I can't do this...

That phrase hasn't popped into my head since yesterday. I don't understand why I am feeling this way. I started on Wednesday and since than, I have been eating multiple salads, baked chicken, more fruit, less sweets, yogurt and rice cakes. I haven't gone over calorie wise and I should be very proud.
Fast forward 6 days and here I am.... Thinking that I really can't do this. I'm sure It's just my depression coming into play with another aspect of my life. Wonderful.
Does anyone else have days like this but, come out on top? This attitude sucks and I am a positive thinker, what am I doing?


  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Completely normal. Just keep going.
  • Squirrel_52696
    I suggest getting a monthly calendar to have the satisfaction of putting big red 'X's on the days as you count down. That being said, it takes 21 days to change a habit. So just stick with it. Your body and brain are at odds with the new changes and that will change. I'm not saying you're not going to hit periods that seem like set backs (the dreaded plateau) but it will happen. And I've seen my weight creep up to 15 pounds over my last weigh in at times (my story is water weight and I'm sticking to it). Just keep it going! Seeing all the red Xs you've made so far when you hit those periods is a great sense of accomplishment and a fantastic reminder of the excellent work you're doing!
  • onefatwife
    onefatwife Posts: 23 Member
    Just keep telling yourself that "you can do this." The stress of life overwhelms me sometimes. I just thought the same thing you did today. I have so much to do, I didn't find time to workout all weekend. I'm determined to make time. I'm gonna push forward no matter what. Hang in there, it's ok to have an off day sometimes.
  • aliceguy
    aliceguy Posts: 128 Member
    I think you need to set realistic goals, and once u see the scales moving down, it gives you encouragement......now that that is out of the way, just get to it, u started this yourself because u want to change. Well ok then, no one else can change u, you need to do it....come on champ, get going....u are what u put in to your body.....keep at it!
  • Princess_Sameen
    Princess_Sameen Posts: 290 Member
    We have all days like this! But if you want it badly enough you will push pass the feelings and carry on.....I suffer with depression and it can niggle at you all the time! I give it a firm kick and tell it to go away! lol you can do it just keep telling yourself you can and have been doing it! the feeling will soon pass :flowerforyou:
  • griffsdad512
    Add some friends who are going through it too. Add me if you'd like.
  • Roundnolonger
    Well done for eating so well since Wednesday, that is awesome. You can do this, and you are doing it. You are going to feel great. Yes we all have these moments where it feels too hard. Keep fighting and stay determined. Add more protein into your food eg almonds, chickpeas, yogurt etc, they tend to make you feel fuller for longer. You are doing this and you are continuing to make your life healthier and fitter. Good job and stay strong!
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    I'm currently struggling.
    I have come to the conclusion that I am literally a food addict.
    Every day is a battle. Some days are great, some not so great, and some that I should be proud of
    but was emotionally exhausting.
    It's getting better, as I'm retraining my brain.
    I recently saw something someone had written. I cried when I read it.

    Alcoholics can stop drinking, heroin addicts can go to rehab,
    but overeaters can't just stop eating. They NEED to eat.
    All it takes to fail is one more bite...
  • jessi2121
    Yes its ok to have days like this even several in a row. I have had many days that I even just think oh forget it. I have lost about 50lbs and every step of the way was not easy. You will have days that you feel great and on top of the world. Also calorie counting is hard if you need more then your getting replace foods that are not good for you with veggies and fruits, this is how I started out just not eating unhealthy foods. Less meats and dairy and more living foods. This is a great way to to drop pounds all in it self. You don't always have to go by the calories. Its great to know how much you have had and keep an eye on that but you will not do well if your only looking at numbers. The way I stated out was reading a book called Fit for life. This book changed my way of thinking about food completely and helped me gain control of my health. Also I had many heath problems that no doctor could seem to fix. So I changed the way i ate and I feel almost 100% Better. Even little things such as really bad heart burn went away and I still eat the foods that I thought caused this. So im not saying that I know everything but I truly believe that this way of eating changed my life and I'm not going back. Hope this helps you out I really think you should check out this book it may be just what you need to believe you can do this.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Yes, every now and then. And it is completely normal, and I always come out on top.

    I'm not sure what your situation is like, but I started off with over 100lb to lose and it seemed so daunting, and every now and then I'd think about it too much and I'd lose all confidence in myself.

    I started off by breaking my big goal into little goals, i.e, 'when I reach x amount I'd have lost 10% of my body weight', etc. That made it seem much more manageable.

    Also, don't cut out anything you can't give up forever. Treat yourself, just in moderation. I think sometimes we make living healthily much harder than it has to be, which is why so many people give up.
  • Kaathmandu
    Where are you at hormonally? I know for me there's a day or two every month where it is all no good, and I might as well take to bed with chocolate. :cry: ... but if I hang in there, it all gets better ... stick it out, see if you feel better in a couple of days.
    You CAN do it
    ... you ARE doing it!!
    Good luck, hang tough, it is worth it :flowerforyou:
  • emma155
    emma155 Posts: 152
    Yep happends all the time to me but you need to keep going because it gets easier, after 3 weeks you will feel like your amazing coz you have lost alot of weight already and that you never want to turn back. At the stage you are at its difficult because you have just started! Please keep going you will thank me in 7 weeks time :)
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    you are not alone.. i go through the 'i don't want to do this' stages too . ive lost 80lbs
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    I feel like that too sometimes, most days you WON'T feel like eating healthy/exercising. What makes the difference is you just have to do it anyway. I don't always feel like washing my dishes, or brushing my teeth, but does that mean I don't do it? No! Just do it anyway until the feeling goes away.
  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member
    If you say you can... then you can.

    If you say you can't.. then you won't.

    Wake up and tackle each day the best that you can, put a smile on, and work through it.

    The hardest days will end up making the best memories in the end when you look back, and remember all that you have accomplished.
  • undertoe
    undertoe Posts: 3 Member
    I started my diet on the same day, 3 days later my monthly visitor dropped on, which threw off my weight-loss goals. I know this is both bad and good motivation, but I used something someone said to me that really hurt, and I'm using that as my motivation. The hurtful quote is posted on my door, with the word "NOT" inserted in the put-down. I was told, when I turned 30, that my cheating fiancee was leaving me for another woman, because I was "Too Old and Too Fat to be Loved." That quote stuck around with me, now it's on my door, "I'm NOT Too Old and NOT Too Fat to be Loved." I have a new man, a Navy man, and he's gone for awhile on deployment. He thinks my body is beautiful, "Gods natural canvas, a work of art, beauty at it's finest." I want to lose some weight by the time he gets back. Every time I want one of my comfort foods, or something I shouldn't have, I look at the quote on the door, and I think about when my sweetie comes home and sees me pounds lighter!
    I have almost strayed so many times, just have a fixed goal in your mind, summer beach weather, a trip, a wedding, whatever will push you through this, and if you mess up 1 day, it's 1 day, push a little harder the next day, and work toward that goal!
    So, my advice, YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! Have a fixed goal in mind (an event, a date, something that can't be undone), and work toward that goal. If you mess up 1 day, it's 1 day, or 1 meal. Don't beat yourself up over it, it's 1 out of 7 in a week (when I was in school 6 out of 7 was still a passing grade), just figure out an alternative, make a better choice next time, and work through this!
    If it's a sugar craving in the middle of the night, I have found a way to deal with that for myself. If you's soda (for me soda and I had a long love affair, over 25 years!), I found a way to cut it out of my life. If you can't resist office sweets, bring fruit, or something you just can't resist (it also makes you feel fuller, and full of vitamins).
    Just keep your head up, walk tall, and push past this, it's normal, but you can do it!!!
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    It's easier to stick with it than to start over - I just heard that quote at the weekend and I think it's awesome.
  • carlosapolinarioferreira
    Hello, I just started not to long ago myself, and yes I understand that yes we have always keep our goals and never forget about them. Always say that you could and you will do it. :smile:

    Take me for example, it have been so may years that I haven´t had the courage to even start a weight loss program. Just being her and reading posts makes me feel go. Because before I was always under the impression I was never ever able and I never really tried. Certain aspects like hoping on my scale I have at home and not able to give me a ready doesn´t really put a smile on my face. One thing is for sure, I think it is possible, we could all do this...
  • rachjenn
    If you've changed your food recently, you're bound to feel differently. All those hormones flying all over the place will definitely change if you've changed your food. If I was you I'd introduce a little of the foods you used to eat into your diet, that might help with the mood - it might hinder weight loss in the short term, but it's worth it if it keeps you enjoying the diet/ weight loss. If you associate bad feelings with eating healthy then you're not likely to keep at it.