Has anyone lost weight WITHOUT reducing carbs?



  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    The first time I was successful doing this, I lost 25 pounds without restricting carbs. As others have said, the magic word is calories. Restrict those, and you'll be successful.

    In fact, I'd venture to say you'll be more successful if you still eat some of the foods you enjoy, as you'll be less likely to cheat. That means worrying less about macros, and more about just eating within your limits.
  • phoenixgirl81
    phoenixgirl81 Posts: 309 Member
    Totally achievable. As of today, i have lost 45.3 kg (or 100 lbs for you non metric folk) in under 11 months without restricting anything but calories. Rice, bread, potatos, pasta, noodles, sugar, beer, etc are all in my food intake so long as they fit within my calorie limit. I don't believe that any one food group is responsible for my weight in the past. Simply that there was too much of it and i didn't move.
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    I am loosing and still eating a fair amount of carbs. I really need them when I am working otherwise I can't do my job. I am trying to eat less refined sugar and increase my protien a little though.
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    I've lost nearly 40 pounds eating at about 55% carbs for the first 20, and about 50% for the last 20ish (still going) I eat around 175 a day now, approximately. Hasn't hindered me. I don't exercise like a maniac, but I do make fitness a priority. I generally work out 4-5 days a week for an average of 30-40 minutes.

    (please keep in mind my carbs are ALL whole grains or vegetables, fruits, etc. No white refined nastyness.)
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Btw I'm sorry if the post was confusing I'm technically not trying to lose I'm trying to maintain.
    So, you've not lost anything, and you're trying to maintain? Sounds perfect! If you are still eating at a deficit - adding in carbs again should cause you to retain extra water which would mask any fat loss on the scale.

    I've never done low-carb and lost all my weight just restricting calories.

    ETA: Oh, and I eat plenty of white refined nastyness. :smile:
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Yes. I just counted calories.

    The thing is, it's not so much about reducing carbs as reducing everything but trying to keep protein up to maintain LBM. And in order to do this, you'll find you have to reduce other things to meet your calorie goals. Since carbs are calorie dense and it is not necessary to eat the 300g+ of carbs you probably ate a day, reducing carbs will help. So rather than it being a low carb diet, it becomes a lower carb diet IYSWIM.

    Now, my biggest mistake when dieting was to focus too much on calories and not enough on protein. Whilst I got leaner, I lost a fair bit of LBM. I'm not saying you have to focus on all the macros but just eat more meat (horse or otherwise :bigsmile: ) whilst keeping your total calorie intake lower than it used to be.

    Christ, to think I only meant to reply with "Yes."

    tl;dr: aim for your calorie goal by eating more protein but eat carbs if you want.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    I'm losing weight & my carbs are at like 150 & I usually eat like 1,350 cals/ day.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I am eating carbs and am currently losing. I eat bread, pasta, fruits, -some- sugar (moderately of course), etc... I see myself 15 years from now still eating carbs, so why cut them out? Just learn what A serving is rather than going no or low carb. A lot of people who cut the carbs out have success...and good for them. But in order for something to work, it has to be something you can live with and sustain...and going no or low carb would have failed me with in a week (I know myself lol).
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member

    Reading this thread sort of concerned me - people are saying they eat what they want and get weight loss. But what about being healthy? Eating pizza, potato chips and a hamburger may be in 1200 for the day, but is high in salt and is just not good for providing the minerals and so on that your body needs to function!!!

    I just want to stress that... it's not just how many calories. What you take in is SO VITAL for your health. You will lose weight by cutting calories, but have fun with low energy, higher chances of heart disease and liver failure etc...

    There are many healthy whole foods that are super yummy :) salmon fillet is my favourite! lots of carrots and broccoli too.
  • calisunrise
    25 lbs off without reducing carbs.
    but my carbs mostly come from whole grains, fruit and vegetables
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    YES!!! I AM A CARB GIRL<<< i do 2 to 3 hours cardio a day,, i need the fuel!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    To me, not eating carbs isn't sustainable. Might be for some people, but not for me! My carb intake has reduced, but that's just because I find that protein keeps me fuller at work. I considered cutting out carbs, but the thought of no potato, or rice, or pasta, or cake, makes me want to cry. Which is ok, because turns out I didn't need to, all I needed to do was cut my calorie intake/increase my exercise.

    I do pay attention to how many carbs I eat now, but that's as part of my overall macros, not with an aim to reducing them. I just want to make sure I've got a healthy balance between food groups and that I'm getting good nutrition, because when you're eating reduced calories it's so important... not as much chance to get everything you need into your body!
  • noneysuperstar
    Absolutely Yes! Ive lost 7lbs already, 2lbs since joining this site. I have not taken any foods out of my diet, Im a busy mum i need carbs for energy but I am staying within my alloted calories and doing 3 half hour walks a week. I hate exercising but i am managing the walks. What I love about this site is the way exercise gains you additional calories for the day. So my reward for exercising is food - great motivation. I know if I walk that day I can have toast for supper and Im still loosing weight! :smile:
  • c2h5m8h6
    c2h5m8h6 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm just wondering if it is possible to lose weight without giving up carbs or restricting them . Without exercising like a maniac or becoming a body builder is it really possible to lose weight without going low carb? I'm coming off a low carb diet it helped me lose most of my weight. Since adding carbs back I have not lost anything. I just want to know if it's possible or do I just need more patience ?
    I havent restricted anything from my diet ive just made my meals smaller i still have carbs crisps cake chocolate pizza etc and have lost 33lbs so far :D x
  • hyenagirl
    hyenagirl Posts: 206 Member
    It can't be done. I can't lose weight on high carb. It's a myth that weight loss is just about calorie restriction. 1200 calories of Doritos will have a different effect on your body than 1200 calories of seal liver. I was once eating 1400 calories a day (along with exercise) and it was all carbs. I gained weight like it was going out of style.
  • Mguilmot
    Mguilmot Posts: 232 Member
    I'll tell you even more, I lost the weight with UPPING the carbs ;-)
  • sharimwilliamson
    yes and no. I restrict and almost totally eliminate simple carbs, but my diet consists almost completely of complex carbs. There is a huge difference. And I FIRMLY believe that to be at your ultimate health level you MUST include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  • sharimwilliamson

    Reading this thread sort of concerned me - people are saying they eat what they want and get weight loss. But what about being healthy? Eating pizza, potato chips and a hamburger may be in 1200 for the day, but is high in salt and is just not good for providing the minerals and so on that your body needs to function!!!

    I just want to stress that... it's not just how many calories. What you take in is SO VITAL for your health. You will lose weight by cutting calories, but have fun with low energy, higher chances of heart disease and liver failure etc...

    There are many healthy whole foods that are super yummy :) salmon fillet is my favourite! lots of carrots and broccoli too.

    I so agree with this. It always concerns me when people are only concerned with losing weight and not about what they are eating. They say I didn't change what I ate, just how much. Me I changed what I ate! I will be 50 years old next month and I am in better shape than at most other times of my life! If you TRULY focus on being healthy the pounds will also come off.
  • tdfarmer
    tdfarmer Posts: 176 Member
    Yes it is possible. Maybe not the health way of doing it. I lost about 37 lbs doing it, but I reduced calories hoping to reduce cholesterol and glucose levels. One year later it did work but not as good as I had hoped and glucose levels still high.