

  • talk to your doctor :) they can sometimes prescribe stuff, plus they will know about anything that can effect ur other meds :)
  • i like that u cited your sources, lol. its cool that you posted the links where u got ur info as help for us to look it up too
  • u are so beautiful!!
  • from a veggie perspective, green beans and peas are very high in protien. yogurt, peanut butter, protien shakes. i actually sometimes use coco protien powder as hot chocolate mix. chick peas are pretty good, and they can be roasted and great for snacks and side dished
  • idividual jellos are good, 100 cal packs of nuts or crackers, do u have a freezer and microwave? if so, id recommend any of the frozen products from boca or morning star. my roommate my freshman year always kept their chichen patties in our freezer. Cereal or course, and ziplocks. those are a few things from my first year.…
  • do what you want, i would say be consistant with it though. make a desition. some people will say midnight, others when you go to sleep. personally, i put it where i need it, lol. but pick one and stick with that for yourself
  • u look great! congrats on the weight loss! as long as ur happy and feel healthy dont let anyone take away from your amazing weightloss :)
  • many chanin stores have it near the vegi section, :) in mine its right next to the salads and near the vegi dogs
  • if you are getting your vitamins and minerals from what you are eating and you arent feeling sluggish and tired, then i think that it is ok
  • i have three now, two more i want :) im getting my next one at goal :)
  • ya, this is all about calories, so you should count them. but, this is about you and your weightloss and if you would feel better about not logging them, but you are logging the rest and that makes you feel good, do that :) and welcome :)
    in Veggies Comment by catecn July 2011
  • because in breaststroke you have a lot more resistance from the water, its more of an effort to more forward. if you are pushing hard and not using it as ur leaiure rest time then ya, it would be about the same.
  • id put it as yoga or pilates cuz of all the toning.
    in Slim in 6 Comment by catecn July 2011
  • i guess i see your point, but that would mean they gained like 5 lbs of muscle in a week if they should have lost. I mean, toward the end when they are thinning, totally agree. but in general that would be a ton of muscle to be putting on in such a short time
  • if you have time, aim for an extra hr of sleep a night, i know that its not possible for a lot of people, but think about taping tv shows you like, or reading while on an exercise bike and sleep. try a week of a raw diet, for most people its not sustanable, no animal products, but it might shock your body into dropping…
    in :( Comment by catecn July 2011
  • if your eating enough, and your extra calories are from exercising, i think you are fine. :)
  • yes, it totally works. and since ur doing it at home, probably alone it wont really matter what other people think u look like. also, who cares? ur arms get toned
  • i love hummum, it might by my favorite food, and its a goof snacking option, but its also VERY easy to turn it into something unhealthy. prepackaged, and homemade, depending on what kind it is has 35-70cals in 2 taglespoons. great for a snack, but if you are trying to replace unhealthy meals with it, you are in for…
    in Hummus! Comment by catecn July 2011
  • i found nuphedragen to be good at suppressing my appitite and giving me energy. you can only order online, at least i havent found it in stores. hydroxcut made me break out in hives. but thats just my personal experience
  • wow. `1. thanks for letting us know 2. THANK YOU for adding it to the data base! u are awsum :)
  • do you have stairs in your house? go up and down them a few times. leg lifts from a chair,lay on ur back and do air bicycles
  • how is ur bloodpressure? if it is normal, then for now id worry about calories. also, eating high soduim meals with broccoli helps to counteract the sodium
    in sodium Comment by catecn July 2011
  • well, usually liquid diets, at least when drs perscribe it b4 surgery or sutever they want CLEAR liquids, so broths, jellos, sprite etc. so i think thinks like tomatoe soup, it depends what you think. BUT if u decide its ok, id stay away from cmeamy soups, make sense?
  • hey! so the ones that I use the most are GeniSoy, Vega, and MEtagenics. THey all come in plain, choco, vanilla, strawberry, etc. also, a little trick i picked up, buys some of those flavor concentrates from he baking aisle (almond, rum, peppermint, etc). I add a single drop or two to the entire shake when i make it and i…
  • while im not in your situation, i used to be. I let comments about my weight get to me, and get really unhealthy to make them stop and gained a lot of fat. Im sorry people dont understant, just be healthy and try not to let what others say get to you
  • hands, totally! great workout!! however, i wouldnt recommend ever adding ankle weights. it changes your bodies balance and you are more likely to fall or spain something
  • cario, because of your heart rate
    in Banana Diet? Comment by catecn July 2011
  • not really much evidence to back it up for breakfast you eat as many bananas and only bananas. then nothing till lunch, but you can have whatever you want for lunch and dinner. the only way i can see this working is if you have a high caloric breakfast and you are replacing it with the bananas.
    in Banana Diet? Comment by catecn July 2011
  • depends what you are drinking. stick with spritzers or drinks on the rocks