Has anyone lost weight WITHOUT reducing carbs?



  • mssgeni
    mssgeni Posts: 83 Member
    In my experience honestly all it took to lose weight was to eat everything in moderation and of course count the calories. The first time I lost like 50 pounds I ate pretty much whatever I wanted (lean cuisine paninis and pizzas are delicious, nomnomnom) and Ii still lost weight. =/
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    So sick of the low-carb crap. Unless there's a medical reason for it, IDGI.

    Yes, I've lost weight. I've lost 23 pounds in a month and a half without eating low carb. Several years ago I lost 50 without worrying about them.
  • earlswimsuit
    Weight loss is 80% diet and 20 % exercise so?
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    Yep, 50 lbs. However, as I get closer to my goal, it's vital that I get enough (100g) of protein for my ideal body composition since I'm lifting, so I usually don't have the calories for more than 100g of carbs. They certainly won't derail your weight loss though.
  • poponastick302
    poponastick302 Posts: 77 Member
    Eating to much of any thing will cause weight gain. protein, carbs, or fat. Carbs just have a bad rep for no reason in my eyes. Eat food you like and keep to your calories and macros.

    This guy.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I am a carb girl all the way. Most of my calories come from healthy fruits, vegetables, and high-fiber whole-grain carbs (not refined sugars and highly processed crap) and I've never been overweight. Unless you are insulin resistant, I can't think of why you'd need to cut them out.
  • leftoverbun
    leftoverbun Posts: 111 Member
    Yes, but I've only managed to stick with a diet like that for a few months at a time, and of course I gained the weight back. I guess the LCHF diet is for me, because it's allowed me to lose more than twice as much as any diet I'd tried in the past, and stay on it for 16 months. I just believe for me, carbs led me to overeat, whereas fat & protein do not.
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    I haven't given up carbs and have lost over 30lbs. I just limit my calories and make healthier choices ( whole wheat ETC). BTW I started MFP after I had already started losing
  • gtslow
    gtslow Posts: 12 Member
    The first 33 pounds that I lost were by making small adjustments to my diet and not snacking on junk food. The last 25 pounds have been lost and maintained by eating a lower carb diet with the occasional cheat day or meal. When I say "low carb" I don't mean meat and fat only. I eat a ton of vegetables to get lots of fiber and nutrients and maintain satiety by eating fats and proteins. As others have mentioned they feel less hungry all the time than people who have a carb centered diet. I would do what works for you and what you can get results with. At the end of the day it is all about eating less calories than your body burns, but your body is an extremely complex machine and what you ingest and what you do with it can have some effect.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    thanks everyone
  • Jacqualynne
    Jacqualynne Posts: 9 Member
    Lots of people are able to lose weight without restricting carbs, for other it's a different story
    From my understanding its to do with insulin, almost like a pre diabetes
    Some people, when they have a carb hit the body treats it with too much insulin and the carbs are not converted for energy but sent directly to the fat cell!
    This is why people like me and others never find carbs satisfying and often overindulge in carbs because the energy never avails itself
    It's interesting that this situation isn't more widely recognised, it is with horses, some breeds are very predisposed to weight gain & the problems associated with it ie founder
  • TiffanyWasmer
    TiffanyWasmer Posts: 190 Member
    As with lots of things, I don't think there is a "right" answer to this question...but I wil tell you MY story! I have been using Weight Watchers then MyFitnessPal for over a year now. I tried eating more, eating less...then eating whatever ;) I would lose and gain the same 3-4 pounds over and over and over.
    Until about a month ago when I started having all of these horrible symptoms (hypoglocemic incidents) where my blood sugar would spike then CRASH down to around 60. My doctor told me to start following an "insulin resistant" diet where I cut out all refined sugar and refined starches. I've still been eating a couple of servings of whole grain bread a day and fruits and veggies and I'm down 5 pounds in two weeks! Plus I feel much much better.
    So I guess it all depends on the person :flowerforyou: Congrats on your success so far!
  • WAHMto5
    WAHMto5 Posts: 375 Member
    I do not/have not restricted anything during my weight loss. I just eat everything in moderation;)
  • bluedevil005
    bluedevil005 Posts: 59 Member
    I don't restrict any particular food group, just calories. Yes, reducing my overall caloric intake did mean my carbs were reduced (but so was everything else).
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
  • bluedevil005
    bluedevil005 Posts: 59 Member
    You're right, eating pizza and potato chips all the time isn't healthy, even if it does fit in your calories. But eating it occasionally, especially if it fits in your calories, isn't a bad thing! Mentally, it's an AWESOME thing in my opinion. Food isn't inherently good or bad. Carrots and salmon are good--but if you eat too much of them, you're missing out on other nutrients too.

    I can't maintain a lifestyle where certain foods are off limits. If it's less nutritionally beneficial, and high calorie, then I just try to limit my portion size or limit how often I eat it.
  • bluedevil005
    bluedevil005 Posts: 59 Member
    You're right, eating pizza and potato chips all the time isn't healthy, even if it does fit in your calories. But eating it occasionally, especially if it fits in your calories, isn't a bad thing! Mentally, it's an AWESOME thing in my opinion. Food isn't inherently good or bad. Carrots and salmon are good--but if you eat too much of them, you're missing out on other nutrients too.

    I can't maintain a lifestyle where certain foods are off limits. "No refined or processed food" or "no fast food"... The people I see who do that, tend to binge more on other stuff. OR even the stuff they said was off limits. I DO eat those things, in moderation, and I exercise, and I'm way healthier than any of them.

    My method: If it's less nutritionally beneficial, and high calorie, then I just try to limit my portion size or limit how often I eat it.

    That was directed at jessicalysenek.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I keep trying to reduce my carbs, but I just love carbs and never do too well at reducing them. I have lost 45 pounds regardless, granted its taken me 14 months but by golly I've lost it for good!