

  • To be completely honest, I would do the exact same thing if I were in the position you seem to be in. My best wishes to you. I have hear A LOT, and I really mean A LOT, of women who think that getting hysterectomies will cure PCOS. OH.MY. GOD. I wish it were only that simple. I'd be under the knife ASAP.
  • Me too. Sometimes odd numbers are okay though, mostly 13 and 17. Are you a germophobe? Was one (or both) of you working there, or were you shopping, and dropped something in the aisle. And then he picked it up for you, and then your eyes locked. You stammered, "Th...thank you." And then lovey music started playing, and…
  • EW. Just...EW. They tried though. To woo me. One of them would make toilet paper roses and "paint" them with Skittles. THEY LOOKED REAL. Also, when I was doing rounds, every time I walked by this guy's cell, he would start singing, "Heyyyyyyyyy thereeeeeeeeee Lonely Girl, Lonely Girl...." Every time. He's sing the whole…
  • Dear PCOS, Thank you for letting me gain 100 + pounds in 3 years, and making it nearly impossible to take it off (especially without metformin--too bad the side effects are so brutal that I've nearly *kitten* my pants too many times to count and have had some of the most embarrassing experiences of my life because of it).…
  • This is exactly what I did with my eldest. He got it in a day, but then, he was a year or two older. I tried to teach him when he was 6 but he ate it one too many times, and refused to get back on until he was 7.5 or 8. My younger son had training wheels and after he had a good day of riding, we'd raise them. Eventually we…
  • LASS! You've made me cry twice today! I sent you a message! I'd love to meet Lass, because she's a f*cking rockstar, all day, everyday. Her burns are godly, and she consistently comes in under her goal--IN A HEALTHY WAY. She is serious business, an inspiration to me, and EXACTLY everything I could hope for when I came in…
  • I know, right?! Oh and I used to work in a maximum security prison.
  • Uh...because he's f*cking amazingly talented, down-to-earth, and adorable. We saw Weezer on Sept. 5th last year and it was THEE best concert I have ever been to. The confusion between the two within the media and public knowledge drive me ABSO-F*CKING-LUTELY CRAZY. Lifetime Washingtonian here, and I hate having to type WA…
  • The humor is lost on me. While I am an active advocate for swearing, there was no shock factor in it for me. Alli makes you *kitten* grease. It's been out for years. There are still people out there that DON'T know this? Especially in the dieting world? *shrug*
  • Thank you all for your feedback. It is much appreciated. :)
  • Try this in this order on Wii Fit: - Free Step: 10 minutes. - Free Run: 10 minutes. - Super Hula Hoop: 10 minutes. - Free Run: 10 minutes. - Free Step: 20 minutes. If that doesn't do it...I'm highly impressed by your fitness level. I work up a righteous sweat doing this particular combo in this order with no breaks…
  • Unless you have taken extensive photography classes, or have a photography business, I think calling yourself a "photographer" is presumptuous and I can't take you or your pictures seriously.
  • I've been told by a few doctors that a sudden weight gain or loss of 10 or more pounds will likely interrupt your cycle. Is your rash painful? Itch? Could it be eczema or chaffing? The contact problem could be cause by dehydration. I would give it a couple of weeks (if this just started happening), and see a doctor. Don't…
  • I want to beat up every hipster I see...but it's only because I'm not a part of their cool kids club, and it makes me feel inadequate.
  • I CANNOT WAIT for that day! Congrats!
    in Size Comment by WinKitty April 2011
  • Me too. I'm so serious right now.
  • AW! I love you! But believe many Americans CAN be wrong. Have you scoped out our government in the past 12 years? lol Peanut butter and chocolate. Peanut butter on a banana, or a granola bar.
  • Awesome. If she wants to look all fancy, she can go with painted white tips. I like the white-tipped toes. :)
  • Thank you for starting this thread! I was going to start one soon...I just didn't have the guts yet. I have bipolar 1, diagnosed in 2004. Weight loss is tremendously difficult for me--I mean, if I don't even have enough energy to take a shower, how the hell am I supposed to exercise? Pair that with emotional eating, and…
  • I was borderline anorexic most of the time I was in high school. I ate an apple and a Dr. Pepper everyday, and dinner, when my mom was watching (she usually wasn't). And not to encourage this behavior, but I didn't suffer through it. I was never hungry. In fact I never felt better in my life because I had never LOOKED…
  • Presented without further comment.
  • He's not ready to make the full commitment. Maybe it's not him that needs to get something through his head--he's sending out a loud and clear message IMO. "I'm not ready." It's hard to understand how someone can be so unhealthy but not be ready to tackle it...but that's where I think he's at.
  • I bought one about 10 days ago and it was kind of a higher end one, but it. is. worth. every. penny. It monitors your heartrate, in BPM or as a percentage. this is helpful for me because I know how intensely I'm working. I keep my HR at 85%. If I go above that for more than a few minutes, I get fatigued and cannot finish…
  • As a youth, I once ate too much acid and took pictures of my hallucinations--with 5 rolls of film. Needless to say, it was pictures of very, very ordinary things (chairs, mirrors, the moon) that must have been utterly astonishing at the time I snapped the photos.
  • I play MTG, too. I collected the entire 2011 core set. Let's just say it was a very manic summer.
  • Wii Fit, 1 hour: 877 calories burned according to my HRM. :D
  • Oh lawd, me too. I'm such a voyeur. Do you like PostSecret? I count my SoBe Zeros as water, too, and never log them. AW! I know, right?! I loved being pregnant, and am jealous of pregnant women, but I don't want to have anymore kids!