

  • I have soup for lunch, either homemade or store-bought. It fills me up, and is very low calorie. :)
  • From Beautiful British Columbia now living in Florida. Go Canucks! Go Heat!
  • I teach, so early morning workouts are out. I workout right after school or late at night. During this school year, I aim for two days during the week. And then I workout for at least an hour on Sat. and go for a long walk or jog on Sunday. I think the key is moderation or you will burn yourself out. And the days I don't…
  • Down 34 pounds since the beginning of Feb. Also, I ran 4 miles at a 9 min/mile pace. Went from a size 12ish to a size 6/8.
  • You look great! It makes you look much younger :)
  • I'm right there with you. I've lost 31 pounds and I have six more to go, but this last week I have been so lax about my calories for many of the same reasons you mentioned. Help!
  • Try I haven't used it yet, but I have it bookmarked.
  • I agree. I was just going to post this. When I lost a lot of weight before getting pregnant, I still had a "spare tire" even though I was in a healthy range of weight. When I lowered my carb intake (nothing crazy), my stomach got flatter. Simple carbs can bloat you. You can manually lower your carb percentage on here.
  • I lost 7 pounds the first week, and then 2 pounds for the next 2-3 weeks. After that, I hit a plateau and now I'm losing about a pound a week. I would love to lose 2 pounds a week, but slower is better in the long run.
  • I do some of the following: - chew gum (mint flavored makes me less hungry compared to fruit flavored) - drink tea or make hot chocolate (only 50 cal if you make with water) - eat an apple - (apples have tons of fiber and will fill me for a while, but they do have a lot of carbs) - eat carrots - drink Crystal Light -…
  • I'm going to enjoy the moment. Then I'm going to raise my calories from 1200 to 1500 to maintain.
  • Making meals beforehand is a great idea. This whole summer I've planned out the meals for everyday, went grocery shopping and sometimes made meals in advance. I'm hoping to continue this trend when school starts.
  • I am so there with you! I'm also a teacher, and I tend to lose weight during the summer because I try and hit the gym every day. Then comes the fall. I tend to get stressed and I slowly gain the weight back. Then comes Christmas and Thanksgiving! I usually just give up until January when it becomes my New Years Resolution.…
  • Congrats on losing 32 pounds. I agree; most clothing sizes are approximations. Right now I'm at 159. I went to Anne Taylor loft and bought three dresses: one a six 6, the other two size 10. All fit perfectly. When I get down to my pre-preg weight (145), I can where anything between a size 4 to 10, depending on the store.…
  • This post is so me! I don't count marinades, olive oil used for cooking, gum, or butter (which I rarely use). I also don't count Crystal light. It's only 5 calories per 8 oz glass. Sometimes I don't count the lettuce or tomatoes on a sandwhich. I did it one time and realized it was less than 15 calories, so I didn't do it…
  • I've tried it. You basically restrict yourself to 300-400 calories for three days and then eat what you want (in moderation) for three for four days. I know people who have lost a lot of weight on it, it wasn't worth it for me. It really doesn't teach you about healthy eating. You basically starve yourself for three days…
  • You've done really well so far - take your time. Put it in perspective - it's only been 17 days! I've been stuck at the same number for 3 weeks. It is frustrating, but it will come off if you stick to good eating and exercise :)
  • Our bodies are strange! Don't give up though. I know if I throw in the towel it will be worse than when I started, so I figure I might as well keep going. Eventually, things will change :)
  • Thanks for the advice. I'm just so worried I will gain weight. I did the math to see how many calories I would need to cut to lose two pounds this week, but my body was not listening!! :)
  • @ljay - I have been eating a lot of fruits and veggies. Right now I'm a stay at home mom and I've been eating really well. I try not to eat any processed food. @ktmunchie - I am sooo afriad of letting myself eat whatever. That is usually the first step to gaining back all the weight. I would be so upset if I got back on…
  • I tried it right before my wedding in 2007 and I lost almost 15 pounds in a few weeks. But then I went on my honeymoon and gained it all back! It's very, very restrictive so when you start eating normal again the weight comes right back.
  • Congrats! My daughter will be a month old at the end of this week as well. The day I got out of the hospital I started using MFP. The first week I did a lot of walking and just recently starting running. I had about 40 pounds to lose after the baby. It helps not to focus on the big number, but to aim for weekly and daily…