Craziest weightloss attempt???



  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    I have an ED and would refuse to eat for days. so crappy and it made my binge eating disorder about a thousand times worse because of the deprivation
  • WinKitty
    WinKitty Posts: 119
    I was borderline anorexic most of the time I was in high school. I ate an apple and a Dr. Pepper everyday, and dinner, when my mom was watching (she usually wasn't). And not to encourage this behavior, but I didn't suffer through it. I was never hungry. In fact I never felt better in my life because I had never LOOKED better. It's a shame, really.
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    I have tried every "diet" there is and some actually healthier living ideas. I was on the cabbage soup diet for two weeks, the green tea diet that made you poop your brains out, diet pills, Atkins, rice diet. You name it I've tried it. I did start a TOPS group in the town I live in but after losing 30 pounds in a year I just stopped going and of course when I didn't have to be accountable I gained it all back. We need to learn to be accountable to ourselves instead of the rest of the world.
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    Well I have an eating disorder so there is not much I havent tried but taking laxatives was the worst b/c it just about killed me..over 60 a day for years till my bowel perforated. Sad to sad woke up from surgery and wondered how much weight I lost from them removing my entire large intestine...until I saw the colostomy bag! It is amazining the things people will do.