osualex Member


  • I blend it til it's creamy and add ranch powder - makes an amazing veggie dip with tons of protein!
  • It's different for every person. A very tall person could probably easily pull off a size 16 (US) but a very short person may not look so good in a 10. Height, bone structure, and muscle mass make a big difference. For me personally, the maximum size I feel I look okay in is a 12, and I'm 5'4. I look a whole lot better in…
  • Thanks all! I just got back from the gym, and we pretty much agreed to disagree about my workouts. He was right about 2 things though (like a broken clock, haha) - I need to incorporate some accessory lifts and I need some work on my form. Both of which I knew. Guess sometimes you just gotta filter out the noise...
  • Not sure, it depends? I had 2 today, will probably have 4 tomorrow...I just fix something when I'm hungry.
  • I'm not sure your height and weight but as a man you can almost certainly eat more than 1270 a day, that is considered low for women. Try 1800 calories, you will feel better. As for how you accumulate the calories, I prefer a 40c/40p/30f ratio, but if you are on a budget that could be difficult, so you could do 50% carbs…
  • Whoa, what a huge difference a few lbs and 2% bodyfat make! You look fantastic!
  • Can I be you when I grow up? You look amazing! Also I don't know if you already said this but how tall are you? I'm aiming for somewhere around your weight, about 11 pounds to go!
  • The only time I get annoyed at the gym is if someone is d*cking around on a machine/area that I need to use or if people are watching me (being the only black person in my small European town, this happens a lot). I really don't care if someone is doing something I wouldn't do. It's their body. Oh - just thought of…
  • If you're burning 600 cals, eat at least half of them back if you're going by MFP's calculations (or even 3/4), and if you have and HRM, eat all of them back. You should be on the right track. You're right, you WILL starve if you don't eat the calories back!
  • If I can ever lift as much as her, I'll die happy. Personally I wouldn't want to be that lean, it'd be damn near impossible for me to maintain and wouldn't look as good on me, but damn, that shows a lot of dedication and WORK.
  • I had no clue people really did this. I mean, it seems plausible but what sort of person who isn't some sort of psychopath has this sort of thought process? I don't have many friends, but the ones I do have would never think anything like this.
  • My form is so messed up for these, it always feels uneven. I've used an EZ curl bar and the olympic bar and both feel weird. I might try dumbbells.
  • It depends on how you process food and emotions. When I'm stressed, I often forget to eat, and I lose weight. When I'm happy, I tend to be more laissez-faire about my diet since I'm not too pressed to change. Right now my life is pretty stressful, and my diet and workout are the only things I can really control, so...yeah,…
  • Same here, I am perfectly happy to stop around 22% BF for me, which is about 142 lbs. I don't have a small frame, I just want to be healthy and proportional.
  • I've eaten well over 1200 most of the time on MFP, and I lose (most of the time!) My body composition is getting better and better with proper macros and enough food. I'm nowhere near active enough to eat 2000+ a day, but I stay around 1500-1600 and it works for me.
  • When I started lifting I didn't lose scale weight for a month despite eating at a deficit. Measured, turns out I had lost inches instead. I'd rather have my clothes fit better than see a number on a scale. And now the scale weight is dropping too. You have to give it time and not be too motivated by the scale. Easier said…
  • Thanks everyone for your replies, I guess I will just have to be patient. I'm starting to think I'll get a six pack before my thighs go down!
  • ^^THIS. Plus, it'd be nice to wear jeans that fit and not feel like I'm looking in a funhouse mirror every time I look at my body.
  • I'm 29% BF according to online calculators. I know the fat will eventually go away, but it's frustrating going hard at the gym and not seeing them budge one bit, while the rest of my body seems to be losing just fine. They are getting stronger, just not smaller at all.
  • Oh man, it would be nice to sleep 8 hours straight every night, I can usually only do it on weekends! I guess during the week I sleep 6-7 hours a night! I usually sleep 2-4, wake up, and go back to sleep again. I've lost 50 lbs in 2 years, and I've gotten various amounts of sleep during that time, but usually 6-7
  • Most of the "slim, toned, dancer's bodies" that people want come from lifting is the thing. If you don't like lifting, then don't do it, but if aesthetics is stopping you, then think twice. Most of those fitspo girls on Pinterest lift. Heck, you think Jillian Michaels got her body just from 30 Day Shred? Please!
  • Yep, 50 lbs. However, as I get closer to my goal, it's vital that I get enough (100g) of protein for my ideal body composition since I'm lifting, so I usually don't have the calories for more than 100g of carbs. They certainly won't derail your weight loss though.
  • +1, went from a 36F to a 34G. I've had big boobs for as long as I can remember, even when I was skinny so I doubt they're going anywhere. If you don't lose your boobs, you'll only go down band sizes, which will make you go up cup sizes...if they look too ridiculous at my goal, I may consider getting a reduction.
  • I feel like that too sometimes, most days you WON'T feel like eating healthy/exercising. What makes the difference is you just have to do it anyway. I don't always feel like washing my dishes, or brushing my teeth, but does that mean I don't do it? No! Just do it anyway until the feeling goes away.
  • I would love it if we could make it through the day without a "why is everyone so meeaaaan!" thread. Being honest and blunt =/= being mean. And even if people are mean, so what? Is this the first time anyone's ever been mean to you? It's the internet, there is an ignore button!
  • Thanks! I do usually try to balance my low/high days - there are some days I know I cannot stick to 15-1600 and other days where I can stop at 1400 easily. I usually only go high cal once a week, on weekends. I'll try to step my protein up - it has always been a challenge for me, even though I like meat it's hard for me to…
  • Agreed!! I wish this whole metabolism myth would die a horrible death. There are people out there who can eat +3500 calories a day and maintain, but they are not the majority of thin people. Just like the majority of overweight people aren't overweight because of genetics or a medical problem. Just because thin people eat…
  • just bumping this back up again!
  • I saw that thread. He only ate 4 slices of pizza a day and drank chocolate milk, anyone would lose weight on that diet, and I can't believe people were surprised by it! If any guy only eats a few slices of pizza a day, he'll lose weight. I would and I'd be cranky as hell all the time...I need my food.
  • I saw a change immediately, in 2 weeks I lost an inch off my waist. But, I store fat in my thighs, and guess what hasn't gone down yet - yep, my thighs. If you've always had a big belly in proportion to the rest of you, you may just need to be patient. Trust me, I know the feeling...