 lbs lost) and a reward to enjoy when you reach it (a brownie, or mcdonalds or whatever rocks your boat). Don't be too strict, it needs to be a diet you can stick to in the long term, the occasional treat is perfectly fine, as long as it's occasional...! :-)
    Good luck.
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    Everyone has setbacks. I ate 900 calories of ice cream and candy for lunch today! -- really, check my diary. Get up and hop back on that horse, and do what you know you can do. You go girl! Don't give up just because you went backwards a little bit -- in the end, you are still better off than you were a year ago, and in another year you will be even better than you are right now.
  • beth0979
    beth0979 Posts: 11 Member
    I too have been struggling with my weight loss. I lost 70 lbs a few years ago and gained it all back and then some. It is harder this go around to shed the weight but I am determined to get my weight back down. Don't give up. Like everyone is saying, if you lost it once you can do it again. If you want, you are more than welcome to add me as a friend and we can go at this together.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    First of all. don't beat yourself up over the regain! Let the past be the past, forgive yourself and move forward by starting a new. I have lost 89lbs since November 26th of last year and it is NOT an easy journey! For the last month I have been battling my over eatng ways and toying with he same 6lbs up and down. I have been losing steam and getting bored with it all. Everyday i still wake up and try again, never losing site of the big picture. Right now i am dealing with and Ex-husband getting married in 8 days and its all hitting me pretty hard which makes it hard to stay focused. I just keep on trying and doing my best! I may have a couple of good days and a couple of bad days but I just keep at it, I just can't see letting 89lbs go to waste as I feel so much better about myself, why in the world would I want to give that all up? This is the most weight I have ever lost in my life with another 67lbs to go and I do want to get there and I will. Everyday I just try to refocus. I was also exercising almost everyday and now its every few days but I am going to change that as well by once again forcing myself to just do it! Don't give up! Refocus and keep trying everyday, forget the past and move forward start fresh! We all have difficulties and theyn an be overcome. I refuse to let my Ex or anyone or anything else dictate how I feel and what I want to become. You must believe in yourself, pick yurself back up as I am doing and keep at it! No, its not always easy, but doable! One mistake I have made is not continuing to come to MPF enough for help, in the beginning I was here everyday and now that i have been off track I was losing site of where I needed to be but as of yesterday I have back on track and refocused and I will make it a point to be here everyday once again for motivation and help form my fitness pals. We can do this, forgive yourself and move forward. Just keep in mind how you feel when you slip on a pair of smaller jeans or a top that isn't deathly tight, how nice it feels and how good you feel about yourself. We are all in this together. I have been meaning to post about this very problem but you beat me to it and I am so glad you posted on this topic. Hang in there as I am doing and we all are doing. NEVER GIVE UP or lose site.....Believing Is Seeing!
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    I totally get the frustration your feeling , I have always been able to maintain the 40 pounds I lost until I went on birth control and gained 15 back ..down to my last 10 pounds but only want to lose 10. Hang in there , your not alone we all are here, use the counter and keep your goals in mind..think of the clothes you will wear and the hearts you will break :-)
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    Totally understand your frustrations! I, also, lost 35 pounds last year and was within 10 pounds of my goal. Then around the holidays I really began to slip. After the holidays I continued to slip and before I knew it I was up about 25 pounds. Back on track now. Have my goals set in increments of pounds; the first being pretty aggressive 12 pounds in 6 weeks, then 5 pounds per month. That first goal of September 15 is getting closer each day but I am focused on getting this weight off and keeping it off!
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    I am a food lover myself and that is why the Spike Day or formerly known cheat day is so effective. One day a week eat whatever you want or crave.
    I have a day every single week to keep me honest and to look forward to. If done right it will actually help your long-term weight loss by spiking metabolism and avoiding a decline or "starvation mode"

    The worst thing you can do is feel guilty. Let it go, guilt brings on the stress hormones and that is the last thing you need. We all make mistakes and we all have bad days. Just move on. You can do it.
  • ntsmomma1
    ntsmomma1 Posts: 35 Member
    kylie i know you personally and i know you have the ability to get back on your diet and get everything back on track! like everyone says just pay more attention with what you are rewarding yourself with and u will be ok....i lost my weight and didnt even notice it because i dont have the mindset of "must get the fat off" or "i cant have that i am on a diet" anymore i have the i am hungry i am going to eat or i am not hungry get out of the kitchen lol....its all how you look at it and i promise you will get right back there! omg we need to go for a walk around grays lake before it gets to bad....see there is 2 miles!
  • braunle
    braunle Posts: 16
    I use to reward myself with food as well. I stopped that completely. When I did do that in the past I would tend to go overboard and that just kept me off track. Now I have different rewards such as new outfit, hair done, a day at the spa. It's so much better that food.
    You can do this. Don't give up!
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    Thanks so much everyone, I appreciate all the support! I am back on track and hope I can stay on track. I got up this morning and walked for an hour and 10 minutes, it felt good. Also gonna exercise this afternoon. :smile: