HCG Diet - Not a Good IDEA!

Haters are gonna be haters... Enjoy!

With that being said it is my OPINION that the HCG diet is by far one of the worst ideas that for some reason many American's have grasped onto. It is interesting how so many people jump head first into what they believe is the easiest way to loosing weight without thinking about the consequences. Dr. Oz (not one of my favorite people... but eh) actually has research to prove that this "diet" if you can call it a diet is extremely dangerous. Then again -- Eating 500 calories a day is dangerous. It doesn't take a doctor to figure that out.

Here are a few highlights...

1) You don’t keep the weight off. Decades of research have demonstrated that if you diet by eating only 500 calories a day, you regain a lot of weight after the diet ends.

2) Common sense tells us that starving is not very good for our bodies. In fact, scientists have proven this as well. If you only eat 500 calories a day, there are serious health risks.

3) The hormone HCG has never been approved to be in any product sold directly to consumers. The leader of the FDA’s Internet and Fraud Team has said all such products are illegal. (So those of you that are buying it of the internet are either not buying the real thing or are doing something illegal)

Furthermore... "The HCG diet pills contain small doses of HCG to help your body tap into stored fat and burn it off. They also suppress your appetite so you can consume as little as 500 calories a day. Initially, this diet may help you rapidly drop pounds. Ultimately, it destroys your metabolism, as you are essentially starving yourself. Another negative side effect is the loss of muscle mass, so much that you will no longer be able to effectively burn calories." (Diets Dr. Oz Would Never Try)

Also... "he hormone is known to cause headaches, blood clots, leg cramps, temporary hair thinning, constipation, and breast tenderness. The FDA has received at least one recent report of an HCG dieter developing a pulmonary embolism, a potentially fatal blood clot in the lung, says agency spokesperson Shelly Burgess. Yet, the hormone's full risk profile is unknown." (US HEALTH) Sounds like a wonder drug?? I don't think so...

I used this information to back up my post.

Angry comments commence! I am in a bit of a combative and sassy mood today... However, I probably won't post about this again. I have deleted many friends who were eating 500 calories a day... Doing the HCG diet and seeing results! Wow... sounds too good to be true! That is because it is too good to be true. Read the facts people... Stop starving yourselves. If you want to starve yourself, MFP isn't really the place for it because that is not what this is about. Nothing is easy... Especially loosing weight.


  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
  • sarahlong09
    Get em killer!!!!
  • runnermel
    runnermel Posts: 278
    love this post!
  • catecn
    catecn Posts: 84
    i like that u cited your sources, lol. its cool that you posted the links where u got ur info as help for us to look it up too
  • kellywaller1
    I totally agree!!!! well said!!!
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    I really hope that everyone sees this.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Yes, you have the opinion (as do I) that it is a terrible idea, but at least you can back it up with some fact. There is no fact behind HCG being a good idea, just opinion.
  • bethgarzonie
    Thanks for that. My step daughter was on that diet for a while. Bad stuff!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    This topic is starting off very mildly. I bet it won't stay this way!

    Eating only 500 calories does not at all seem to me to be the easy way to lose weight. That is such a small amount of food!
  • bethgarzonie
    Love your pic!>dayzeerock
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    The Better Business Bureau of Minnesota issued an alert as well. This stuff is dangerous.

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've never heard of this diet, but then again once I heard "500 calories a day" I'd move on because there is no way I could live on that. I hate feeling hungry.
  • dosesr4winners20
    I'm on the HcG modified 800/daily. Never any side effects and being limited has forced me to make smart choices. Now veggies are second nature to me. Getting fast results has kept me motivated too.

    There's nothing wrong with this diet. It's done in 28 day cycles and is not intended for long term to stay on it. the weight doesn't just pile back on either. that's untrue. you should try it before you knock it.

    If someone is obese then the weight loss of about 30 lbs in 30 days most certainly outweighs the continued neg. effects on their health.
  • Hollirot
    Hollirot Posts: 92 Member
    When I first heard about the HCG diet, I was intrigued. I visited several websites that were selling HCG drops. One of my favorites raved about how fabulous the drops were, then in small print near the bottom of the site it stated that the drops were NOT recommended for human intake because although the people the HCG came from were tested for HIV & other diseases, there was no way to be completely sure that they didn't have these diseases.

    Oh. My. God.

    What a HUGE risk to take in order to get skinny.

    I'll stick to the old fashioned way of a healthy diet & exercise to shed my unwanted pounds!
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    If you don't support HCG, you should put the picture in my sig into your sig. :D

    Quick Fixes with FDA unapproved products made only for profitable gain = Bad idea. Why don't you just take amphetamines instead and only ingest water?
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    If someone is obese then the weight loss of about 30 lbs in 30 days most certainly outweighs the continued neg. effects on their health.

    Quickness is not necessarily a great thing with weight loss. And no, if they could lose weight healthily and not have the risks, why not do it that way?
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    When I first heard about the HCG diet, I was intrigued. I visited several websites that were selling HCG drops. One of my favorites raved about how fabulous the drops were, then in small print near the bottom of the site it stated that the drops were NOT recommended for human intake because although the people the HCG came from were tested for HIV & other diseases, there was no way to be completely sure that they didn't have these diseases.

    Oh. My. God.

    What a HUGE risk to take in order to get skinny.

    I'll stick to the old fashioned way of a healthy diet & exercise to shed my unwanted pounds!

    Wait, what? They suck something out of people then throw it in a bottle and sell it? Ew! I don't want to take other peoples body fluids, or tissue, or whatever they take to lose weight. If my options were that or stay fat, I'd stay fat!
  • Hollirot
    Hollirot Posts: 92 Member
    When I first heard about the HCG diet, I was intrigued. I visited several websites that were selling HCG drops. One of my favorites raved about how fabulous the drops were, then in small print near the bottom of the site it stated that the drops were NOT recommended for human intake because although the people the HCG came from were tested for HIV & other diseases, there was no way to be completely sure that they didn't have these diseases.

    Oh. My. God.

    What a HUGE risk to take in order to get skinny.

    I'll stick to the old fashioned way of a healthy diet & exercise to shed my unwanted pounds!

    Wait, what? They suck something out of people then throw it in a bottle and sell it? Ew! I don't want to take other peoples body fluids, or tissue, or whatever they take to lose weight. If my options were that or stay fat, I'd stay fat!

    Yes. HCG is a human hormone. It's produced during pregnancy, but is also produced in the pituitary gland of both males & females.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Thanks for this post.... it drives me crazy when I read about those fad diets and I'm going to save this post to refer to.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    When I first heard about the HCG diet, I was intrigued. I visited several websites that were selling HCG drops. One of my favorites raved about how fabulous the drops were, then in small print near the bottom of the site it stated that the drops were NOT recommended for human intake because although the people the HCG came from were tested for HIV & other diseases, there was no way to be completely sure that they didn't have these diseases.

    Oh. My. God.

    What a HUGE risk to take in order to get skinny.

    I'll stick to the old fashioned way of a healthy diet & exercise to shed my unwanted pounds!

    Wait, what? They suck something out of people then throw it in a bottle and sell it? Ew! I don't want to take other peoples body fluids, or tissue, or whatever they take to lose weight. If my options were that or stay fat, I'd stay fat!

    I've seen on the websites that sell them that they are produced using pregnant lady pee.